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Clowdr: Frontend

React web app that forms the main Clowdr frontend.

✨ Bootstrapped with Create Snowpack App (CSA).


  1. serve tool (for testing production builds): npm i -g serve

Setting up

  1. Follow the root README instructions for configuring Auth0. Then come back here. BCP: Why not just swap steps 8 and 9 in the top-level setup?

  2. Copy the frontend/.env.example to a new frontend/.env file.

  3. Configure your .env file according to the Frontend Configuration section below.

  4. Build and test the system locally (see Local Development below).

  5. Full Setup: If using Netlify, then:

    • Once you have set up Hasura Cloud, create a Netlify account and follow the steps below.
    • in Netlify, create a new site from Git.
      • If you're not part of the core Clowdr team, create and use a fork of this (clowdr-app/clowdr) repository.
      • See Deployment to Netlify for instructions.
  6. If using Netlify, go back to Auth0 and add the Netlify app url(s) to the application configuration (see instructions in root README).

UI Components, Theming, and Icons

We use Chakra UI to build accessible, consistent UIs with theming. Chakra also provides icons and a system for custom components.


After writing, modifying or delete a GraphQL query in the frontend, you will need to regenerate the GraphQL code. You can do this using the VSCode Task Frontend -- GraphQL Codegen.

Local Development

See root README Local Development instructions for local development for which tasks to run.

If the environment configuration changes, or for example, the package.json commands change, then you will need to restart tasks for this frontend.


We use React Testing Library (with extensions) on top of Jest for testing the frontend. This includes Continuous Integration.

You should check out the documentation for the following Jest extension libraries that we use for writing better tests:

Production builds

  • Use the VSCode (build) task: Frontend -- Production Build
  • Use the VSCode task: Frontend -- Serve Production Build


  1. To build: frontend> npm run build Builds a static copy of the frontend to the build/ folder using snowpack & webpack.
  2. To test: frontend> serve -s build Serves the static build locally for checking.

Deployment to Netlify

The frontend can easily be deployed using Netlify:

  1. Connect to GitHub, select the relevant repo and branch
  2. Leave the base directory blank
  3. Build command: cd shared && npm i && cd ../frontend && npm i && npm run build
  4. Publish directory: frontend/build
  5. Environment variables: As below

Developer Notes


Because JavaScript monorepos are hard, we currently resort to building a single-file ESM version of @bbc/react-transcript-editor and vendoring (i.e. copy-pasting) it into the src/ directory of this project.

A fork of the transcript editor is included as a Git submodule of this repository. There are a couple of key changes:

  • A custom Rollup configuration that bundles the TranscriptEditor component as an ES module
  • The docx support is commented out (because it doubles the bundle size)

If you need to build a new version, run npm run build:transcript-editor and copy the resulting output/TranscriptEditor.js file into the frontend.

Frontend Configuration

Note: Snowpack (the build tool we use) will only include environment variables in the build which start with SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_.

Note: Pay attention to the Netlify? column when configuring Netlify. No means 'do not add to Netlify'; Yes means 'add to Netlify'; Only means 'only add in Netlify, not locally'.

Env Var Value Netlify?
HASURA_ADMIN_SECRET Admin secret (used only for GraphQL Codegen) No
SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_GRAPHQL_API_DOMAIN The domain and port of the GraphQL server Yes
SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_GRAPHQL_API_SECURE_PROTOCOLS Boolean. Default: true. Whether to use https/wss or not. Yes
SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_AUTH_CALLBACK_URL http(s)://<frontend-url>/auth0 (no trailing slash) Yes
SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_AUTH_CLIENT_ID as shown in Auth0 Application Yes
SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_COMPANION_BASE_URL URL of the Uppy Companion instance (provided at /companion by the actions service) Yes
NPM_VERSION 7.3 (only required in Netlify) Only
NODE_VERSION 15.4 (only required in Netlify) Only
Vonage Video API
SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_OPENTOK_API_KEY API key for the Vonage Video API project
SNOWPACK_PRESENCE_SERVICE_URL URL to the presence service.