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Cheat Sheet for Web
This page is intended for developers who are familiar with the XMPL language. This page acts as a quick reminder for the website creation workflow, and as a source for code snippets which can be easily copied and pasted. Note that XMPL is built on top of AngularJS 1.3, and therefore AngularJS documentation also applies.
- In Circle, open the project that you wish to connect to.
- Download the XMPL configuration file for the project: Build > Library > Website > Configuration file. The downloaded file name should be
. - Copy it to the root folder of your website.
Add the following references to the jQuery javascript file, the XMPL library javascript and CSS files, and the configuration file:
<!-- XMPie XMPL library -->
<link href="https://ajax.xmcircle.com/ajax/libs/xmpl/3.1.4/xmp/css/xmp.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.xmcircle.com/ajax/libs/xmpl/3.1.4/xmp/js/xmp.min.js"></script>
<script src="./xmpcfg.js"></script>
Add the following attributes to the body or div tag of the section that needs to be personalized. Landing pages (the page you link to with the recipient ID):
<body ng-app="xmp.app"
Internal pages:
<body ng-app="xmp.app"
To use a custom failure page add xmp-failure-url="error.html" to the list of attributes, where error.html is your failure page.
There are three ways of representing an ADOR. The third notation can be used only if the ADOR name consists only of alpha numeric ascii characters.
{{xmp.r['My TextAdor']}}
{{xmp.r["My TextAdor"]}}
Using assets:
<img xmp-image-asset="xmp.r.MyAdor"/>
Using website images with Text ADORs; or uImage Graphic ADORs:
<img ng-src="images/{{xmp.r.MyAdor}}"/>
When the ADOR value is the class name:
<span xmp-class="xmp.r.MyStyle"> Your Text Here </span>
In this case also ensure to add all possible ADOR values as class definitions in your site's CSS.
Use of expression to determine the class name:
xmp-class="{'gold':xmp.r.Member=='Gold', 'plain':xmp.r.Member!='Gold'}">
Your Text Here </span>
In this case also ensure to add the class options to your site CSS.
Show a tag only if the expression is true:
<div xmp-show="xmp.r.Membership=='Gold'">
Create a link to an address supplied by an ADOR.
<a xmp-href="{{xmp.r['Blog']}}">users blog</a>
Create a link to a PDF on Demand touchpoint. The PDF on Demand shows the data available at the time the link in the webpage was clicked.
<a xmp-href="{{xmp.r['XMPie.PDF.P1']}}">View the PDF</a>
<a xmp-href="{{xmp.r['XMPie.PDF.P2']}}">Get your coupons</a>
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<tr xmp-repeat="Department in xmp.r.Departments">
<li xmp-repeat="item in xmp.r['Fuel Consumption']">
{{item.Date}}: {{item.Liter}} Liters
<form xmp-update>
First Name: <input type="text" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.Fname"><br/>
<input type="checkbox" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.Gift"
xmp-true-value="SendGift" xmp-false-value="DontSendGift"> Send me my gift card. <br>
<select name="singleSelect" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.MyAdor">
<option value="Defender">Defender</option>
<option value="Discovery">Discovery</option>
<option value="Evoque">Evoque</option>
<input class="btn-primary" type="submit"
value="save" xmp-success-url="thanks.html" xmp-tracking-action="form submitted">
Radio buttons get a slightly different form:
<input type="radio" value="Sports" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.MyAdor">Sports <br/>
<input type="radio" value="Pickup" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.MyAdor">Pickup <br/>
<input type="radio" value="Antique" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.MyAdor">Antique <br/>
The self registration requires an XMPAnonymous controller:
<body ng-app="xmp.app"
And the form is as follows:
<form xmp-register>
First Name: <input type="text" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.Fname">
<input class="btn-primary" type="submit"
value="save" xmp-success-url="thanks.html">
In a GURL, the second time the form is used (on the same browser), to make sure the form is cleared of the previous data, add the forgetRecipient() function to the submit button. In this way the previous values in the form are cleared, and the form functions as a GURL each time:
<form xmp-register xmp-success-url="index.html">
First Name : <input type="text" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r['First Name']" size="30">
Last Name : <input type="text" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r['Last Name']" size="30">
<input class="btn-primary" ng-click="forgetRecipient()" type="submit" value="save">
<form xmp-refer>
First Name: <input type="text"
<input class="btn-primary" type="submit"
value="save" xmp-success-url="thanks.html">
It is common for a form to use validation. XMPL is based on Angular 1.3.0 and uses its validation technique. Below are example of usage of validation based on control state binding and on CSS. There are additional methods in the Angular documentation.
Add this to you CSS file.
.error {
color: red;
.css-form input.ng-invalid.ng-dirty {
background-color: #FA787E; //red background
.css-form input.ng-valid.ng-dirty {
background-color: #78FA89; //green background
Note how the css and the various validations are integrated into the form.
<form name="form" xmp-update novalidate class="css-form">
First Name: <input type="text" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.Fname" required ><br/>
Email: <input name="email" type="email" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.Email" required><br/>
<div class="error" ng-show="form.email.$dirty && form.email.$invalid">
<span ng-show="form.email.$error.required">Tell us your email.</span>
<span ng-show="form.email.$error.email">This is not a valid email.</span>
<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" ng-disabled="form.$invalid"
value="save" xmp-success-url="thanks.html" xmp-tracking-action="form submitted">
There are more form validation examples here: Form validation examples
To trigger an email or external touchpoint on submitting a form, use xmp-success-trigger
<form xmp-update>
Email: <input type="text" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r.Email"><br/>
<input class="btn-primary" type="submit"
value="Update" xmp-tracking-action="form submitted"
To trigger a touchpoint on page load, use xmp-success-trigger
<body ng-app="xmp.app"
To trigger a touchpoint on clicking a button, use xmp-clicked-trigger
<button xmp-clicked-trigger="E2">I Like! </button>
You can also trigger more than one touchpoint by separating them with a comma:
Note: A prerequisite for external touchpoint is XMPL 3.1. In every webpage that uses an external touchpoint, make sure that the library references in the head tag refer to XMPL 3.1.
The following triggered email directives are deprecated from XMPL version 3.1, but will still function:
For future projects, please use the new directives.
To add a method, you can use angular controllers.
Add the script.
//The function "angularComponentsOnReady" is required
//from xmp.min.js version 1.9.1 and above
var angularComponentsOnReady = function()
//adding a controller to xmp.app
var app = angular.module('xmp.app');
app.controller('FuelCalc', function($scope) {
//define a method
$scope.fuelSum = function() {
var sum = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.xmp.r['Fuel Consumption'],
function(value,key) {
sum = sum + Number(value.Liter);
}); //for each
return sum;
}); //controller
} //end angularComponentsOnReady
Use the method in the body of the HTML.
<div ng-controller="FuelCalc">
Your total consumption is {{fuelSum()}} Liters
Sign-in allows the user to gain access to secured pages by providing a username and password.
<body ng-controller="XMPPersonalizedPage">
<form xmp-signin xmp-success-url="index.html" xmp-failure-js="onError()">
Username : <input type="text" xmp-username>
Password : <input type="password" xmp-password>
<input type="submit" value="Sign-In">
function onError(){
var resposeData = window.XMPLLastHttpError.data;
var errorCode = resposeData.ErrorCode;
var displayMessage = resposeData.DisplayMessage;
Sign-out allows the user to sign out from his/her authentication session.
<input type="submit" value="Sign-Out" xmp-signout>
In order to mark an input as a password field in the Registration form, use the XMPie.Web.NewPassword
fixed ADOR name. For example:
<form xmp-register>
<input type="password" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r['XMPie.Web.NewPassword']">
You can allow the user to change his/her password after authentication.
In order to mark an input as the new password field in the Update form, use the XMPie.Web.NewPassword
fixed ADOR name.
In order to mark an input as the existing password field in the Update form, use the XMPie.Web.ExistingPassword
fixed ADOR name.
For example:
<form xmp-update>
Username : <input type="text" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r['UsernameAdor']">
Existing Password : <input type="password" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r['XMPie.Web.ExistingPassword']">
New Password : <input type="password" xmp-write-ador="xmp.r['XMPie.Web.NewPassword']">
<input type="submit" value="Update">
On the Registration form you can set newly registered users to be automatically signed in using
. For example:
<form xmp-register xmp-signin-auto="true"></form>
You can set all personal pages to automatically redirect to the login page if the user is not authenticated.
- Create a file named
in your site folder. - In this file add a link (relative or absolute link) to login page in the following format:
var xmpcustom = {
loginUrl: 'https://Domain/Site/login.html'
- In all personal pages add, the following link to xmpcustom.js:
<script src="xmpcustom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
In the Registration and Refer-a-friend forms you can add a confirm user password input, in which case the user will need to enter the password twice in order to register.
- Add the
attribute to the password input that is connected to theXMPie.Web.NewPassword
write ADOR. - Add the
attribute to the second input where the user will re-enter the password.. - In addition, add
to set the error function. Example:
<input type="password" xmp-password xmp-write-ador="xmp.r['XMPie.Web.NewPassword']">
<input type="password" xmp-confirm-password xmp-failure-js="onConfirmError()">
Use one of the following options:
Option 1
Add xmp-clear-all-cookies-onload
to the body tag. On page load, the current recipient will be reset.
<body ng-controller="XMPAnonymousPage" xmp-clear-all-cookies-onload >
Option 2
Add xmp-clear
to the button. On button click, the current recipient will be reset.
<button xmp-clear>Clear</button>
To control the error display on your page use:
– Includes the error code and the display message. For more details about XMPL error codes, refer to XMPL Rest API help. You can access the XMPL Rest API help from Circle > Library > Web area. -
– Prevents the default error page from being displayed when an error occurs.
<body ng-controller="XMPPersonalizedPage" xmp-prevent-default-error-handle>
<form xmp-update xmp-success-js="onSuccess()" xmp-failure-js="onError()">
function onError(){
var resposeData = window.XMPLLastHttpError.data;
var errorCode = resposeData.ErrorCode;
var displayMessage = resposeData.DisplayMessage;
Below is an explanation how to add a Google Chart directive. However, it explains how to add a directive in general.
Use a mychart directive attribute in the HTML code, that receives the table ADOR and three labels as parameters.
<div mychart table="xmp.r['Fuel Consumption']" xlabel="Date" ylabel="Liter"></div>
Add the following script to the header:
<!-- Google Charts-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
The javascript that defines the directive, in this case running Google Charts.
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart', 'bar']});
//The function "angularComponentsOnReady" is required
//from xmp.min.js version 1.9.1 and above
var angularComponentsOnReady = function()
angular.module('xmp.app').directive('mychart', function() {
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
var chart = function (rawElement) {
//extract the parameters from the tags
var param = attrs['table'];
var data = eval("scope." + param);
var table = [
[attrs['xlabel'], attrs['ylabel']]
angular.forEach(data, function (value, key) {
var row = [ value.Date, Number(value.Liter)];
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(table);
var options = {
width: 400,
height: 200,
bars: 'horizontal' // Required for Material Bar Charts.
var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(rawElement);
chart.draw(data, options);
}; //draw basics
//this callback is called when the ADORs are populated
scope.xmpReady(function () {
var rawElement = element[0];
return {
link: link,
restrict: 'A'
}); //directive
} //end angularComponentsOnReady
#Google Maps To add Google Maps, you may want to use the open source project https://github.com/XMPieLab/XMPL-Maps
#Wordpress To add Wordpress, you may want to use the open source project https://github.com/XMPieLab/XMPL-Wordpress
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