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Aegean Odyssey edited this page Aug 11, 2020 · 3 revisions

A Look at Some Use Cases

Should you install mpmd_marlin_1.1.x in your Monoprice MP Mini Delta printer?

Let's look at some use cases.

Suppose you want to:

  • use Marlin opensource firmware in your 3d printer;

    The mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware is a good choice. Another candidate is Marlin4MPMD, though work on the project has ceased. Mainstream Marlin 2.0 firmware intends to support the MP Mini Delta, but so far the effort is in its early stages. The mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware backports changes from Marlin 2.0 where appropriate, and works to maximize the capabilities of the printer's controller board.

  • print with the printer via the micro sd card -- nothing fancy;

    This is the use case that motivated the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x project right from the start. The goal is to produce a very usable "opensource upgrade" (firmware, supporting files, and utilities) for the stock Monoprice MP Mini Delta printer. The project focuses on making the printer entirely usable in a stand-alone fashion, using the printer's micro SD card and the its one pushbutton/LED switch to extend the limited user interface. The project strives to create a relatively frustration-free printing process and user experience. Admittedly, the stock firmware seems to fit this use case, as well -- as long as everything works. When a problem does crop up, mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware can more likely offer a solution than the stock firmware.

  • attach the printer to a host, such as Octoprint or Pronterface;

    The mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware works well when connected to a host server such as Octoprint or Pronterface. Octoprint was the use case "of interest" for an early tester, so mpmd_marlin_1.1.x has logged many hours reliably printing via Octoprint (on a Raspberry Pi). The project includes an Octoprint plug-in and Pronterface script to quickly upload files to the printer's micro SD card; supports relaying long file names to the connected host; and enables Marlin features to improve the connection with a host server.

  • change components (e.g. extruder, hotend, ...) in the printer;

    Aside from supporting a power adapter upgrade, the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x project (proper) is NOT set-up to be re-configured to support non-stock components in the MP Mini Delta printer. In this way, the project differs "in spirit" from mainstream Marlin where the user often customizes the source code and then builds the firmware. However, cloning the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x project is a good starting point for other custom firmware for the Mini Delta's controller board. The project requires only a simple tool-chain to build, and the build process is clearly documented via a Makefile.

  • tweak printing and configuration parameters in the printer;

    Marlin has plenty of settings, and mpmd_marlin_1.1.x's construction lends itself well to experimenting with the MP Mini Delta. Adjust the printing parameters, fine-tune the machine's geometry and bed leveling parameters, and monitor and capture output for analysis and processing. The printable area is fully probe-able with the G30 command, and the printer can be "exercised" through custom g-code scripts on the micro SD card or directly via its USB port.

  • control and monitor the printer via its built-in wifi connection;

    WIFI does NOT work in the current mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware. In our testing, we could not reliably operate the printer via its built-in wifi connection, so the wifi connection is disabled in the mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware. Choosing the stock firmware is pretty much the only option to use the printer's built-in wifi connection. Though connecting the printer to a wifi-enabled host may be a better solution, whether using mpmd_marlin_1.1.x firmware or stock firmware.