5.0 (Nov 22 2023), Raylib 5.0 | RayGUI 4.0
Raylib & RayGUI Changes :
Raylib 5.0
[BRAKING] REMOVED: GenImageGradientH() and GenImageGradientV()
[BRAKING] RENAMED: LoadFont*() parameter names for consistenc
ADDED: New Splines drawing and evaluation API
ADDED: SetWindowMaxSize() for desktop and web
ADDED: LoadRandomSequence() / UnloadRandomSequence()
ADDED: DrawCircleLinesV()
ADDED: ExportImageToMemory()
ADDED: GenImageGradientSquare()
ADDED: GenImageLinearGradient()
ADDED: LoadSoundAlias()
ADDED: GetMasterVolume()
REDESIGNED: LoadOBJ(), to avoid mesh splitting by materials
REVIEWED: Support .vox model file version 200
REVIEWED: Optimized and simplified the gesture system
And much much more
With over 95 function changed & additions be sure to read up on all of the changes over on raylib's' CHANGELOG !
RayGUI 4.0
[BRAKING] REDESIGNED: Multiple functions and what they return, check out raygui 4.0's CHANGELOG for a detailed list of changes
[BRAKING] REDESIGNED: All controls return result are now 'int'
ADDED: GuiToggleSlider()
ADDED: GuiColorPickerHSV() and GuiColorPanelHSV()
ADDED: Multiple new icons, mostly compiler related
ADDED: New enum values: GuiTextAlignment, GuiTextAlignmentVertical, GuiTextWrapMode
Vinculum Changes
Added two new examples
Created a Attributions file for example assets
Optimized the layout of multiple of the examples
Optimized port of rcamera, by @danilwhale in #6
Fixed .obj example files being missing
Fixed a crash on Linux with the TestingProgram
Fixed all examples with freecamera to behave properly
Known Issues:
GuiCheckBox wrapper implementation does not have correct API, returns bool like the raygui 3.x API and not int.
Many of the new API's do not have a managed sbyte* wrapper implementations.
New Contributors
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