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This package serves good projects that use server side Jquery DataTables plugin on their frontend.
Pagination using limit and offset.
Limit is used for number of rows returned.
Can fetch graph too with query.
Supports column ordering
Supports search by any column
npm i objection-datatables --save
Usage (simple)
Mixin and usage of the plugin
const{ Model }=require('objection');// Import the dataTable plugin.constdataTable=require('objection-datatables');// MixinclassCatextendsdataTable(Model){staticgettableName(){return'cats';}}
Express.js route example using the plugin
// express.js route exampleroute.get('/cats',async(req,res)=>{/** * Use req.query since datatables plugin sends * all info as url query string parameters */constcats=awaitCat.query().dataTable(req.query).where('cute',true);res.json({draw: req.query.draw,data: cats,recordsTotal:,});});
As mentioned, this package also supports graph fetching if a graph name was mentioned in the columns of a datatable options, for example, consider the following models
const{ Model }=require('objection');// Import the dataTable plugin.constdataTable=require('objection-datatables');// class person (owner)classPersonextendsModel{staticgettableName(){return'persons';}staticgetjsonSchema(){return{type: 'object',required: ['name','stock'],properties: {id: {type: 'integer'},name: {type: 'string'},company: {type: 'string'},loves_cats: {type: 'boolean'},},additionalProperties: false,};}}// Mixin Cat class which uses the datatable pluginclassCatextendsdataTable(Model){staticgettableName(){return'cats';}staticgetjsonSchema(){return{type: 'object',required: ['name','stock'],properties: {id: {type: 'integer'},name: {type: 'string'},color: {type: 'string'},cute: {type: 'boolean'},owner_id: {type: 'integer'},},additionalProperties: false,};}staticgetrelationMappings(){const{ BelongsToOneRelation }=Model;return{owner: {relation: BelongsToOneRelation,modelClass: Person,join: {from: 'cats.owner_id',to: '',},},};}}
complex Express.js route example using the plugin
// express.js route exampleroute.get('/cats',async(req,res)=>{/** * here, .dataTable query handles all graph fetching * which is called by the datatable columns, * if any more graph fetching or conditional queries exist, * it can be written before it or after it too. * * @see */constcats=awaitCat.query().dataTable(req.query).where('cute',true).modifyGraph('owner',(builder)=>'name','company'));res.json({draw: req.query.draw,data: cats,recordsTotal:,});});
<tableid="my-table"></table><script>$('#my-table').DataTable({serverSide: true,ajax: {url: '/cats',dataSrc: 'data.results',},// server side orders by first column (which is id) descending// graph fetched columns like owner columns are unorderable (can't be ordered)order[[0,'desc']]columns:[// query only selects columns that are declared here{title:"ID",data:'id'},{title:"Name",data:'name'},/** * 1) fetches "owner" graph only if it's a relation mapping to the Cat model * 2) if the next two lines were commented, no graph would be fetched * 3) query selects all columns for a graph * 4) to resolve number 3, use modifyGraph from objection as in the example * 5) if you want all columns from graph, do not use modifyGraph * 6) you can fetch multiple graphs as well */{title:"Owner name",data: 'owner',render:'name'},{title: "Owner company",data: 'owner',render:'company'}]});</script>