Network weathermap for Zabbix like Network Weathermap
###Features ###
- Get source data from Zabbix
- Generate YAML config from Zabbix map
- Create image with map in PNG format
- Upload image to Zabbix
- Support for map elements with the type: host, map, image
###Requrements ###
- Zabbix 3.0 (maybe work with Zabbix 2.0)
- Python 3.4.3 and above
- libs: Pillow, py-zabbix, ruamel.yaml
###Install ###
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python-pip python3-pil
sudo pip3 install py-zabbix ruamel.yaml
unzip -d /opt
chown -R zabbix:zabbix /opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/*
chmod a+x /opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/
chmod a+x /opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/
cp /opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/template/userparameter_weathermap.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/
Import template /template/weathermap.xml to zabbix
Add Template Weathermap to host (for example use host zabbix server)
Create new user with permissions Zabbix Admin
User must have read-only or read-write access to hosts and hosts groups present in map
Go to Zabbix -> Configuration -> Template Weathermap -> Macros:
{$SCANFILE} - When map config exist. If you change map remove host or change position host, configuration will be updated in accordance with changes on the map.
{$SCANMAP} - First time scan map, config file not exist. Create file with map configuration.
{$UPDATE} - Only create image, like old style Network Weathermap.
{$UPLOAD} - Create and upload image to Zabbix.
Check Zabbix -> Configuration -> Hosts -> Host with Weathermap template -> Applications -> Weathermap -> Items -> Status
Create file with map configuration: -s mapname1 mapnameN -z -l admin -p admin
Zabbix -> Template Weathermap -> Macros -> {$SCANMAP} -> Value
Open file /opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/mapcfgs/mapname1.yaml and set hostname and itemin, itemout.
link-1: node1: node-Router node2: node-Switch name1: R1 name2: SW1 width: 15 hostname: Router #itemin/itemout = item key name itemin: ifHCInOctets[ge-0/0/0] itemout: ifHCOutOctets[ge-0/0/0]
Create map image and upload it to Zabbix: -m mapname1.yaml -u
Zabbix -> Template Weathermap -> Macros -> {$UPLOAD} -> Value
Set Zabbix -> Monitoring -> Maps -> mapname1 -> Properties -> Background image -> mapname1
###Scripts note###
Default path:
/opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/mapcfgs - map config dir
/opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/mapimgs - map images dir
/opt/Zabbix-Network-Weathermap/icons - map icons dir
usage: [-v] [-h] [-d] [-m MAP [MAP ...]] [-i IMG] [-u] [-c CFG] [-s SCAN [SCAN ...]] [-f]
[-z ZABBIX] [-l LOGIN] [-p PWD]
Network weathermap for Zabbix
optional arguments:
-v, --version show version
-h, --help show help
-d, --debug Enable debug mode
-m MAP [MAP ..], --map MAP [MAP ..] Config file names
-i IMG, --img IMG Image path
-u, --upload Image upload to zabbix
-c CFG, --cfg CFG Config path
-s SCAN [SCAN ..], --scan SCAN [SCAN ..] Map names in Zabbix
-f, --file Zabbix authentication from map config file
-z ZABBIX, --zabbix ZABBIX Zabbix server url
-l LOGIN, --login LOGIN Login
-p PWD, --pwd PWD Password run and return execution time.
For auto update image or rescan map you can use cron or Template Weathermap.
###Map config ###
%YAML 1.2
name: mapname1
bgcolor: '' #background RGB color, default transparent
fontsize: 10
width: 1200
height: 800
login: admin
password: admin
table: # show legend and date time
show: true
x: 1100
y: 100
palette: # RGB color arrow
- '#908C8C'
- '#8000FF'
- '#0000FF'
- '#00EAEA'
- '#00FF00'
- '#FFFF00'
- '#FF9933'
- '#FF0000'
link: # default settings link
bandwidth: 100 # in Mbits/s
width: 10 # width arrow in pixels
name: Символы # Get from Zabbix
label: R1 # For old style Network Weathermap, draw label
icon: Router64.png # For old style Network Weathermap, draw icon, if path not exist, use defaults
x: 625
y: 225
name: ''
label: R2
icon: Router64.png
x: 625
y: 225
name: ''
label: SW1
icon: Switch64.png
x: 75
y: 375
name: ''
label: SW2
icon: Switch64.png
x: 75
y: 375
node1: node-Router
node2: node-Switch
name1: '' # For human readability, get from zabbix
name2: '' # For human readability, get from zabbix
width: 15 # Override default settings in link
hostname: Router
itemin: ifHCInOctets[ge-0/0/0]
itemout: ifHCOutOctets[ge-0/0/0]
node1: node-Router2
node2: node-Switch2
name1: ''
name2: ''
bandwidth: 1000 # Override default settings in link
hostname: Router2
itemin: ifHCInOctets[ge-0/0/1]
itemout: ifHCOutOctets[ge-0/0/1]
Option copy type bool, copy link and nodes in new config, when link and nodes not exist in zabbix map
node1: node-nridx7c0
node2: node-uwf443jw
name1: net1
name2: net2
copy: true
hostname: R10
itemin: ifHCOutOctets[1/6]
itemout: ifHCInOctets[1/6]
###Notice ###
Zabbix API performance is low. Zabbix agent run can be terminated by timeout, set in zabbix_agentd.conf.
Increase the timeout for example: zabbix_agentd.conf set Timeout=10
One item to one map in Template Weathermap
Use cron to run the scripts
If you need convert from old style config to YAML format, use
user@pc:~$ /path-to-old-style-cfg/map.cfg
user@pc:~$ ls /path-to-old-style-cfg
For a better look of map, set the link type a dot and color like background.