wysihtml5x 0.5.0-beta3 (December 17, 2014)
- Fixes IE9 error if classList polyfill present allready
- Fix #78 Preserve cursor position on editor.cleanUp()
- Fix table cells selection is broken
wysihtml5x 0.5.0-beta2 (December 11, 2014)
- Fix tab key triggering error
- Update repo naming
wysihtml5x 0.5.0-beta1 (December 4, 2014)
- formatBlock update
- Selections apply format to selection not its parent block,
- Removed toggle functionality from many formatBlock commands (h1-6, p, pre …) and added plaintext state to formatblock instead.
- Code modernization
- Changes API!
- Allow tel: scheme in links
- Fixed atributeless A tags
- Added “dimension” to checkattributes methods (for with/height attributes where floating point numbrs and percentages are allowed)
wysihtml5x 0.4.17 (November 6, 2014)
- Updated rangy and added as node package
- Updated qUnit for testing
- Fixes some selection issues with webkit and autolinking
- Refactored composer.observer for readability
wysihtml5x 0.4.16 (October 23, 2014)
- Fix copy being broken for plain/text
- Change deleting and selection behaviour of uneditable containers
wysihtml5x 0.4.15 (September 17, 2014)
- Fixes copying incorrrect source (spans, styles etc.) from texteditor in webkit and adds ability to add separate ruleset for paste cleanup if source origin is editor itself
wysihtml5x 0.4.14 (September 10, 2014)
- Adds ability for check_attributes parameter in cleanup rules to define attributes whose name is beginning with string (ex: “data-*”)
- Toolbar buttons active and disabled classes can be configured
- Paste logic rewrite. Pasted data is now precaught and separate rulesets can be defined for pasted data.
wysihtml5x 0.4.13 (August 11, 2014)
- Adds option for parser to keep comments
- Fixes list insertion problems in IE
- Fixes some leaking varaibles reduces browser error messages
- Updates rangy to latest (1.3alpha.20140804)
wysihtml5x 0.4.12 (July 03, 2014)
- Fixes some placeholder problems targeting Firefox and Safari.
wysihtml5x 0.4.11 (July 03, 2014)
- Tests are now made with up to date Qunit (tanks @Waxolunist)
- Fixes an error that placeholder will not be displayed when whitespace present in editor
wysihtml5x 0.4.10 (June 27, 2014)
- Solve inline formating issues when applying multiple styles
- Add a special case when deleting into heading with caret
wysihtml5x 0.4.9 (June 17, 2014)
- Prevent possible errors when uneditable element is passed through in parser
- getValue api changed so passing no parameter will parse and remove all possible internals on result. Takes two parameters getValue(true /* parse content /, true / ensure removal of all internals and selection markers */)
wysihtml5x 0.4.8 (June 9, 2014)
*Improvements in list indent outdent handling
- Add insertBlockQuote command and remove blockquote creation from formatBlock
wysihtml5x 0.4.7 (June 2, 2014)
- Fixes mayor bug that prevents deleting some elements.
wysihtml5x 0.4.6 (June 2, 2014)
- Added “hasVisibleContent” to parser check methods to clean up empty elements
- Added list indent and outdent commands
- TAB key handling is now optional and can be turned off
- Minor bug fixes
wysihtml5x 0.4.5 (May 6, 2014)
- Added “add_style” to parser rules
- Added function “any” as parser class parameter to pass all classes
- Some errors fixed
wysihtml5x 0.4.4 (Apr 25, 2014)
- Adds TAB key support
- Improves list handling and adds possibility to create nested lists
- Improved behaviour of commands that rely on formatInline
- Added text alignment with style commands (alignLeftStyle, alignRightStyle, alignCenterStyle)
- Changes to grunt build rather than makefile
- Updated to newer rangy 1.3alpha
- Dropped Old Opera 12 support
- Minor bug fixes
wysihtml5x 0.4.3 (Mar 02, 2014)
- Adds command “formatCode”
- Fixes some IE8 mayor bugs
wysihtml5x 0.4.2 (Feb 13, 2014)
- Adds cell selection events “tableselectstart”, “tableselectchange”
- Fixes configuration file issue of overriding link target attribute
- Add bower support
wysihtml5x 0.4.1 (Jan 28, 2014)
- “createTable” command has one additional parameter “tableStyle” accepting CSS string
- Selecting more than one table cell removes conflicting text selection
- Table api has now canMerge function for checking if cell merging is allowed on cells selected
- Method “any” added to Parser rules check_attributes enabling all attributes values to pass
- Various bugs fixed
wysihtml5x 0.4.0 (Dec 12, 2013)
- Changed syntax of background and foreground color with style commands
- Anchor creting and removing logic changed
- Default build is without internal toolbar functions and build with “-toolbar” suffix contains default toolbar functions
wysihtml5x 0.4.0-beta2 (Nov 7, 2013)
- Support for contenteditable without iframe sandbox when initiated on div instead of textarea
- Table creation and handling commands added
- Improved parser with options to: unwrap tag instead of remove, keep defined styles, complex object type definitions for allowing elements.
- Ability to add uneditable area inside editor text flow (useful when building modules like video tools, advanced image editor etc.)
- Improved formatblock handling
- Ability for user to remove formating with only collapsed caret. (without having to select exactly whole text)
- Minor performance fixes
- Ability to use inline styles if needed
wysihtml5 0.3.0 (May 18, 2012)
- Support for query command groups in toolbar
- Don’t overwrite title attribute on img and a tags (thx to @bobanj, #65)
- Fix copying of attributes (eg. spellcheck=“false”)
- Allow toolbar button other than anchors
- Fix another keyboard issue on Windows (#46)
- Improve insertUnorderedList and insertOrderedList commands
- Now possible to specify text of a hyperlink (thx to @jhollingworth, #45)
wysihtml5 0.3.0 RC 2 (March 29, 2012)
- Changed License from GPL to MIT
- Now possible to use multiple editors on one page (#20)
- Fixed random IE error happening when retrieving currentStyle (#21)
- Fixed Safari context menu issue (#27)
- Fixed weird issue in Chrome happening when the editor was initialized when the textarea has been inserted dynamically (#15)
- Fixed issue happening with the polish keyboard layout (#16)
- Make sure that the editor iframe uses same IE document mode as it’s parent
wysihtml5 0.3.0 RC 1 (February 5, 2012)
- Basic iOS support (thx @javan for bearing with me)
- Proper undo/redo support for all browsers except IE
- Added more events: beforecommand:composer, aftercommand:composer, undo:composer, redo:composer, show:dialog, save:dialog, cancel:dialog (thx to @martinnormark)
- Fixed an annoying text pasting behavior
- Allow nested toolbar buttons (thx to @kagd)
- Updated rangy library to version 1.2.2
- Improve handling of line breaks in list elements for even cleaner HTML output
- The editor now also copies border-radius styles from the textarea to the rich text element (thx to @henningthies)
wysihtml5 0.2.0 (July 13, 2011)
- Library agnostic (no Prototype library needed anymore)