To release a new version of Spyder you need to follow these steps:
git pull or git fetch/merge
Update Announcements.txt
Update version in
(set release version, remove 'dev0') -
git add and git commit
python sdist upload
python2 bdist_wheel upload
python3 bdist_wheel upload
git tag -a vX.X.X -m 'comment'
Update version in
(add 'dev0' and increment minor) -
git add and git commit
git push upstream master
git push upstream --tags
Update to latest tag in
- continuous_integration/conda-recipes/spyder/meta.yaml
- continuous_integration/travis/
- continuous_integration/appveyor/run_test.bat
git add and git commit with [ci skip]
Optional: Create conda packages
- conda build conda.recipe
- anaconda upload spyder-*.tar.bz2 -u spyder-ide
Publish release announcements to our list and the SciPy list
Publish list of bugs and merged pull requests to our Github Releases page
Create DMGs, upload them to our Bitbucket Downloads page and link them in our Github Releases page.