A ROS development package for tools and features related to omnidirectional cameras
Currently this package has been tested with ROS noetic running on Unbuntu 20.04. Please make sure to have a ROS installation ready to go. To install, follow these standard steps.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/akorycki/omni_vision.git
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
This node undistorts ROS image messages using omnidirectional camera intrinsic parameters and a standard radial-tangential distortion model. The node takes a calibration YAML file provided by the Kalibr calibration tool. The yaml file follows the following format.
cam_overlaps: []
camera_model: omni
distortion_coeffs: [k1, k2, r1, r2]
distortion_model: radtan
intrinsics: [xi, fx, fy, cx, cy]
resolution: [width, height]
rostopic: /my_camera/image_raw
Additionally, the omni_rect node takes in the following ROS parameters.
new_width<int>: width of undistorted image
new_height<int>: height of undistorted image
rectification_type<string>: type of rectification [perspective, cylindrical, stereographic, longlat]
For more information on the rectification types, refer to https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/dd/d12/tutorial_omnidir_calib_main.html. An example launch file is proviided for a Kodak PIXPRO ORBIT360 4K camera. To run this node, use the following command.
roslaunch omni_vision kodak_orbit360.launch