This repository contains the source files for my online book: "A Learner's Grammar of Classical Standard Arabic". It is a work in progress. So far I have written approximately 20 chapters, with at least as many remaining. In addition to writing the remaining chapters, I also have to add chapter exercises and vocabulary lists. There is much editing and work needed even in the chapters already written so it is not ready for study yet.
The output (such as it is) is published here in HTML:
A PDF can be downloaded from the top menu-bar.
I am planning to port the typesetting and publishing workflow from Bookdown to Quarto إن شاء الله.
Add an empty .nojekyll
file to the docs
sudo apt install texlive-base sudo apt install texlive-xetex sudo apt install texlive-lang-arabic sudo apt install texlive-fonts-extra sudo apt install texlive-luatex
- In current use:
- Experimental:
- New Computer Modern
- DejaVu Serif
- Junicode
- Brill
- Scheherazade New
- Gentium Plus
- STIX Two Text
- Microsoft Core Fonts:
sudo add-apt-repository multiverse sudo apt update && sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer sudo fc-cache -f -v
Normally, installing pandoc from the Ubuntu repos would be sufficient thus:
sudo apt install pandoc
But the version there is pretty old. So, go to the Pandoc project on Github and install the
from there: -
sudo apt install r-base sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libfontconfig1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev sudo apt install libv8-dev libavfilter-dev librsvg2-dev libwebp-dev cargo libpoppler-cpp-dev libtesseract-dev libmagick++-dev libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev
Rmarkdown and Bookdown
- Open R in a terminal
sudo R
- In R:
install.packages("rmarkdown", dependencies = TRUE) install.packages("bookdown", dependencies = TRUE) install.packages("kableExtra", dependencies = TRUE) install.packages("tidyverse", dependencies = TRUE) install.packages("pander", dependencies = TRUE) q()
- Open R in a terminal
Install fonts as in Ubuntu
Install the following Arch packages: make gcc texlive-bin texlive-core texlive-latexextra texlive-fontsextra texlive-langextra pandoc r curl fontconfig openssl libxml2 pkgconf
Rmarkdown and Bookdown
- Open R in a terminal
sudo R
- In R:
install.packages("rmarkdown", dependencies = TRUE, repos='') install.packages("bookdown", dependencies = TRUE, repos='') install.packages("kableExtra", dependencies = TRUE, repos='') install.packages("tidyverse", dependencies = TRUE, repos='') install.packages("pander", dependencies = TRUE, repos='') q()
There could be some errors. Don't worry about them.
- Open R in a terminal
Install Docker Desktop.
Create a dockerfile with the following contentss:
FROM ubuntu:24.04 RUN apt update -y RUN apt upgrade -y RUN apt install -y \ sudo vi vim wget openssh-client git \ texlive-base texlive-xetex texlive-lang-arabic texlive-fonts-extra texlive-luatex \ r-base libcurl4-openssl-dev libfontconfig1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev \ libv8-dev libavfilter-dev librsvg2-dev libwebp-dev cargo libpoppler-cpp-dev \ libtesseract-dev libmagick++-dev libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev
Navigate to directory that has dockerfile, and build an image:
docker build -t ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-image-20240831 .
The image name (after
) can be anything you choose.This will take a while.
Verify that the image exists. In your terminal, run
docker images
. It should show something like:REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-image-20240831 latest 47a614803fad 2 minutes ago 4.93GB
Build a container from the image and launch the bash shell in it:
docker run -it --name=ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-cont ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-image-20240831 /bin/bash
The container name (after
) may be anything you choose. -
You are now in the container. Create a sudo user (
is a placeholder) and go through the steps to add a password:sudo adduser myusername
Give sudo access:
sudo usermod -aG sudo myusername
Switch to user:
sudo su - myusername
Try stopping and restarting container.
To stop the container, you can simply exit (possibly multiple times) from bash until you reach the host (MacOS) terminal from where you ran
docker run ...
.Your container still exists and its data is persistent.
Check to list containers using
docker ps -a
. It should show:CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES a8a04f9c5710 ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-image-20240831 "/bin/bash" 38 minutes ago Exited (0) 2 minutes ago ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-cont
Now restart the container using the command:
docker start ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-cont
Now relaunch bash:
docker exec -it ubuntu-arabic-book-dev-cont /bin/bash
Install additional packages:
Pandoc (get latest, and for your container's architecture):
wget sudo dpkg -i pandoc-3.3-1-amd64.deb
Install R packages, as in Ubuntu install above.
Generate SSH key for Github
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<github email>"
and copy to clipboard. Add new SSH to your Github account and paste this there. -
Install fonts:
cd mkdir vazirmatn cd vazirmatn wget unzip cp fonts/ttf/*.ttf ~/.fonts
cd mkdir amiri cd amiri wget unzip cp Amiri-1.000/*.ttf ~/.fonts
Charis SIL
cd mkdir charis cd charis wget unzip cp CharisSIL-6.200/*.ttf ~/.fonts
To copy files from the container to the host, use this command:
docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target
In a Linux terminal:
cd path-to-your-preferred-dir
git clone
cd arabic-tutorial-book
The created files will be under the docs
directory. Open docs/index.html
in a browser and docs/Learn-Standard-Arabic.pdf
in a PDF viewer.
To delete created files in order to do a clean build:
make clean