python basic events send non-blocking
pip install basicevents
Link pypi:
# recommeded check all examples
from basicevents import (subscribe, send_thread, send_queue,
send_blocking, add_subscribe, send, run)
def example(*args, **kwargs):
print "recv signal, values:", args, kwargs
def example2(*args, **kwargs):
print "manual subscribe"
# manual subscribe
add_subscribe("pepito", example2)
# add to queue signals (non-blocking)
send("pepito", 1, 2, 3, example="added queue")
# add to queue signals (non-blocking)
send_queue("pepito", 1, 2, 3, example="added queue")
# create new thread for this request (non-blocking)
send_thread("pepito", 1, 2, 3, example="new thread")
# This is blocking
send_blocking("pepito", 1, 2, 3, example="blocking")
@subscribe(name_event) With this decorator you can subscribe to all events that are sent to name_event.
manual subscribe add_subscribe(name_event, function)
- added in queue (non-blocking)
send_queue(name_event, *args, **kwargs)
- run in new thread (non-blocking)
send_thread(name_event, *args, **kwargs)
- run blocking (blocking)
send_blocking(name_event, *args, **kwargs)
- Note: Currently running in individual process.
- events.subs
{'juanito': [<function __main__.example2>],
'pepito': [<function __main__.example>]}
- events.queue
return queue
queue is processed automatically and do not need to access this attribute, but if you want you can use
- events.timeout
return int
- events.logger
return function
You can change the function that is executed when an exception occurs. Uses default print You can modify it if you wish.
from basicevents import events
events.logger = function
- events.send
return function
You can change the function send (It is a link). default is events.send_queue
from basicevents import events
events.send = events.send_blocking # or other functions
- these parameters are too, have documented above:
add_subscribe, send, send_queue, send_thread, send_blocking