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Django Social Registration

Django Social Registration enables developers to add alternative registration methods based on third party sites.



  1. Add the socialregistration directory to your PYTHON_PATH.
  2. Add socialregistration to your INSTALLED_APPS settings of Django.
  3. Add socialregistration.urls to your file.

Backwards Incompatibility

A necessary backwards-incompatible change was made 9/16/2010 to use Generic ForeignKeys instead of a direct tie to users. This change makes socialregistration more about authentication / linking of social accounts to any object (organizations, users, groups, etc.) The migration 0003_add_generic_relation_fields will add the necessary fields (object_id and content_type) 0004_migrate_existing_profiles will take all profiles created for your users and "convert" them to use Generic ForeignKeys instead. Another migration 0005_remove_user_tie will drop the "user" column.


Facebook Connect

  1. Set up a Facebook application at

    • Set up new app
    • Name and agree to their terms
    • Under "Web Site" set your site URL (main) and domain.
    • Grab "App ID" (FACEBOOK_API_KEY) and "App Secret" (FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY)
  2. Add FACEBOOK_API_KEY and FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY to your settings file representing the keys you were given by Facebook.

  3. Add socialregistration.auth.FacebookAuth to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in your settings file.

  4. Add socialregistration.middleware.FacebookMiddleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in your settings file.

  5. Add tags to your template file:

    {% load facebook_tags %}
    {% facebook_button %}
    {% facebook_js %}


  1. Set up a Twitter application at

    • Register a new app
    • Name, describe, and set other fields.
    • Callback URL will be your site's url + /socialregistration/twitter/callback/ unless you set up your URLconf differently than the test projects.
    • Choose Read/Write or Read only wisely - it's better to only ask for what you need but you can't go from read-only to read/write later without user approval.
    • Grab "Consumer Key" (TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY) and "Consumer Secret" (TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY)
  2. Add the following variables to your file with the values you were given by Twitter:

  3. Add socialregistration.auth.TwitterAuth to your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS settings.

  4. Add tags to your template file:

    {% load twitter_tags %}
    {% twitter_button %}

Other OAuth Services

Please refer to the Twitter implementation of the signup / login process to extend your own application to act as a consumer of other OAuth providers. Basically it's just plugging together some urls and creating an auth backend, a model and a view.


  1. Add socialregistration.auth.OpenIDAuth to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in your settings.

  2. Add tags to your template file:

    {% load openid_tags %}
    {% openid_form %}

Logging users out

You can use the standard {% url auth_logout %} url to log users out of Django. Please note that this will not log users out of third party sites though. Logging out a Facebook user might look something like this:

<a href="#" onclick="javascript:FB.logout(function(response){ document.location = '{% url auth_logout %}' })">Logout</a>

To log users out of other third party sites, I recommend redirecting them further to the OAuth / OpenID providers after they logged out of your site.


If you wish everything to go through HTTPS, set SOCIALREGISTRATION_USE_HTTPS in your settings file to True.

Other Information

If you don't wish your users to be redirected to the setup view to create a username but rather have a random username generated for them, set SOCIALREGISTRATION_GENERATE_USERNAME in your settings file to True.

If you want good logs of what is going on, configure logging according to _django_logging_docs. If you want it to log into a bucket other than the default of socialregistration set SOCIALREGISTRATION_LOGGER_NAME in your settings file to the desired logger name.