Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_LSM9DS1
2.1.13 - Repo documentation and config updates
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.12 - Updated documentation link, python version
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.11 - Removed obsolete reference to ustruct
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.10 - Updated pylint version, linted
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython Bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.9 - Fixed units
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.8 - Improved documentation
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.7 - Moved pylint from build.yml to .pre-commit-config.yml
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.6 - Fixed issue with Black and Pylint versions in the pre-commit config
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.5 - Moved to pre-commit, added licensing info
pre-commit has been added to the GitHub Actions workflow in this repository. pre-commit allows you to run multiple checks, such as black and checking the REUSE licensing compliance, both locally and on GitHub Actions with one command.
You can run pre-commit locally with pre-commit run --all-files
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.
2.1.4 - Fixed SPI magnetometer reads
To use in CircuitPython, simply install the Adafruit CircuitPython bundle.
To use in CPython, pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-lsm9ds1
Read the docs for info on how to use it.