{%= description %}
If you want to try MetisMenu without jQuery, see MetisMenuJS repository.
{%= include("highlight") %}
{%= include("toc") %}
{%= include("install-npm", {save: true}) %}
{%= include("install-yarn", {save: true}) %}
Install with composer
$ composer require onokumus/metismenu:dev-master
- Include {%= name %} StyleSheet
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/metisMenu/{%= version %}/metisMenu.min.css">
<!-- OR -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/metismenu/dist/metisMenu.min.css">
- Include jQuery
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery"></script>
- Include metisMenu plugin's code
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/metisMenu/{%= version %}/metisMenu.min.js"></script>
<!-- OR -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/metismenu"></script>
- Add class
{%= name %}
to unordered list
<ul class="{%= name %}" id="menu">
- Make expand/collapse controls accessible
Be sure to add
to the elementa
. This attribute explicitly defines the current state of the collapsible element to screen readers and similar assistive technologies. If the collapsible element is closed by default, it should have a value ofaria-expanded="false"
. If you've set the collapsible element's parentli
element to be open by default using theactive
class, setaria-expanded="true"
on the control instead. The plugin will automatically toggle this attribute based on whether or not the collapsible element has been opened or closed.
<ul class="{%= name %}" id="menu">
<li class="active">
<a href="#" aria-expanded="true">Menu 1</a>
<a href="#" aria-expanded="false">Menu 2</a>
- Arrow Options
class toa
<ul class="{%= name %}" id="menu">
<li class="active">
<a class="has-arrow" href="#" aria-expanded="true">Menu 1</a>
<a class="has-arrow" href="#" aria-expanded="false">Menu 2</a>
- Call the plugin:
Setting aria-disabled="true" in the <a>
element as shown will stop metisMenu opening the menu for that particular list. This can be changed dynamically and will be obeyed correctly:
<a href="#" aria-expanded="false" aria-disabled="true">List 1</a>
Type: Boolean
Default: true
For auto collapse support.
toggle: false
Type: String
Default: null
For stop and destroy metisMenu.
This option will be remove from next version.
Type: String
Default: active
activeClass: 'active'
This option will be remove from next version.
Type: String
Default: collapse
collapseClass: 'collapse'
This option will be remove from next version.
Type: String
Default: in
collapseInClass: 'in'
This option will be remove from next version.
Type: String
Default: collapsing
collapsingClass: 'collapsing'
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Prevents or allows dropdowns' onclick events after expanding/collapsing.
preventDefault: false
since from version 2.7.0
Type: jQuery selector
Default: a
triggerElement: '.nav-link' // bootstrap 4
Type: jQuery selector
Default: li
parentTrigger: '.nav-item' // bootstrap 4
Type: jQuery selector
Default: ul
subMenu: '.nav.flex-column' // bootstrap 4
Event Type | Description |
show.metisMenu | This event fires immediately when the _show instance method is called. |
shown.metisMenu | This event is fired when a collapse ul element has been made visible to the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete). |
hide.metisMenu | This event is fired immediately when the _hide method has been called. |
hidden.metisMenu | This event is fired when a collapse ul element has been hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete). |
Contains a simple HTML file to demonstrate metisMenu plugin.
{%= section("community") %}
{%= section("related", related(verb.related.list)) %}
{%= gh.contributors() %}
{%= include("contributing") %}
2018-06-28 | v2.7.9 | Make jquery a peer dependency |
2018-06-14 | v2.7.8 | remove aria-expanded attribute & remove transitionend check |
2018-02-14 | v2.7.4 | jQuery -> $ in src/metisMenu.js to fix import. #158 |
2018-02-14 | v2.7.3 | window might not be defined in node.js environment #156 |
2017-12-31 | v2.7.2 | isolate against bootstrap changes, remove old legacy ie9 code #154 |
2017-10-30 | v2.7.1 | added check in complete()-callback to break when menu was disposed #150 |
2017-03-08 | v2.7.0 | fixed has-arrow class border color & added new 3 options |
2017-02-23 | v2.6.3 | fixed #129 |
2017-02-02 | v2.6.2 | doubleTapToGo option is deprecated |
2016-12-06 | v2.6.1 | fix require.js |
2016-11-29 | v2.6.0 | dispose support |
2016-05-06 | v2.5.2 | fix Menu failed to remove collapsing class |
2016-05-06 | v2.5.1 | fixed bootstrap conflict |
2016-03-31 | v2.5.0 | Event support |
2016-03-11 | v2.4.3 | create meteor package |
2016-03-04 | v2.4.2 | back to version 2.4.0 |
2016-03-03 | v2.4.1 | |
2016-01-25 | v2.4.0 | Support AMD / Node / CommonJS |
2016-01-08 | v2.3.0 | Adding aria-disabled=true to the link element prevents the dropdown from opening |
2015-09-27 | v2.2.0 | Events supported & added preventDefault options |
2015-08-06 | v2.1.0 | RTL & aria-expanded attribute & TypeScript type definitions support |
2015-07-25 | v2.0.3 | When the active item has doubleTapToGo should not collapse |
2015-05-23 | v2.0.2 | fixed |
2015-05-22 | v2.0.1 | changeable classname support |
2015-04-03 | v2.0.0 | Remove Bootstrap dependency |
2015-03-24 | v1.1.3 | composer support |
2014-11-01 | v1.1.3 | Bootstrap 3.3.0 |
2014-07-07 | v1.1.0 | Add double tap functionality |
2014-06-24 | v1.0.3 | cdnjs support & rename plugin |
2014-06-18 | v1.0.3 | Create grunt task |
2014-06-10 | v1.0.2 | Fixed for IE8 & IE9 |
{%= includeEither("authors", "author") %}
{%= copyright({linkify: true, prefix: "Copyright", symbol: "©"}) %} {%= licenseStatement || (license ? ("Released under the " + license + " License.") : "MIT") %}
{%= include("footer") %} {%= reflinks(verb.reflinks) %}