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Quick Start Guide

1. For the impatient

1.1. Setup Environment

For Ubuntu

sh scripts/

For MacOS

sh scripts/

brew install needs admin permission, check here if you got permission errors.

1.2. Build

The build takes 5-20 min, depending on your machine

cargo build --release

1.3. Start the Auticuro cluster

sh scripts/

Usually, within 5 seconds, the cluster starts up successfully, and one peer becomes leader and print:

[2023/03/23 10:29:49.327 +08:00] [INFO] [] ["became leader at term 22"] [term=22] [raft_id=1] [region_id=1]
[2023/03/23 10:29:49.327 +08:00] [INFO] [] ["becomes leader with lease"] [peer_id=1] [region_id=1]

1.4. Send Requests to the Cluster

Create two accounts, and transfer money from one account to another, then check their balance and balance change history.

sh scripts/

The terminal will print:

[2023/03/23 11:12:47.303 +08:00] [INFO] [] ["Account created for ben with initial balance 0.0"]
[2023/03/23 11:12:47.318 +08:00] [INFO] [] ["Account created for tony with initial balance 0.0"]
[2023/03/23 11:12:47.337 +08:00] [INFO] [] ["Wallet.transfer() is called, elapsed: 2ms, response: header {seq_num: 3 log_index: 9} request {dedup_id: \"1234567890\" transfer_spec {amount: \"100\" from_account_id: \"tony\" to_account_id: \"ben\"}} from {account_id: \"tony\" prev_balance {available: \"0.0\"} curr_balance {available: \"-100\"}} to {account_id: \"ben\" prev_balance {available: \"0.0\"} curr_balance {available: \"100\"}}"]

2. The detailed Guide

2.1. Setup Environment

For Ubuntu

# Install tools
apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install -y build-essential curl cmake

# Install grpcurl
wget --no-check-certificate
tar -xvf grpcurl_1.8.5_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
chmod +x grpcurl

# Download rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- --profile=default -y

# Set cargo path
source $HOME/.cargo/env

# Install rust nightly
rustup toolchain install nightly-2022-01-13

# Set rust nightly as default
rustup default nightly-2022-01-13

# Install rustfmt component
rustup component add rustfmt

# For UT Coverage, need install grcov and llvm-tools
cargo install grcov
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview

For MacOS

# Install tools
brew install curl
brew install protobuf
brew install cmake && brew link cmake
brew install grpcurl

# Download rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- --profile=default -y

# Set cargo path
source $HOME/.cargo/env

# Install rust nightly
rustup toolchain install nightly-2022-01-13

# Set rust nightly as default
rustup default nightly-2022-01-13

# Install rustfmt component
rustup component add rustfmt

# Install xcode(Ignore if installed)
# xcode-select --install

# For UT Coverage, need install grcov and llvm-tools
cargo install grcov
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview

2.2. Build and Test

Below commands are platform independent, applicable for both Ubuntu and MacOS.


cargo build --release

Unit Test

cargo test --release

Run Test Coverage

  • Generate the test coverage report The report will be auto-open in the browser
cd Auticuro
sh scripts/
  • View the report directory(Optional)

    Find the report in the dir target/release/coverage

ls target/release/coverage 

# The output
# badges          coverage.json   index.html      src

2.3. Start a 5-node cluster locally

  • The quick way It will start a 5-node firm-wallet-service cluster and a firm-wallet-gateway which will find leader and redirect requests to the leader node of firm-wallet-service cluster.
cd Auticuro

sh scripts/

# Press `Ctrl + C` to shutdown the cluster
  • Manually Start

To start all 5 raft nodes manually, execute script with a store id:

# Start the firm-wallet-gateway
cd Auticuro/firm-wallet-gateway

# Change dir to firm-wallet-service
cd Auticuro/firm-wallet-service

# Start 5 nodes, open a new termial for each node
sh 1
sh 2
sh 3
sh 4
sh 5

Otherwise, please update the corresponding peer_<id> and status_address for each service.

Upon execution, cluster configuration, raft log/state, and application state are persisted to RocksDB specified by db_path, raft_db_path, wallet_db_path each. For a fresh new start, clear all three databases by deleting files under the specified path.

2.4. Send Request With gRPCurl

Write requests can ONLY be processed by the leader, read requests can be processed by every node. The firm-wallet-gatewayserves at port=20171, the firm-wallet-service cluster serves at port=20161~20165.

Run grpcurl commands in dependencies/hologram-protos/src/proto

cd dependencies/hologram-protos/src/proto

2.4.1. Send Write Requests

The firm-wallet-gateway will redirect write requests to the leader of the wallet-service cluster.

  • Create Accounts
# Create an account for ben
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto account_management_servicepb.proto -d '{"account_config":{"asset_class":{"cash":{"currency":"USD"}}},"header":{"account_id":"ben","dedup_id":"asjdh78y"}}' firm_wallet.account_management_servicepb.AccountManagementService/CreateAccount

# Create an account for tony
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto account_management_servicepb.proto -d '{"account_config":{"asset_class":{"cash":{"currency":"USD"}}},"header":{"account_id":"tony","dedup_id":"gklfjg8937"}}' firm_wallet.account_management_servicepb.AccountManagementService/CreateAccount
  • Transfer
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto balance_operation_servicepb.proto -d '{"dedup_id":"1234567890", "transfer_spec": {"from_account_id": "tony", "to_account_id": "ben", "amount": "1234.5"}}' firm_wallet.balance_operation_servicepb.BalanceOperationService/Transfer

2.4.2. Send Read Requests

Each node of the wallet-service cluster has consistent state, send read requests to each node to check.

  • Query Balance
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto balance_operation_servicepb.proto -d '{"account_id": "tony"}' firm_wallet.balance_operation_servicepb.BalanceOperationService/QueryBalance
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto balance_operation_servicepb.proto -d '{"account_id": "tony"}' firm_wallet.balance_operation_servicepb.BalanceOperationService/QueryBalance
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto balance_operation_servicepb.proto -d '{"account_id": "tony"}' firm_wallet.balance_operation_servicepb.BalanceOperationService/QueryBalance
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto balance_operation_servicepb.proto -d '{"account_id": "tony"}' firm_wallet.balance_operation_servicepb.BalanceOperationService/QueryBalance
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto balance_operation_servicepb.proto -d '{"account_id": "tony"}' firm_wallet.balance_operation_servicepb.BalanceOperationService/QueryBalance
  • Query Events
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto internal_servicepb.proto  -d '{"first_seq_num": 1, "last_seq_num": 10}' firm_wallet.internal_servicepb.InternalService/QueryEvents
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto internal_servicepb.proto  -d '{"first_seq_num": 1, "last_seq_num": 10}' firm_wallet.internal_servicepb.InternalService/QueryEvents
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto internal_servicepb.proto  -d '{"first_seq_num": 1, "last_seq_num": 10}' firm_wallet.internal_servicepb.InternalService/QueryEvents
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto internal_servicepb.proto  -d '{"first_seq_num": 1, "last_seq_num": 10}' firm_wallet.internal_servicepb.InternalService/QueryEvents
grpcurl -plaintext -import-path ./firm_wallet -import-path ./ -proto internal_servicepb.proto  -d '{"first_seq_num": 1, "last_seq_num": 10}' firm_wallet.internal_servicepb.InternalService/QueryEvents