Edit behat.yml
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smartTag: smartStep # <= default option
Feature: My feature
Scenario: The first scenario
Given the first step
When the second step
Then the third step
Scenario: the second scenario
Given The first scenario
You can reuse a scenario tagged with @smartStep (or your custom tag) as a step.
I want to describe a multi-step form
# features/login.feature
Feature: Login
Scenario: I am logged in as "admin"
Given I am on the login page
When I fill in "Login" with "admin"
And I fill in "Password" with "admin"
And I press "Submit"
Then I should not see "Bad credentials"
# features/form.feature
Feature: Fill in the multistep form
Given I am logged in as "admin" # <= reused scenario
Scenario: I fill in the first step
Given I am on the form page
When I fill in "field1" with "value1"
And I press "Submit"
Then I should be on the step 2 page
Scenario: I fill in the second step
Given I fill in the first step # <= reused scenario
When I fill in "field2" with "value2"
And I press "Submit"
Then I should be on the step 3 page
Scenario: I fill in the third step
Given I fill in the second step # <= reused scenario
When I fill in "field3" with "value3"
And I press "Submit"
Then I should be on the product page