- A GPU-accelarated snakemake workflow that calls variants from multi-sample illumina reads using Deepvariant and GLnexus
- A sample sheet - sample_sheet.csv: a comma delimited file with 3 columns (no column name):
- sample, path to illumina read1, path to illumina read2
- Modify configuration file - config.yaml:
- reference: path to reference fasta file
- sample_sheet: path to the sample sheet prepared above
- outdir: path to the output directory
- suffix: illumina reads' suffix of forward reads and reverse reads. For example:
should be ["_R1","_R2"]
- cpu: number of cores provided to the pipeline, should be the same as the command line parameter
- w_size: non-overlapping window size of reporting average depth along the genome.
- Make sure snakemake is installed in current environment.
- Docker is required.
- Install docker image:
- Install docker image:
snakemake --cores [cpu] --use-conda