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4.1. Compute -

File metadata and controls

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EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud

  • Some capabilities/integrations:
    • EC2: Renting virtual machines
    • EBS: Storing data on virtual drives
    • ELB: Distributing load across machines
    • ASG Scaling the services using an auto-scaling group
  • Pricing
    • Billed only when in running state.
      • And stopping state only if it's hibernating.
      • Also stopped state for reserved instance.
    • Billed by the hour or the second, depending on which AMI you're running
    • t2.micro is free tier.
    • Data transfer costs
      • Free between EC2 and other services.
      • Free between EC2 instances in same availability zone using private IP addresses only.
      • $0.01/GB for transfer between instances in different availability zones
      • See also data transfer costs
  • Elastic Network Interface (ENI)
    • Each EC2 has one default ENI.
    • Each ENI have
      • one primary private IPv4, can have additional private IPv4 (optional)
      • one Elastic IP (static IP) per private IPv4 (optional)
      • one public IPv4
      • one or more IPv6
      • one or more security group
      • a mac address
      • source destination check flag
      • description of ENI
    • Can attach a secondary network interface
    • You can attach a network interface to an EC2 instance in the following ways:
      • Hot attach: When it's running
      • Warm attach: When it's stopped
      • Cold attach: When the instance is being launched
    • Termination with instance termination
      • Default interfaces are terminated with instance termination.
      • Manually added interfaces are not terminated by default
  • Type describes how powerful the machine is (vCPUs, Memory, Network performance etc.)
  • EC2 Tenancy allows you to choose a tenant for the instance
    • Run a shared hardware - Default
    • Dedicated - Run a Dedicated instance, shared within different instance (non-dedicated) from same AWS account.
    • Dedicated host - You have visibility and control over how instances are placed on the server
  • Status Checks checks physical machine (underlying hyper-visor) and returns pass & fail.
    • You can set-up Status Checks alarms.
    • Auto Scaling Group uses this check by default.
      • Can set to use Elastic Load Balancer's health check.
  • You can enable termination protection (termination = deletion)
    • Prevents an instance from being accidentally terminated by requiring that you disable the protection before terminating the instance
  • EC2 Instance Metadata
    • Allows AWS EC2 instances to learn about themselves without using an IAM Role / permission.
    • The internal URLs are accessible only by EC2
    • You can retrieve the IAM Role name from the metadata
      • ❗ You can not retrieve the IAM policy
    • Meta data = Info about the EC2 instance at
      • Your EC2 instance has always credentials to the role that usually expires in 1 hour
        • Get IAM credentials:<iam-role-name>
    • User data = launch script of the EC2 instance
  • Enhanced Networking can be enabled on specific instances with a driver to reduce networking overhead + faster networking.
    • 📝Single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV)
    • Utilizes Elastic Network Adapter (high Performance Network Interface for Amazon EC2)
    • Free
    • ❗ Limitations
      • Instances must be launched in a VPC
      • Instances must be launched from a HVM AMI
    • Elastic Network Adapter: High performance
    • Elastic Fabric Adapter: High Performance Computing
      • ❗ Linux machines only
  • Monitoring
    • ❗📝 CloudWatch does not monitor memory usage as well as disk space utilization
      • 💡 Requires installation of CloudWatch agent or use custom scripts to send custom metrics.
  • Launch templates
    • Store launch parameters so that you don't specify them every time you launch an instance.
    • E.g. AMI ID, instance type, key pairs and Security Groups.t
  • 💡 An instance may immediately terminate if:
    • You've reached your EBS volume limit
    • An EBS snapshot is corrupt
    • The root EBS volume is encrypted and you do not have permissions to access the KMS key for decryption
    • The instance store-backed AMI that is attached is missing a required part (an image.part.xx file)

Basic tasks

  • Hibernating an instance means persisting all of its data and RAM so you can pre-warm an instance before resuming.
  • Stopping and starting an instance migrate EC2 to a most likely new underlying host.
  • Retiring: An instance is scheduled to be retired when AWS detects irreparable failure of the underlying hardware hosting the instance.
    • When an instance reaches its scheduled retirement date
      • It is stopped (if it has EBS root volume) or
      • Terminated (if it has instance instance store root volume) by AWS
  • 📝Get meta data
    • Request to EC2 metadata service from your EC2 instance
      • It returns the properties (recursively)
      • Get data further e.g.
    • You can also use Instance Metadata Query Tool which is a simple bash script that does the curl.
  • Launch virtual server using AWS Console
    1. Go to EC2 -> Launch an instance -> Choose Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
    2. Choose type for machine (e.g. t2.nano, t2.micro)
    3. Configurations
      • Storage: EBS is where the data will be stored (SSD, HDD etc.)
      • You can have different tags
        • Name is important as it appears in UI.
    4. Launch
      • For SSH you need to have key pair, you can generate new or use existing.
  • Connect to EC2 through SSH
    • SSH with e.g. ssh -i privatekey.pem <user-name>@<ip-address>
      • Username can be ec2-user (Amazon Linux, RHEL, SUSE, FreeBSD), ubuntu (Ubuntu, NanoStack), admin (Debian), root (RHEL, TurnKey, OmniOS), fedora (Fedora), centos (Centos), ``bitnami` (BitNami)
      • IP address is the public IP address of the machine, you cannot use private IP to connect.
      • Private key privatekey.pem is enough as AWS puts public key automatically to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    • 💡 When you first download key-pair file permission is 0644 which is to open -> private key can leak as it's accessible by others.
      • 📝Fix with chmod 0400 awsEc2.pem -> only root user can see it.
      • 📝chmod 400 is for Linux only
    • On Linux / Mac we use SSH, on Windows we use PuTTy (on Windows 10 SSH can be used as well)
  • Configuring Windows machines
    • EC2 Launch is PowerShell scripts that makes the computer AWS-friendly
      • It sends instance information to EC2 console, sets computer name & wallpaper, adds DNS suffixes, executes user data, persistence static routes to reach the metadata & KMS services, dynamically extends OS partition to include any unpartitioned space and more...

Security Groups

  • Firewall on EC2 instances.
  • Associated to ENI and not with instance
  • Controls authorized IP ranges (IPv4 and IPv6) and ports with:
    • Inbound rules
      • From other to the instance
      • All inbound rules are denied by default
      • You define protocol (e.g. TCP) & port range & source
        • Source
          • 📝Refer another security group (type in Security Group ID)
          • An IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block
          • A single IPv4 or IPv6 address (e.g. anywhere: for IPv4 and ::/0 for IPv6)
    • Outbound rules
      • From the instance to other
      • Open to everywhere by default
      • You define protocol (e.g. TCP) & port range & destination.
        • Destination
          • 📝Another security group
          • An IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block
          • A single IPv4 or IPv6 address
          • An AWS service (i.e. prefix list ID)
  • Can be attached to multiple instances
  • 📝Security groups are sateful(once allowed inbound, connection passes through outbound and vice versa)
  • An instance can have multiple security groups
  • Locked down to a region / VPC combination
    • ❗ You need to recreate security groups if you change region / VPC.
    • You can create a snapshot => Create AMI and use AMI to launch in other AZ or copy AMI to new region and launch there.
  • 💡 Good practice: maintain one separate security group for SSH access.
  • 📝Any timeout errors means a misconfiguration of your security groups
  • If your application gives "connection refused" error, then it's an application error or it's not launched
  • Being able to reference security groups allows:
    • Easier maintenance as you don't need to work with IP's.
    • E.g. allow EC2 instances to connect with each other by authorizing their attached security groups.
  • ❗ You can only delete security group after you delete all EC2 instances associated with the security group.
  • ❗📝 You cannot block single IP/IP-range with Security Groups, you'll need NACL (Network Access Control Lists) for it.
    • Security groups can only "allow" services through a default deny

EC2 User Data

  • Enables to bootstrap instances using EC2 data script.
    • bootstrapping means launching commands when a machine starts
  • Script is only run once at the instance first start
  • Enables automating boot tasks such as installing updates, installing software, downloading common files from internet ....
  • Runs with the root user (sudo rights)
  • 📝Get user data -> Request to from your EC2 instance
  • Flow
    • Create EC2 -> Configure Instance -> Advanced Details -> User data -> Paste commands
    • 💡 In first line add #!/bin/bash -> tells Unix what program to use to run it
  • For faster deployment without bootstrapping use Golden AMIs:
    1. Create a golden AMI with the static installation components already setup
    2. Use EC2 user data to customize the dynamic installation parts at boot time.
      • 🤗 Elastic Beanstalk is a good example for mixing golden AMIs and EC2 user data.

EC2 Instance Launch Types

  • On demand instances
    • Start whenever you want & stop without any long time commitment.
    • Pricing
      • Pay for what you use (billing per second, after the first minute)
      • Has highest cost but no upfront payment
    • 💡 Recommended for short-term and uninterrupted workload, where you can't predict how the application will behave.
      • E.g. when doing auto-scaling
  • Reserved instances
    • Standard Reserved instances
      • Reserve an instance for 1 to 3 years
      • Enables you to modify Availability Zone, scope, network platform, and instance size (within the same instance type)
        • Up to 75% discount compared to On-demand
        • Payment options are "no upfront" (pay monthly), "partial upfront", "all upfront" (cheaper).
      • You can sell sell your unused instances on the AWS Reserved Instance Marketplace.
      • 💡 Recommended when e.g. when running a database over a year
      • 💡 Reserve minimum capacity you'll use in year e.g. 1 EC2 instance in each AZ in multi-AZ architecture.
      • 💡 Can be sold in Reserved Instance Marketplace
    • Convertible Reserved Instances
      • Convertible means you have option to change:
        • Instance family, instance type, platform, scope, and tenancy
        • Only if the creation of new instance is equal or greater value
      • Pricing: Up to 54% discount
      • 💡 Workloads are likely to change
    • Scheduled Reserved Instances
      • Launch within time window you reserve
      • 💡 You know something will happen e.g. every week but only during one hour or one day.
  • Spot instances
    • Cheapest (up to 90% discount compared to on demand) but risk of losing instance
      • Spot instance is charged per second.
      • If AWS shuts down your instance in first hour you don't pay, but you have to pay if you terminate.
    • You bid a maximum price and get the instance as long as it's under the price
      • You lose the instance if you get outbid
        • Instances are reclaimed with a 2 minute notification warning when the spot price goes above your bid.
        • Persistence request allows instances to come back when the price drops to the right pricing.
      • Price varies based on offer and demand at times
    • 📝Spot instance shut down priority: The one who had longer time (e.g. 50 min) will be shut down faster than the shorter time (e.g. 5 min)
    • 💡 For short & fault tolerant workloads e.g. batch jobs, Big Data analysis.
    • In the event of an interruption, you can set instances to be terminated or hibernated.
    • You may get insufficient capacity error
      • Stop all instances & start again to end up in a new hardware.
  • ❗ 20 On-Demand & 20 Reserved & 20 Spot instances per region (soft limit)
  • Spot Block
    • Allows you to request Spot instances for 1 to 6 hours at a time to avoid being interrupted while your job completes


  • Each instance that you launch into a VPC has a tenancy attribute
    • Default: Your instance runs on shared hardware.
    • Dedicated: Your instance runs on single-tenant hardware.
    • Host: Your instance runs on a Dedicated Host, which is an isolated server with configurations that you can control.
  • Cannot change tenancy after launching instances when
    • From default to dedicated or host.
    • From dedicated or host to default.
    • 💡 You only switch between dedicated instances i.e. from host to dedicated and from host to dedicated.
    • A VPC tenancy can be changed to any but it only affects new instances.
  • Dedicated instances
    • Instances running on hardware that's dedicated to you
      • You don't control your hardware.
      • May share hardware with other instances in same account
    • No control over instance placement (can move hardware after Stop / Start)
  • Dedicated Hosts
    • Physical dedicated EC2 server for your use

    • Full control of EC2 instance placement

    • Visibility into the underlying sockets / physical cores of the hardware

      • You have direct access to the CPU
    • Allocated for your account for a 3 year period reservation

    • More expensive

    • You can allow instance auto-placement where untargeted EC2s will be launched in dedicated host(s).

    • Useful for

      • Complicated licenses such as BYOL - Bring Your Own License, or you pay based on CPU cores etc.
        • ❗ A Dedicated Host is required if you'd like to use your existing Windows Server licenses.
      • Regulatory & compliance needs.
    • Dedicated Instances vs Dedicated hosts

      Characteristics Dedicated Instances Dedicated Hosts
      Enables the use of dedicated physical servers X X
      Per instance billing (subject to a $2 per region fee) X
      Per host billing X
      Visibility of sockets, cores, host ID X
      Affinity between a host and instance X
      Targeted & automatic instance placement X
      Add capacity using an allocation request X

EC2 Instance Types

  • 📝Main types

    Type Mnemonic Category Description Use-cases
    M (M)ain / (M)edium General purpose Balance of compute, memory, network resources General, mid-size databases, web apps
    C (C)ompute Compute optimized Advanced CPUs Modeling, analytics, databases
    H (H)DD Storage optimized Local HDD storage Map reduce
    R (R)am Memory Optimized More ram per $ In-memory caching
    X (X)treme Memory Optimized Terabytes of RAM and SSD In-memory databases
    I (I)ops IO optimized Local SSD storage, High IOPS NoSQL databases
    G (G)PU GPU Graphics GPUs with video encoders 3D rendering
    P (P)ictures GPU Compute GPUs with tensor cores Machine learning
    F (F)ield Accelerated Computing Field Programmable Gate Array, custom hardware accelerations Genomics, financial analytics
    T (T)iny / (T)urbo Burstable, Shared CPUs, lowest cost Web servers
    • Remember all: PHD McGift Rx
  • Numbers change over time and indicate generation e.g. t2., t3..

  • Burstable instances

    • Good performance for a burst / short while e.g. spike and your CPU goes to 100%
    • Burst credits
      • Bursting consumes burst credits and low CPU gets you credits.
      • You get more credits when your CPU is low.
  • T2 / T3 unlimited provides unlimited burst but you pay extra if you go over your credit balance.

  • You can also have Bare Metal instances to eliminate virtualization overhead.

  • X1e is part of Memory Optimized instance family and recommended for databases.


  • AMI = Amazon Machine Images
  • AWS has base images for Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat, Windows, Amazon Linux etc.
  • AMI can be found and published on the Amazon Marketplace
  • Two virtualization types
    • HVM VM - Hardware virtual machine
      • Utilizes special hardware extensions as it's on bare metal hardware.
      • Enhanced Networking
      • Only option for Windows.
    • PV VM - Paravirtual virtual machines, only available for Linux
    • 💡 HVM is recommended because same or better performance than paravirtual guests.
      • Before: Better storage & network in PV VM because of special I/O drivers.
      • Now: PV drivers are available for HVM VM (instead of emulating hardware)
  • Custom AMIs
    • AMIs can be built for Linux/Windows machines.
    • Removes need for EC2 user data with faster boot time.
    • Can be created from volumes or snapshots.
    • Can use pre-configured & maintained public AMIs from other people by paying by hour.
    • ❗ AMI are built for a specific AWS region
      • An AMI created for a region can only be seen in that region.
      • 📝 Copying makes it available in different regions for e.g. disaster recovery.
    • ❗ Do not use AMI you don't trust, they may be unsecure or contain malware.
    • VM Import/Export allows you to import OVA file (or VMDK, VHD, or RAW) as AMI then create EC2 based on it.
      • AWS SMS - Server Migration Service
        • Enhances VM import & export
        • Migrate thousands (concurrently 50) of Hyper-V and VMware workloads to AWS.
  • AMI Storage
    • S3 but you won't see them in the S3 console
    • By default, your AMIs are private and locked for your account / region.
      • You can make AMIs public in order to share with other accounts or sell in AMI Marketplace.
  • AMI Pricing: Cheap as you only pay for space it takes in S3.

Common tasks

  • Copying an AMI
  • AWS does not batch copy following, need manual work:
    • User-defined tags
    • Launch permissions
    • S3 bucket permissions
  • Create AMI from EC2
    • Right click on EC2 -> Image -> Create Image
    • When it's done it appears on EC2 dashboard -> Images -> AMIs
    • You can right click and
      • Copy it to another region
      • Deregister it in order to remove it.
      • In image permissions:
        • Make it publicly available, or share it with other AWS account numbers.
        • Create volume permissions option allows others accessing AMI to make a copy of the AMI.
      • Launch a new EC2 based on it.
  • 📝Cross account / cross region AMI Copy
    • Share AMI with another AWS account
      • Sharing an AMI does not affect the ownership of the AMI.
        • ❗ However if you copy an AMI that has been shared with your account, you are the owner of the target AMI in your account.
      • Flow:
        1. Right click on EC2 -> Image Permissions
        2. Keep it private & add account number.
        3. Select Add "create volume permissions to snapshot to allow other accounts to make a copy.
    • Ensure you have read permissions for AMI storage:
      • Associated EBS snapshot (for an Amazon EBS-backed AMI)
      • Associated S3 bucket (for an instance store-backed AMI)
    • ❗ You can't copy:
      • Encrypted AMI shared from another account
        • 💡 Instead you can copy the snapshot (if it's shared with encryption key) and re-encrypt it & register as a new AMI you own.
      • AMI with an associated billingProduct shared from another account
        • They're Windows AMIs and AMIs from the AWS marketplace
        • 💡 You can launch an EC2 instance in your account using the shared AMI -> Create an AMI from the instance

EC2 Placement Groups

  • Use to control how EC2 instances will be placed within AWS infrastructure.
  • ❗ Works only for certain types of instances
  • ❗ You can't merge placement group
  • ❗ Placement group must have unique name within AWS account.
  • ❗ You can't move existing EC2 to placement group -> you can create AMI and launch new.
  • 💡 AWS recommends homogenous instances within placement groups e.g. using same instance types.
  • Creation
    • Console -> EC2 -> Placement Groups -> Create Placement Group -> Select a strategy
    • You can now launch new EC2 instances in the placement group.
  • Placement Group Strategies
    • Cluster
      • Clusters instances into a low-latency group in a single Availability Zone
        • ❗ Cannot span multiple AZ
      • High performance, high risk
        • High network throughput, low-latency (10 Gbps bandwidth between instances)
        • Same rack & same AZ -> If the rack fails, all instances fails at the same time.
      • 💡 Use cases
        • Big Data job that needs to complete fast
        • Application that needs extremely low latency and high network throughput.
    • Spread
      • Spreads instances across underlying hardware (❗ max 7 instances per group per AZ)
        • Ensures all instances are located in different hardware.
      • Can span across multi AZ.
      • Minimizes failure risks.
    • Partition
      • Spreads instances across many different partitions (which rely on different sets of racks) within an AZ.
      • Partitions are isolated from each other from hardware failures in different racks but not VMs.
      • Can span across multi AZ.
      • Scales to 100s of EC2 instances per group.
      • ❗ Up to 7 partitions per AZ
      • EC2 instances get access to the partition information as metadata
      • 💡 Use cases: HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, Kafka