Easy way to notify your Imgur Followers that there are new posts.
- Tell your users to comment anything under one specific comment to subscribe and comment 'unsub' to unsubscribe
- Open your post in Chrome and search for your 'subscribe comment' - click the three dots and click 'Permalink'
- Scroll to the end of the page, until no more comments load. This might take a while. (Use Page down keys)
- Now open the dev tools (press F12) and select the 'select tool' (top left) and highlight the comment section <div data-level='0' class='comment expanded'> needs to be selected
- Right click on the <div> then 'Copy' then 'Copy element'
- Now past the code in the textbox below (might take a while), enter your username and press 'Extract & Build Comments'
- If you click a generated comment it will be pasted in your clipboard and highlighted