PSA B2C Connected Car API
This is the description of the Groupe PSA Connected Car V2 API. The speccification is is based on OpenAPI Specification version 3 and can be displayed via ReDoca or Swagger.
This API allows applications to fetch data from the connected Vehicles data platform.
PSA Connected Car APIs uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication and Authorization. any application require a valid Access Token to access to user data.
Error codes returned by all REST APIs comply with the standard. Nevertheless, PSA Services (callers) need to have more complete data structures (even when the answer is not Http-OK) to better detail the type of error by providing application code, message and a debugging code(for investigation purposes). The http code of the response is managed by the protocol itself (in the header).
Errors are returned as a generic error response:
object model.
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 4.0
- Package version: 4.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
TripsApi | get_path_for_trip | GET /user/trips/{tid}/wayPoints | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_path_for_trip_0 | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid}/wayPoints | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_telemetry_for_trip | GET /user/trips/{tid}/telemetry | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_telemetry_for_trip_0 | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid}/telemetry | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_trip_by_vehicle | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_trips_by_vehicle | GET /user/trips/{tid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_trips_by_vehicle_0 | GET /user/trips/{tid}/ecoaching | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_trips_by_vehicle_1 | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_trips_by_vehicle_2 | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid}/ecoaching | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_user_collision_by_tip_by_id | GET /user/trips/{tid}/collisions/{cid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_user_collisions_by_trip_id | GET /user/trips/{tid}/collisions | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_user_trip_alert_by_aid | GET /user/trips/{tid}/alerts/{aid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_user_trip_alerts | GET /user/trips/{tid}/alerts | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_user_trips | GET /user/trips | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_vehicle_collision_by_tip_by_id | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid}/collisions/{cid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_vehicle_collisions_by_trip_id | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid}/collisions | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_vehicle_trip_alert_by_aid | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid}/alerts/{aid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
TripsApi | get_vehicle_trip_alerts | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/trips/{tid}/alerts | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
UserApi | get_user | GET /user | User's information |
VehiclesApi | delete_monitordd | DELETE /user/vehicles/{id}/monitors/{mid} | Delete a Monitor. OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | get_car_last_position | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/lastPosition | Last position identified |
VehiclesApi | get_telemetry | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/telemetry | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_alerts | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/alerts | |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_alerts_by_id | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/alerts/{aid} | |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_byid | GET /user/vehicles/{id} | Details of vehicule |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_collision | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/collisions | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_collision_by_id | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/collisions/{cid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_maintenance | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/maintenance | |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_monitors | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/monitors | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_monitors_by_id | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/monitors/{mid} | OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicle_status | GET /user/vehicles/{id}/status | Vehicle status. |
VehiclesApi | get_vehicles_by_device | GET /user/vehicles | List of vehicules |
VehiclesApi | set_fleet_vehicle_monitor_status | PUT /user/vehicles/{id}/monitors/{mid}/status | Set a new monitor status. OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | set_vehicle_monitor | POST /user/vehicles/{id}/monitors | Create a new Monitor. OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
VehiclesApi | update_fleet_vehicle_monitor | PUT /user/vehicles/{id}/monitors/{mid} | Update and existing Monitor. OUT OF 1ST RELEASE (R-LEV 1.1) SCOPE |
- Adas
- AdasParkAssist
- Alert
- AlertEndPosition
- AlertLinks
- AlertMsgEnum
- Alerts
- AlertsEmbedded
- Battery
- BoundedProgram
- ChargingStatusEnum
- CircleZone
- CircleZoneCoordinates
- CollectionResult
- Collision
- CollisionLinks
- CollisionObj
- CollisionObjFront
- Collisions
- CollisionsEmbedded
- CreatedAtField
- DataMonitorTrigger
- DataTrigger
- DefaultAlertPush
- DefaultAlertPushAttributes
- DoorsState
- DoorsStateOpening
- ECoaching
- ECoachingLinks
- ECoachingScores
- Energy
- Engine
- EngineOil
- Environment
- EnvironmentLuminosity
- Event
- EventLinks
- Extension
- ExtensionType
- Geometry
- Ignition
- IndexRange
- Kinetic
- Lighting
- Link
- Maintenance
- MaintenanceLinks
- MaintenanceObj
- Monitor
- MonitorId
- MonitorLinks
- MonitorParameter
- MonitorParameterTriggerParam
- MonitorRef
- MonitorRefLinks
- MonitorStatus
- MonitorStatusSetter
- MonitorSubscribe
- MonitorSubscribeBatchNotify
- MonitorSubscribeRetryPolicy
- MonitorTrigger
- MonitorWebhook
- MonitorWebhookAttributes
- Monitors
- MonitorsEmbedded
- OverallAutonomy
- Point
- PolygonZone
- Position
- PositionProperties
- Preconditioning
- PreconditioningAirConditioning
- PreconditioningProgram
- Privacy
- Program
- ProgramOccurence
- Safety
- ServiceType
- Status
- StatusEmbedded
- StatusExtensionType
- StatusLinks
- TabLinks
- Telemetry
- TelemetryEmbedded
- TelemetryEnum
- TelemetryExtension
- TelemetryExtensionType
- TelemetryMessage
- TelemetryMessageEmbedded
- TelemetryMessageVehicle
- TelemetryMessageVehicleBrakingSystem
- TelemetryMessageVehicleTransmission
- TelemetryMessageVehicleTransmissionGearbox
- TelemetryMessageVehicleTransmissionGearboxGear
- TelemetryMessageVehicleTransmissionGearboxMode
- TimeMonitorTrigger
- TimeRange
- TimeStamped
- TimeTrigger
- TimeZoneMonitorTrigger
- TimeZoneTrigger
- Trip
- TripAvgConsumption
- TripLinks
- Trips
- TripsEmbedded
- UpdatedField
- Url
- User
- UserEmbedded
- UserLinks
- Vect2D
- Vehicle
- VehicleEngine
- VehicleLinks
- VehicleOdometer
- Vehicles
- VehiclesEmbedded
- WayPoints
- WayPointsEmbedded
- XError
- ZoneMonitorTrigger
- ZoneTrigger
- ZoneTriggerPlace
- ZoneTriggerPlaceCenter
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: implicit
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- Collision_read: read Collision related data
- Maintenance_read: read Maintenance related data
- Status_read: read Vehicle related status
- Telemetry_read: read Telemetry related data
- Trip_read: read Trip related data
- Vehicle_read: read Vehicle related data
- alert_read: read alert related data
- alert_write: create, modify or delete alerte
- localisation_read: read location related data
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: client_id
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-introspect-realm
- Location: HTTP header