A set of extensible configs for running Prometheus on Kubernetes.
- Make sure you have the ksonnet v0.8.0.
$ brew install ksonnet/tap/ks
$ ks version
ksonnet version: v0.8.0
jsonnet version: v0.9.5
client-go version: v1.6.8-beta.0+$Format:%h$
- In your config repo, if you don't have a ksonnet application, make a new one (will copy credentials from current context):
$ ks init <application name>
$ cd <application name>
- Add the kausal repository, instantiate the package
$ ks registry add kausal https://github.com/kausalco/public
$ ks pkg install kausal/prometheus-ksonnet
- Assuming you want to run in the default namespace ('environment' in ksonnet parlance), add the follow to the file
local prometheus = import "prometheus-ksonnet/prometheus-ksonnet.libsonnet";
prometheus {
_config+:: {
namespace: "default",
- Apply your config:
$ ks apply default
If you made your Kubernetes cluster with Kops, add the Kops mixin to your config to scrape the Kubernetes system components:
local prometheus = import "prometheus-ksonnet/prometheus-ksonnet.libsonnet";
local kops = import "prometheus-ksonnet/lib/prometheus-config-kops.libsonnet";
prometheus + kops {
_config+:: {
namespace: "default",
insecureSkipVerify: true,