👊 Battle-tested
- StatsD: 0.8.0
- InfluxDB: 0.13
- Grafana: 3.1.1
To start the container the first time launch:
docker run -d \
--name grafana \
-p 3003:9000 \
-p 3004:8083 \
-p 8086:8086 \
-p 22022:22 \
-p 8125:8125/udp \
You can replace latest
with the desired version listed in changelog file.
To stop the container launch:
docker stop grafana
To start the container again launch:
docker start grafana
Host Container Service
3003 9000 grafana
8086 8086 influxdb
3004 8083 influxdb-admin
8125 8125 statsd
22022 22 sshd
ssh root@localhost -p 22022
Password: root
Username: root
Password: root
- Open
Data Sources
from left side menu, then click onAdd data source
- Choose a
for the source and flag it asDefault
- Choose
- Choose
- Fill remaining fields as follows and click on
without altering other fields
Url: http://localhost:8086
Database: datasource
User: datasource
Password: datasource
Now you are ready to add your first dashboard and launch some query on database.
Username: root
Password: root
Port: 8086
- Establish a ssh connection with the container
- Launch
to open InfluxDB Shell (CLI)
docker build -t advantageous/grafana:v1 .
docker build -t advantageous/grafana:latest .
docker push advantageous/grafana