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Static Routes

The I18nBundle will help you to create translatable static routes and will also help you to generate valid alternate links.

Generating Routes in current request

To create static route paths/urls in current request via Twig or PHP API you may want to use the _i18n parameter builder:


{# relative [by static route name] #}
{{ dump( i18n_static_route('my_static_route', { news: 'my-attribute' }, true) ) }}
{# absolute [by static route name] #}
{{ dump( i18n_static_route('my_static_route', { news: 'my-attribute' }, true) ) }}

{# relative [object with link generator] #}
{{ dump( i18n_entity_route(pimcore_object(20), {}, false) ) }}
{# absolute [object with link generator] #}
{{ dump( i18n_entity_route(pimcore_object(20), {}, true) ) }}


use I18nBundle\Builder\RouteParameterBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;

public function myAction(Request $request) 
    // set object
    $object = \Pimcore\Model\DataObject::getById(20);
    $parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForEntity($object);

    $linkGeneratorStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
    $parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForStaticRoute(
            'news' => 'my-attribute'

    $instantStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('my_static_route', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);

Generating Routes in CLI

To create static route paths/urls in headless context:


use I18nBundle\Builder\RouteParameterBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
    $object = \Pimcore\Model\DataObject::getById(20);
    $parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForEntity(
            '_locale' => 'en'
            'site' => Site::getByDomain('test-domain1.test')

    $linkGeneratorStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
    $parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForStaticRoute(
            '_locale' => 'en',
            'news' => 'my-attribute'
            'site' => Site::getByDomain('test-domain1.test')

    $instantStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('my_static_route', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
    return 0;

Translatable Fragments

Creating translatable static routes are quite a challenge in pimcore. We'll show you how to create them based on our Pimcore News Bundle.


First you need to create a valid route.

Pattern Reverse
/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\/(?:news|artikel)\/(.*?)$/ /{%_locale}/@news/%entry

This static route allows structures like:


Important: This function is only available if you're having a %_locale element in your reverse section. Without it, it can't get translated!

Translation Pattern

In the reverse field you may have recognized the @news element. This element will get translated during the url generation. Please be sure that all translation keys are also available in the pattern section ((?:news\|artikel|xy) for example) Now we'll add some configuration to translate this fragment:

# config/packages/i18n.yaml

    mode: country
    locale_adapter: system
    # you also need to add them to every zone, if you have any
            key: 'news'
                de: 'artikel'
                de_CH: 'artikel'
                en: 'news'
                en_AU: 'news'
                fr: 'nouvelles'

# example static route
                name: my_static_route
                pattern: '/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\/(?\/(.*?)$/' ## returns (artikel|news|nouvelles)
                reverse: '/{%%_locale}/@news/%%entry'
                controller: App\Controller\DefaultController::staticRouteAction
                variables: '_locale,entry'
                defaults: null
                siteId: null
                methods: null
                priority: 1
                creationDate: 1634472684
                modificationDate: 1634472684

Info: Why not using the default pimcore translation service you may asking? We also thought about that. The reason is: It's quite dangerous to add routing translations to the backend since they could get changed by customers / translation services very easily which could lead to serious SEO problems.

Optional Locale in Url

The I18nBundle allows you to have domains without a locale fragment in url. For Example:


To achieve that you just set the language property to the document which is also a pimcore site. That was easy! Now we need to check the static routes again - because the pattern always requires the locale part. Pimcore allows optional placeholders so instead of %_locale just add {%_locale} to your reverse element. If no locale has been found in your request url the fragment now gets excluded.

Alternate Links Generator

Then need to register an alternate listener and its corresponding service.

<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="de" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="en-au" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" />
    autowire: true
        - { name: kernel.event_subscriber }

namespace App\EventListener;

use I18nBundle\Event\AlternateDynamicRouteEvent;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class I18nRoutesAlternateListener implements EventSubscriberInterface

    *   ATTENTION!
    *   Do not rely on request stack in this event listener!
    *   This event can be called at any state during different states
    *   Always check/pass your dynamic data via attributes! 
    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            I18nEvents::PATH_ALTERNATE_STATIC_ROUTE => 'checkStaticRouteAlternate'
    public function checkStaticRouteAlternate(AlternateDynamicRouteEvent $event): void
        // be careful here! Alternate requests are able to resolve two states:
        // I. non-headless: generate alternate links for a given request (main request) which will pass the request attributes
        //   => you'll find your mapped data in $event->getCurrentRouteAttributes()
        // II. headless: requested by a standalone zone entity which passes will pass route parameters
        //   => you'll find your mapped data in $event->getCurrentRouteParameters()

        $attributes = $event->isCurrentRouteHeadless() ? $event->getCurrentRouteParameters() : $event->getCurrentRouteAttributes();
        // depending on given route, you may want to build different alternate route items
        if($event->getCurrentRouteName() !== 'test_route') {

        $entryId = $attributes->get('entry');
        $news = DataObject\NewsEntry::getByLocalizedfields('detailUrl', $entryId, $event->getCurrentLocale(), ['limit' => 1]);

        if (!$news instanceof DataObject\NewsEntry) {

        $locale = $attributes->get('_locale');

        foreach ($event->getAlternateRouteItems() as $alternateRouteItem) {

            $newsName = $news->getName($locale);

            if (empty($newsName)) {
            //  Strategy I. (recommended) ############################
            //  Use link generator, only pass the object.
            //  ######################################################
            //  Strategy II. #########################################
            //  Default static route generation (no link generator)
            //  ######################################################

            //set the static route name (in this case it depends on the entry type.
            $alternateRouteItem->setRouteName($news->getEntryType() === 'news' ? 'news_detail' : 'blog_detail');
                'entry' => $news->getDetailUrl($locale)

Naming Convention in Country Context

The static route configuration above will generate the locale fragment based on the %_locale element. So your i18n urls should look like this, otherwise symfony will not recognize the locale:


This looks quite ugly. We want some nice looking urls:


Yea - that's also possible. Just create your country element like described and set the document key to en-us instead of en_US for example. This Bundle will automatically transform your static routes locale fragment into valid ones.

Note: Of course it's still possible to use iso code formatted url structures if you really want to do that. :)