The project developed using TensorFlow object detection api to detect unauthorized objects(in this case mobiles) indoors using security cameras/ ip camera/ CCTV cameras... It works in both normal mode & in night vision mode.
A faster R-CNN pretrained model was used with custom dataset to train the detection model "rnn".
Python multi-threading library was used to optimize the rstp stream from the ip camera. A HIK Vision ip camera was used.
Use anaconda.
install tensorflow using : conda install tensorflow-gpu
It will take care of all the necessary drivers to run tensorflow-gpu ...
clone this repository.
install dependencies of tensorflow. follow this guide : TF_INstall
go to Tensorflow-custom-object-detection-with-ip-camera\research & run:
protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=. -
then run: python build
& then : python install
object detection module will be ready to be deployed.
you need to install opencv & imutils library too
pip install imutils
pip install opencv-contrib-python
go to: Tensorflow-custom-object-detection-with-ip-camera\research\object_detection
open & edit it to give your own ipcamera's rstp address.
run : python
you should be good to go.
- Piracy prevention in cinema halls.
- Places where recording devices(mobile) are not allowed.