The I18nBundle will help you to create translatable static routes and will also help you to generate valid alternate links.
To create static route paths/urls in current request via Twig or PHP API
you may want to use the _i18n
parameter builder:
{# relative [by static route name] #}
{{ dump( i18n_static_route('my_static_route', { news: 'my-attribute' }, true) ) }}
{# absolute [by static route name] #}
{{ dump( i18n_static_route('my_static_route', { news: 'my-attribute' }, true) ) }}
{# relative [object with link generator] #}
{{ dump( i18n_entity_route(pimcore_object(20), {}, false) ) }}
{# absolute [object with link generator] #}
{{ dump( i18n_entity_route(pimcore_object(20), {}, true) ) }}
use I18nBundle\Builder\RouteParameterBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
public function myAction(Request $request)
// set object
$object = \Pimcore\Model\DataObject::getById(20);
$parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForEntity($object);
$linkGeneratorStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
$parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForStaticRoute(
'news' => 'my-attribute'
$instantStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('my_static_route', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
To create static route paths/urls in headless context:
use I18nBundle\Builder\RouteParameterBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
$object = \Pimcore\Model\DataObject::getById(20);
$parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForEntity(
'_locale' => 'en'
'site' => Site::getByDomain('test-domain1.test')
$linkGeneratorStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
$parameters = RouteParameterBuilder::buildForStaticRoute(
'_locale' => 'en',
'news' => 'my-attribute'
'site' => Site::getByDomain('test-domain1.test')
$instantStaticRoute = $this->urlGenerator->generate('my_static_route', $parameters, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
return 0;
Creating translatable static routes are quite a challenge in pimcore. We'll show you how to create them based on our Pimcore News Bundle.
First you need to create a valid route.
Pattern | Reverse |
/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\/(?:news|artikel)\/(.*?)$/ |
/{%_locale}/@news/%entry |
This static route allows structures like:
Important: This function is only available if you're having a %_locale
element in your reverse section. Without it, it can't get translated!
In the reverse field you may have recognized the @news
element. This element will get translated during the url generation.
Please be sure that all translation keys are also available in the pattern section ((?:news\|artikel|xy)
for example)
Now we'll add some configuration to translate this fragment:
# config/packages/i18n.yaml
mode: country
locale_adapter: system
# you also need to add them to every zone, if you have any
key: 'news'
de: 'artikel'
de_CH: 'artikel'
en: 'news'
en_AU: 'news'
fr: 'nouvelles'
# example static route
name: my_static_route
pattern: '/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)\/(?\/(.*?)$/' ## returns (artikel|news|nouvelles)
reverse: '/{%%_locale}/@news/%%entry'
controller: App\Controller\DefaultController::staticRouteAction
variables: '_locale,entry'
defaults: null
siteId: null
methods: null
priority: 1
creationDate: 1634472684
modificationDate: 1634472684
Info: Why not using the default pimcore translation service you may asking? We also thought about that. The reason is: It's quite dangerous to add routing translations to the backend since they could get changed by customers / translation services very easily which could lead to serious SEO problems.
The I18nBundle allows you to have domains without a locale fragment in url. For Example:
To achieve that you just set the language property to the
document which is also a pimcore site.
That was easy! Now we need to check the static routes again - because the pattern always requires the locale part.
Pimcore allows optional placeholders so instead of %_locale
just add {%_locale}
to your reverse element.
If no locale has been found in your request url the fragment now gets excluded.
Then need to register an alternate listener and its corresponding service.
<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="de" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="en-au" />
<link href="" rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" />
autowire: true
- { name: kernel.event_subscriber }
namespace App\EventListener;
use I18nBundle\Event\AlternateDynamicRouteEvent;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class I18nRoutesAlternateListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
* Do not rely on request stack in this event listener!
* This event can be called at any state during different states
* Always check/pass your dynamic data via attributes!
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
I18nEvents::PATH_ALTERNATE_STATIC_ROUTE => 'checkStaticRouteAlternate'
public function checkStaticRouteAlternate(AlternateDynamicRouteEvent $event): void
// be careful here! Alternate requests are able to resolve two states:
// I. non-headless: generate alternate links for a given request (main request) which will pass the request attributes
// => you'll find your mapped data in $event->getCurrentRouteAttributes()
// II. headless: requested by a standalone zone entity which passes will pass route parameters
// => you'll find your mapped data in $event->getCurrentRouteParameters()
$attributes = $event->isCurrentRouteHeadless() ? $event->getCurrentRouteParameters() : $event->getCurrentRouteAttributes();
// depending on given route, you may want to build different alternate route items
if($event->getCurrentRouteName() !== 'test_route') {
$entryId = $attributes->get('entry');
$news = DataObject\NewsEntry::getByLocalizedfields('detailUrl', $entryId, $event->getCurrentLocale(), ['limit' => 1]);
if (!$news instanceof DataObject\NewsEntry) {
$locale = $attributes->get('_locale');
foreach ($event->getAlternateRouteItems() as $alternateRouteItem) {
$newsName = $news->getName($locale);
if (empty($newsName)) {
// Strategy I. (recommended) ############################
// Use link generator, only pass the object.
// ######################################################
// Strategy II. #########################################
// Default static route generation (no link generator)
// ######################################################
//set the static route name (in this case it depends on the entry type.
$alternateRouteItem->setRouteName($news->getEntryType() === 'news' ? 'news_detail' : 'blog_detail');
'entry' => $news->getDetailUrl($locale)
The static route configuration above will generate the locale fragment based on the %_locale
So your i18n urls should look like this, otherwise symfony will not recognize the locale:
This looks quite ugly. We want some nice looking urls:
Yea - that's also possible. Just create your country element like described and set the document key to en-us
instead of en_US
for example.
This Bundle will automatically transform your static routes locale fragment into valid ones.
Note: Of course it's still possible to use iso code formatted url structures if you really want to do that. :)