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AIPlan4EU Maze Planning, Execution and Simulation

This is an example of integrated planning, execution and simulation that can be executed on the AI4EU experiments platform. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows to assemble a simple maze with up to five agents, pushable obstacles, and goal locations. The GUI can send a state to the simulator (to overwrite the simulators current state) and request the goals to be reached by the executor.

This example was originally created for AI4EU and has been extended to use the Unified Planning framework developed in the AIPlan4EU project.

Here is a simplified summary of the behavior/flow of each component.


  1. Assemble a maze (with goal locations for agents)
  2. Submit state to simulation
  3. Request goal achievement
  4. Wait for response from executor

The GUI also draws the internal state of the simulator when it receives a message state message.


  1. Wait for goal(s)
  2. Assemble planning problem
  3. Request plan from planner
  4. Execute plan (if one was found)
  5. Return success or failure to GUI


  • Execute action (and update internal state accordingly)
  • Send state updates (when internal state changes)


  • Solve planning problem and return solution or failure

If added and connected in the Acumos Design Studio on the AI4EU experiments platform, the interaction between components will be orchestrated and the resulting solution can be executed in a cluster.

Below we explain how to get this solution to run on a local Kubernetes cluster via Minikube.

Detailed Component Descriptions

This demonstrator shows how the unified planning framework can be connected to a Graphical User Interface (GUI), simultor, and executor.

AIPlan4EU Demonstrator: Executor

As part of the AIPlan4EU demonstrator, this model connects a Graphical User Interface (GUI), a planner, and a simulator. It accepts user goals, assembles planning problems and accepts plans, and executes sequential plans by sending out actions and processing action results. In the context of the AIPlan4EU demonstrator, the executor is part of multiple loops for state updates, action execution, and goal achievement. If a plan or action fails, this failure is reported pack to the user.

AIPlan4EU Demonstrator: Simulator

This model implements a simple simulator for the maze domain used by the AIPlan4EU demonstrator. It accepts a state from the Graphical User Interface (GUI) to override the current state used by the simulator. When receiving actions from the executor component, it will confirm applicability to the current state and if possible apply the action and update its internal state and send state updates. In the context of the demonstrator, state updates are used both by the GUI to display the simulator state and by the executor which uses it as an initial state when assembling planning problems.

AIPlan4EU Demonstrator: Graphical User Interface (GUI)

This model allows a user to assemble a maze with walls, pushable objects, and up to five agents and agent goal positions. The maze can be modified by clicking in any square to cycle through all possible elements. Once the maze is finished, it can be send to a simulator. The current state received by the simulator will be rendered below the submit buttons. The second button allows to send the goals to an executor component that will attempt to reach them from the current state. If a plan is found, its execution can be monitored through the state updates displayed at the bottom.

AIPlan4EU Unified Planning (Demo Version)

The unified planning library provides a common API for creating feature-rich planning domains and problems and automatically selects capable planning engines that support the features required by a problem. This model uses the unified planning library as a one-shot planner to solve problems for an AIPlan4EU demonstrator.

Note: This model was created for demonstration purposes and does not support the full unified planning interface. We will provide a version supporting the full unified planning interface as soon as possible.

Running via docker-compose

The full example can be run by using docker-compose and a hand-coded orchestrator. For this we need to open one terminal for each component, build, and start its docker container. Finally, we run the orchestrator.

Terminal 1:

cd executor 
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Terminal 2:

cd maze_gui 
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Terminal 3:

cd simulator
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Terminal 4 (use planner folder for alternative planner):

cd planner-up
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Terminal 5:

Running this for the first time, we need to install some python grpc libraries (ideally in some virtual environment for python):

cd orchestrator
pip install -r requirements.txt

After this, the orchestrator can be run with:

cd orchestrator

Onboarding and Assembly in Acumos Design Studio

First, we need to make sure we have our components available in the Acumos Design Studio. Each container must be tagged and pushed to a Docker repository (such as Docker Hub).

Build, Tag and Push Docker Containers

Here we use the repository host First, we log in:

docker login

Then we build, tag, and push four components.

cd executor
docker build -t executor .
docker tag executor
docker push

cd ../maze_gui
docker build -t maze-gui .
docker tag maze-gui
docker push

cd ../simulator
docker build -t simulator .
docker tag simulator
docker push

cd ../planner
docker build -t planner .
docker tag planner
docker push

cd ../planner-up
docker build -t planner-up .
docker tag planner-up
docker push

Onboarding in Acumos

Onboarding in Acumos requires information about the containers we pushed above and which protobuf interface each container offers. Below is the required information for all four components. Between each component, make sure to reset the onboarding form to avoid issues.

The following information is the same for all examples:

  • Host:
  • Port: 7444
  • Image: tutorials/planning-and-execution

These fields differ for each component:

Setting Model Categories

After a component has been onboarded, we need to assign a model category and toolkit type. The steps below are a work-around because proper categories for our components do not exist as of yet.

  1. Navigate to My Models -> -> Manage my Model -> Publish to Marketplace -> Model Category
  2. Set Model Category to Data Transformer
  3. Set Toolkit Type to Scikit-Learn

Connecting Components in the Acumos Design Studio

Next, we can assemble our solution in the Design Studio.

  1. Navigate to Design Studio -> Acu Compose
  2. Find your models under the model categories set previously
  3. Drag and drop each model onto the canvas
  4. Connect the ports of the components as required by the application. (Currently, a lot of interfaces have the same items because their messages are the same.) See image below for how it could look (ports may have different images and the arrangement may be different as well).
  5. Save (top right)
  6. Validate (top right)
  7. Deploy -> Deploy to Local -> Export to Local -> Download Solution Package

We now have downloaded the solution in a file that we can execute on a Kubernetes cluster.

Connections in Acu Compose

Running the Solution

We can run the solution we downloaded from the platform with minikube. This section goes through the necessary steps.

Install Minikube

Minikube allows to use a kubernetes cluster locally. Here we will use it to execute the solution we just downloaded. The following installation instructions and more information in Minikube can be found found here

On linux:

curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

minikube start

minikube kubectl -- get pods -A

Install kubectl

Kubectl is a command line tool to control a kubernetes cluster (like minikube). The following instructions and more information on kubectl can be found here.

curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
echo "$(<kubectl.sha256) kubectl" | sha256sum --check

sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Run Solution

  1. Download validated from Acumos (export to local)

  2. Extract solution and enter folder

  3. Start minikube (only needed if not already started).

     minikube start
  4. Create a namespace (only needed once) to run our solution.

     kubectl create namespace plan-and-exec
  5. Run all nodes in the namespace.

     python -n plan-and-exec
  6. Take note of the IP and port mentioned at the end of the output. We will need it to start the orchestrator.

  7. To see if things are working, get info on nodes, services, and pods running in our namespace.

     kubectl -n plan-and-exec get node,service,pod -o wide

    You should see one pod per node in AcuCompose plus one pod for the orchestrator. For each pod, there should be two services: one hosting gRPC and one hosting the web user interface. If all nodes are running, we are okay for now. It may take a moment for nodes to be up. If there are problems here, there may be a firewall in the way of minikube.

  8. If all nodes are running, we can start the orchestrator with the IP and port we got above. If the IP and port were lost, we can retrieve them again with the following command:

     minikube -n plan-and-exec service --url orchestrator
  9. To start the orchestrator:

     cd orchestrator_client
     python <IP>:<PORT>
  10. If everything is okay, the script will keep running and output nothing. If exceptions are thrown, it's likely that the orchestrator crashed. Here are some possible causes:

  • Using upper-case letters for components in AcuCompose may cause problems
  • Mismatch between .proto files on-borded to acumos and used by the code
    • It's okay to not use the exact same files (so, e.g., for java we can use java_package in protobuf but remove it in the on-boarded proto file.
  1. Finally, to actually use the maze planner, we need to find the URL to access it in a browser. This can be done by using the same command as for the orchestrator, but with a different service:

    minikube -n plan-and-exec service --url maze-gui1webui

We can remove the --url part to directly open the GUI in a browser:

    minikube -n plan-and-exec service maze-gui1webui