Makes caster invisible for 10 seconds.
Sets health of caster's and teammates in radius to 150 health.
Spawns magic ball on cast. Teleports the caster to wherever it lands when it comes in contact with a surface.
Spawns magic ball on cast. Explode when contact with a surface, burning enemies in a radius.
Burn player
Spawns magic ball on cast. Magic ball has no gravity and move forward, damage enemies in radius for 30 hp each 0.5 second and sucks them in.
Sets gravity of caster's gravity to moon gravity for 25 seconds.
Sets crits for caster's for 10 seconds.
Increase your speed Increase your fire rate Allows you to do multi-jump
Summons skeletons to play on your team
Immunity to bullets and impacts
Dance or die
Gives a random spell to each player