Basic Express app w/ a DB and set of APIs to do CRUD operations with.
h/t to this tutorial
docker compose up -d
http :/users
http post :/users name=Mary [email protected]
shell into the container
kubectl -n crud-app exec --stdin --tty postgres-67f98f6f96-t4gtx -- /bin/bash
root@postgres:/# su postgres
postgres@postgres:/$ psql
psql -U salt -d api
then do what is in init.sql
To illustrate usage of certificates and keys (note that currently the included cert is for a domain I run in Cloudflare hence the no verify flag), run:
https :/users --verify no
To provide your own cert and key, set them as environment variables in your shell, run it using docker compose, and it'll pass the KEY and CERT as env vars to the Node process.
cd app
to generate the cert and key referenced in the app.js file
docker buildx create --use
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 \
-t <your_docker_hub_account>/crud-app --push .
npm i standard
npm test
to see guidance from standard package
npx standard --fix
to apply the rules from standard in an automated way
Alternatively, you can run npm run fix
which has been added to the package.json