graph TD
A{Project under appraisal?} -->|Yes| B
A --> |No| C[Initial Assessment]
B{Prior consideration} -->|Yes| D[Fact finding work]
B -->|No| E(Transfer concerns to Appraisal team)
C --> I{Further work required?}
D --> H[CM opinion/proposal to management committee]
E --> F(Inform complainants)
F --> G[Internal follow-up]
G --> H
H --> J{Management Committee Decision}
I --> |Yes| K{Mediation required/possible?}
I --> |No| U
J -->|Yes| K
J --> L(To main flowchart)
K -->|Yes| M(Inform complainant)
K -->|No| P(Inform complainant)
M --> N(Mission letter)
N --> O[Mediation process]
P --> Q(Mission letter)
Q --> R[Full Investigation]
R --> U
O --> S{Agreement Reached?}
S -->|No| T{Agreement Possible?}
T --> |Yes| N
T -->|No| P
S -->|Yes| U(To main flowchart)
V(Services Response) --> C
V --> D