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How to use ftsynthesis

  • This document provides how to use the package.
  • This document describes the user api and how to call it with arguments

Main Module and API function

  • main module : ftsynthesis
  • main function : synthesize
  • syntax:
# import the package
import ftsynthesis.ftsynthesis as synthesizer
# function call
synthesizer.synthesize(protocol, qubit_layout, synthesis_option=option, qubit_table=qubit_mapping)
  • output
	"analysis": {
		"CNOT Overhead": ..,
		"Circuit Depth": ..,
		"Function List": ..,
		"Interaction": ..,
		"Qubit": ..
	"qchip" : ..,
	"system_code": {
		"circuit": ..,
		"initial_mapping": ..,
		"final_mapping": ..

Items of output

  • analysis : statistics of the resulting circuit (circuit size, component quantum gates etc.)
  • qchip : input qubit layout information
  • system_code : the circuit (gate scheduling), the initial_mapping and final mapping

Arguments of ftsynthesis

1. Fault-Tolerant Protocol

  • It should be provided as a quantum assembly code format (.qasmf).
  • Note that in the directory tests/DB-QASM, you can see the sample files.
  • When you write a qasm file, there is a naming rule as follws
  • Example:
# Logical CNOT gate protocol of [[7, 1, 3]] Steane code
Qubit LQ1-data0
Qubit LQ1-data6
Qubit LQ2-data0
Qubit LQ2-data6
CNOT LQ1-data0,LQ2-data0
CNOT LQ1-data6,LQ2-data6

Naming Rule

  • The data qubit that holds the data in a logical qubit should be named as having "data" (e.g., data_i)
  • The magic qubit that holds the data in a magic state should be named as having "magic" (e.g., magic_j)

2. Qubit layout

  • It is the qubit connectivity information and should be provided as a json format file.
  • We provided a module layout_generator that generates a regular qubit lattice of a given size (height and width)
  • How to use the module is provided below.
  • Example:
	"dimension":{"height":7, "width":7},
		"0":[7, 1],
		"1":[8, 0, 2],

3. Synthesis option

  • It is a information for the circuit synthesis.
  • Example:
synthesis_option={"iteration": 1, 
		"moveback": True, 
		"allowable_data_interaction" : 0,
		"optimal_criterion" : "circuit_depth", 
		"cost_function": "lap", "lap_depth": 5, 
		"decay_factor": 0.1,
		"extended_set_weight": 0.5,
		"initial_mapping_option": "periodic_random"}

Description of the option items

  • iteration : the number of SABRE iterations (positive integer 1,2, ..)
  • moveback : the moveback operation (True or False)
  • allowable_data_interaction : the upper bound for swap gates between data-type qubits
  • optimal_criterion : criterion to determine the optimality of a circuit (circuit_depth or number_gates)
  • cost_function : cost function employed in the circuit synthesis algorithm (nnc or lap)
    • nnc : cost evaluation based on front layer only.
    • lap : cost evaluation based on front layer and extended set ahead of front layer
  • lap_depth : in case of lap, the depth of the extended set from front layer (positive integer)
  • decay_factor : in case of lap, factor to control the parallelism of swap gates (positive real number: 0 ~ 1)
  • extended_set_weight : in case of lap, the weight how much the cost of the extended set is involved in the cost (positive real number: 0 ~ 1)
  • initial_mapping_option : option for the initial random qubit mapping how to generate it (random, periodic_random)
    • random : make a initial mapping completely randomly
    • periodic_random : allocate random number periodically on a qubit layout

4. Qubit Mapping

  • To perform the circuit synthesis for a non-pivot protocol, the fixed position of the data (and magic) qubits should be provided.
  • It is the json formed data.
  • For 2-qubit gates including T gate, we need to extend the qubit layout by merging two logical 1-qubit layouts. This is done by following procedures.
    1. call the module to generate an extended qubit layout
     layout_generator.generate_regular_qchip_architecture(job_dir, extended_layout_size)
    1. call the module to merge two logical single-qubit layouts and arrange the qubits properly. (How to call the module is described below)
     extended_layout = util.merge_qubit_layout(inverse_qubit_table_LQ1, inverse_qubit_table_LQ2, 
     					direction=neighbor_direction, layout_size=data_best_layout_size)

How to call Main Module

  • It should be called with the arguments (protocol, qubit layout and synthesis option). Please see the sample codes for Steane Code or Golay Code.
  • For the circuit synthesis over multiple protocols, you need to see the below figure. concept

How to use the utility functions

1. layout_generator.generate_regular_qchip_architecture

  • function to generate a regular qubit layout (All-to-All, 1-D, 2-D)
  • syntax
# size of a qubit layout
layout_size = {"height": height, "width": width}
# call the module to generate a qubit layout
qchip1_layout = layout_generator.generate_regular_qchip_architecture(job_dir, layout_size, architecture=2)
  • arguments

    • job_dir : the directory where the function saves the resulting layout file (.json)
    • layout_size : the size of the qubit layout
    • architecture : the dimension of the qubit layout (0, 1, 2)
      • 0: all-to-all connection
      • 1: one-dimensional lattice
      • 2: two-dimensional lattice
  • output (python dictionary type data)

    • path for file : path for the file based on the input job_dir
    • qchip_architecture : the dictionary data that includes a list containing the connected qubit index for a pivot qubit (see the example of qubit layout above)
{"result_file": full_path_device, "qubit_connectivity": qchip_architecture}

2. util.merge_qubit_layout

  • function to merge two qubit layouts for an extended layout and to allocate the qubits in small layouts onto an extended layout
  • syntax
extended_layout = util.merge_qubit_layout(inverse_qubit_table_1, inverse_qubit_table_2, 
					direction=neighbor_direction, layout_size=data_best_layout_size)
  • arguments

    • inverse_qubit_table_1 : inverse of the qubit mapping of a logical qubit 1 -> {physical qubit index : logical qubit}
    • inverse_qubit_table_2 : inverse of the qubit mapping of a logical qubit 2 -> {physical qubit index : logical qubit}
    • direction : relative direction between two logical qubits (vertical or horizon)
    • layout_size : the size of a single-qubit layout (NOT an extended layout)
  • outout (qubit mapping in the extended qubit layout)

extended layout = {
	'LQ1-checkup0': 61,
	'LQ1-data0': 87,
	'LQ1-data1': 34,
	'LQ2-checkup0': 68,
	'LQ2-data0': 94,
	'LQ2-data1': 41,

3. util.checkup_fault_tolerance

  • function to check the fault-tolerance of the resulting circuit (called in
  • syntax
util.checkup_fault_tolerance(system_code, extended_layout_size, write_file=True)
  • arguments

    • system_code : system code that includes the circuit, the initial qubit mapping and the final mapping
    • extended_layout_size : the size of the extended qubit layout
    • write_file : flag whether writing the result to a file or not
  • output

    • the full snapshots of the circuit with checking whether data qubits have interaction or not