title | date | category | tags | slug | summary | status |
historic structure |
2006-10-28 13:08 |
terminology |
historic-structure |
draft |
Also referred to as historic monuments, this category includes above- ground architectural features (e.g., house, temple, market place, church) that have reached a designated age or have other characteristics, such as association with an important event or person, that make them ‘historic’ and therefore worthy of consideration as a heritage resource. As with archaeological sites, the importance of an historic structure will vary widely according to the age, type and condition of the structure. Some historic structures may have associated archaeological deposits thereby making them both historic structures and archaeological resources. An historic structure may be abandoned or occupied.
International Finance Corporation. 2006. "Glossary of Terms." ''[http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/9a9464804885598c8364d36a6515bb18/Glossary%2Bof%2BTerms.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&attachment=true&id=1322803900995 IFC Policy & Performance Standards and Guidance Notes]''. Washington D.C.: International Finance Corporation.[Accessed 1 November 2013]