EOS为了应对海量的交易,引入分片(shard)技术,即在区块中维护了一条私有区块链,将一个block分割成多个cycle(循环),每个cycle的生成时间很短,而且不用等待完整的block确认完成(3秒),生成后直接异步广播发送,这样,交易在很快就被确认了。在一个cycle中,如果存在有大量互不想干的交易,但么多核多线程技术将极大的提高交易的处理速度 。 这次仍然从客户端发起一笔交易开始来查看整个代码的流程,基本上是cleos发出Transaction到nodeos的HTTP接口,接口接收到消息,分析打包。
无论是send_actions 还是 send_transaction最终都落到push_transaction
fc::variant push_transaction( signed_transaction& trx, int32_t extra_kcpu = 1000, packed_transaction::compression_type compression = packed_transaction::none ) {
auto info = get_info();
trx.expiration = info.head_block_time + tx_expiration;
if (tx_force_unique) {
trx.context_free_actions.emplace_back( generate_nonce() );
auto required_keys = determine_required_keys(trx);
size_t num_keys = required_keys.is_array() ? required_keys.get_array().size() : 1;
trx.max_kcpu_usage = (tx_max_cpu_usage + 1023)/1024;
trx.max_net_usage_words = (tx_max_net_usage + 7)/8;
if (!tx_skip_sign) {
sign_transaction(trx, required_keys);
if (!tx_dont_broadcast) {
return call(push_txn_func, packed_transaction(trx, compression));
} else {
return fc::variant(trx);
void sign_transaction(signed_transaction& trx, fc::variant& required_keys) {
// TODO determine chain id
fc::variants sign_args = {fc::variant(trx), required_keys, fc::variant(chain_id_type{})};
const auto& signed_trx = call(wallet_host, wallet_port, wallet_sign_trx, sign_args);
trx = signed_trx.as<signed_transaction>();
template<typename T>
fc::variant call( const std::string& server, uint16_t port,
const std::string& path,
const T& v ) { return eosio::client::http::call( server, port, path, fc::variant(v) ); }
template<typename T>
fc::variant call( const std::string& path,
const T& v ) { return eosio::client::http::call( host, port, path, fc::variant(v) ); }
fc::variant call( const std::string& server, uint16_t port,
const std::string& path,
const fc::variant& postdata ) {
try {
while( endpoint_iterator != end ) {
// Try each endpoint until we successfully establish a connection.
tcp::socket socket(io_service);
try {
boost::asio::connect(socket, endpoint_iterator);
endpoint_iterator = end;
// Form the request. We specify the "Connection: close" header so that the
// server will close the socket after transmitting the response. This will
// allow us to treat all data up until the EOF as the content.
boost::asio::streambuf request;
std::ostream request_stream(&request);
request_stream << "POST " << path << " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
request_stream << "Host: " << server << "\r\n";
request_stream << "content-length: " << postjson.size() << "\r\n";
request_stream << "Accept: */*\r\n";
request_stream << "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
request_stream << postjson;
// Send the request.发送组织好的Request
boost::asio::write(socket, request);
// Read the response status line. The response streambuf will automatically
// grow to accommodate the entire line. The growth may be limited by passing
// a maximum size to the streambuf constructor.
boost::asio::streambuf response;
boost::asio::read_until(socket, response, "\r\n");
// Check that response is OK.判断格式
std::istream response_stream(&response);
std::string http_version;
response_stream >> http_version;
unsigned int status_code;
response_stream >> status_code;
std::string status_message;
std::getline(response_stream, status_message);
FC_ASSERT( !(!response_stream || http_version.substr(0, 5) != "HTTP/"), "Invalid Response" );
// Read the response headers, which are terminated by a blank line.
boost::asio::read_until(socket, response, "\r\n\r\n");
// Process the response headers.读取头
std::string header;
while (std::getline(response_stream, header) && header != "\r")
// std::cout << header << "\n";
// std::cout << "\n";
std::stringstream re;
// Write whatever content we already have to output.
if (response.size() > 0)
// std::cout << &response;
re << &response;
// Read until EOF, writing data to output as we go.读取数据
boost::system::error_code error;
while (boost::asio::read(socket, response,
boost::asio::transfer_at_least(1), error))
re << &response;
FC_ASSERT( !"unable to connect" );
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW() // error, "Request Path: ${server}:${port}${path}\nRequest Post Data: ${postdata}" ,
// ("server", server)("port", port)("path", path)("postdata", postdata) )
const string chain_func_base = "/v1/chain";
const string push_txns_func = chain_func_base + "/push_transactions";(httpc.hpp中)
这里基本就相当于调用HTTP的接口了,也就是说cleos把相关的API调用及内容发到了服务端,也就是nodeos端。那就去服务端看看nodeos接收到请求后干了些什么,有什么具体的动作。上面使用的路径是chain, 所以到chain_api_plugin.cpp中去看。
//最终调用下面这个宏,这个宏展开稍微有一些复杂,其实就是名字替换和参数转换 类似struct get_account_params {name account_name;};
#define CALL(api_name, api_handle, api_namespace, call_name, http_response_code) \
{std::string("/v1/" #api_name "/" #call_name), \
[this, api_handle](string, string body, url_response_callback cb) mutable { \
try { \
if (body.empty()) body = "{}"; \
auto result = api_handle.call_name(fc::json::from_string(body).as<api_namespace::call_name ## \_params>()); \
cb(http_response_code, fc::json::to_string(result)); \
} \
#define CHAIN_RO_CALL(call_name, http_response_code) CALL(chain, ro_api, chain_apis::read_only, call_name, http_response_code)
#define CHAIN_RW_CALL(call_name, http_response_code) CALL(chain, rw_api, chain_apis::read_write, call_name, http_response_code)
void chain_api_plugin::plugin_startup() {
ilog( "starting chain_api_plugin" );
my.reset(new chain_api_plugin_impl(app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain()));
auto ro_api = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().get_read_only_api();
auto rw_api = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().get_read_write_api();
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_info, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_block, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_account, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_code, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_table_rows, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_currency_balance, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_currency_stats, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(abi_json_to_bin, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(abi_bin_to_json, 200),
CHAIN_RO_CALL(get_required_keys, 200),
CHAIN_RW_CALL(push_block, 202),
CHAIN_RW_CALL(push_transaction, 202),
CHAIN_RW_CALL(push_transactions, 202)
上面的api_handle.call_name展开后是:read_write::push_transaction_results read_write::push_transaction(),在chain_plugin.cpp文件中。
read_write::push_transaction_results read_write::push_transaction(const read_write::push_transaction_params& params) {
packed_transaction pretty_input;
auto resolver = make_resolver(this);
try {
abi_serializer::from_variant(params, pretty_input, resolver);
} EOS_RETHROW_EXCEPTIONS(chain::packed_transaction_type_exception, "Invalid packed transaction")
auto result = db.push_transaction(pretty_input, skip_flags);//这行是根本,db定义为chain_controller
#warning TODO: get transaction results asynchronously
fc::variant pretty_output;
abi_serializer::to_variant(result, pretty_output, resolver);
return read_write::push_transaction_results{ result.id, pretty_output };
* Attempts to push the transaction into the pending queue
* When called to push a locally generated transaction, set the skip_block_size_check bit on the skip argument. This
* will allow the transaction to be pushed even if it causes the pending block size to exceed the maximum block size.
* Although the transaction will probably not propagate further now, as the peers are likely to have their pending
* queues full as well, it will be kept in the queue to be propagated later when a new block flushes out the pending
* queues.
transaction_trace chain_controller::push_transaction(const packed_transaction& trx, uint32_t skip)
{ try {
// If this is the first transaction pushed after applying a block, start a new undo session.
// This allows us to quickly rewind to the clean state of the head block, in case a new block arrives.
if( !\_pending_block ) {
return with_skip_flags(skip, [&]() {
return \_db.with_write_lock([&]() {
return _push_transaction(trx);
} EOS_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( transaction_exception ) }
void chain_controller::_start_pending_block( bool skip_deferred )
FC_ASSERT( !\_pending_block );
\_pending_block = signed_block();
\_pending_block_trace = block_trace(\*\_pending_block);
\_pending_block_session = \_db.start_undo_session(true);
if ( !skip_deferred ) {
_push_deferred_transactions( false );
if (\_pending_cycle_trace && \_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.size() > 0 && \_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.back().transaction_traces.size() > 0) {
* Wraps up all work for current shards, starts a new cycle, and
* executes any pending transactions
void chain_controller::_start_pending_cycle() {
// only add a new cycle if there are no cycles or if the previous cycle isn't empty
if (\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.empty() ||
(!\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back().empty() &&
\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.resize( \_pending_block->regions[0].cycles_summary.size() + 1 );
\_pending_cycle_trace = cycle_trace();
\_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.resize(\_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.size() + 1 );//当前分片
auto& bcycle = \_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back();
if(bcycle.empty() || !bcycle.back().empty())
bcycle.resize( bcycle.size()+1 );
void chain_controller::_apply_on_block_transaction()
transaction_metadata mtrx(packed_transaction(\_pending_block_trace->implicit_transactions.back()), get_chain_id(), head_block_time(), optional<time_point>(), true /*is implicit*/);
vector<transaction_trace> chain_controller::_push_deferred_transactions( bool flush )
FC_ASSERT( \_pending_block, " block not started" );
if (flush && \_pending_cycle_trace && \_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.size() > 0) {
// TODO: when we go multithreaded this will need a better way to see if there are flushable
// deferred transactions in the shards
auto maybe_start_new_cycle = [&]() {
for (const auto &st: \_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces) {
for (const auto &tr: st.transaction_traces) {
for (const auto &req: tr.deferred_transaction_requests) {
if ( req.contains<deferred_transaction>() ) {
const auto& dt = req.get<deferred_transaction>();
if ( fc::time_point(dt.execute_after) <= head_block_time() ) {
// force a new cycle and break out
void chain_controller::_finalize_pending_cycle()
// prune empty shard
if (!\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.empty() &&
!\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back().empty() &&
\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back().back().empty()) {
\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back().resize( \_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back().size() - 1 );
\_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.resize(\_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.size() - 1 );
// prune empty cycle
if (!\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.empty() &&
\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back().empty()) {
\_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.resize( \_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.size() - 1 );
for( int idx = 0; idx < \_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.size(); idx++ ) {
auto& trace = \_pending_cycle_trace->shard_traces.at(idx);
auto& shard = \_pending_block->regions.back().cycles_summary.back().at(idx);
shard.read_locks.insert(shard.read_locks.end(), trace.read_locks.begin(), trace.read_locks.end());
shard.write_locks.insert(shard.write_locks.end(), trace.write_locks.begin(), trace.write_locks.end());
现在接着回到交易,看前面调用了_push_transaction, 它有两个重载,前面的重载会在函数内调用后面的重载函数,即:
transaction_trace chain_controller::_push_transaction(const packed_transaction& packed_trx)
{ try {
// 根据情况来分别打包普通交易和延迟交易
if( mtrx.delay.count() == 0 ) {
result = _push_transaction( std::move(mtrx) );
} else {
result = wrap_transaction_processing( std::move(mtrx),
[this](transaction_metadata& meta) { return delayed_transaction_processing(meta); } );
// notify anyone listening to pending transactions
on_pending_transaction(\_pending_transaction_metas.back(), packed_trx);
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (transaction_header(packed_trx.get_transaction())) ) }
transaction_trace chain_controller::_push_transaction( transaction_metadata&& data )
{ try {
auto process_apply_transaction = [this](transaction_metadata& meta) {
/// TODO: move \_pending_cycle into db so that it can be undone if transation fails, for now we will apply
/// the transaction first so that there is nothing to undo... this only works because things are currently
/// single threaded
// set cycle, shard, region etc
meta.region_id = 0;
meta.cycle_index = cyclenum;
meta.shard_index = 0;
return _apply_transaction( meta );//交易打入块中
// wdump((transaction_header(data.trx())));
return wrap_transaction_processing( move(data), process_apply_transaction );
transaction_trace chain_controller::__apply_transaction( transaction_metadata& meta )
{ try {
transaction_trace result(meta.id);
for (const auto &act : meta.trx().context_free_actions) {
apply_context context(\*this, \_db, act, meta);
context.context_free = true;
fc::move_append(result.action_traces, std::move(context.results.applied_actions));
FC_ASSERT( result.deferred_transaction_requests.size() == 0 );
for (const auto &act : meta.trx().actions) {
apply_context context(\*this, \_db, act, meta);
context.results.applied_actions.back().auths_used = act.authorization.size() - context.unused_authorizations().size();
fc::move_append(result.action_traces, std::move(context.results.applied_actions));
fc::move_append(result.deferred_transaction_requests, std::move(context.results.deferred_transaction_requests));
update_resource_usage(result, meta);
return result;
transaction_trace chain_controller::_apply_transaction( transaction_metadata& meta ) { try {
auto execute = [this](transaction_metadata& meta) -> transaction_trace {
try {
auto temp_session = \_db.start_undo_session(true);
auto result = __apply_transaction(meta);
} catch (...) {
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (transaction_header(meta.trx())) ) }
void producer_plugin::plugin_startup()
{ try {
ilog("producer plugin: plugin_startup() begin");
chain::chain_controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
if (!my->_producers.empty())
} else
void producer_plugin_impl::schedule_production_loop() {
//Schedule for the next second's tick regardless of chain state
// If we would wait less than 50ms (1/10 of block_interval), wait for the whole block interval.
\_timer.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::microseconds(time_to_next_block_time) );
//\_timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&producer_plugin_impl::block_production_loop, this));
\_timer.async_wait( [&](const boost::system::error_code&){ block_production_loop(); } );
block_production_condition::block_production_condition_enum producer_plugin_impl::block_production_loop() {
block_production_condition::block_production_condition_enum result;
fc::mutable_variant_object capture;
result = maybe_produce_block(capture);//生产块
catch( const fc::canceled_exception& )
if(result != block_production_condition::produced && result == \_prev_result) {
else {
\_prev_result_count = 1;
\_prev_result = result;
case block_production_condition::produced: {
const auto& db = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
auto producer = db.head_block_producer();
return result;
block_production_condition::block_production_condition_enum producer_plugin_impl::maybe_produce_block(fc::mutable_variant_object& capture) {
chain::chain_controller& chain = app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().chain();
fc::time_point now = fc::time_point::now();
if (app().get_plugin<chain_plugin>().is_skipping_transaction_signatures()) {
\_production_skip_flags |= skip_transaction_signatures;
// If the next block production opportunity is in the present or future, we're synced.
if( \!\_production_enabled )
if( chain.get_slot_time(1) >= now )
\_production_enabled = true;
return block_production_condition::not_synced;
// is anyone scheduled to produce now or one second in the future?
uint32_t slot = chain.get_slot_at_time( now );
if( slot == 0 )
capture("next_time", chain.get_slot_time(1));
return block_production_condition::not_time_yet;
// this assert should not fail, because now <= db.head_block_time()
// should have resulted in slot == 0.
// if this assert triggers, there is a serious bug in get_slot_at_time()
// which would result in allowing a later block to have a timestamp
// less than or equal to the previous block
assert( now > chain.head_block_time() );
auto scheduled_producer = chain.get_scheduled_producer( slot );
// we must control the producer scheduled to produce the next block.
if( \_producers.find( scheduled_producer ) == \_producers.end() )
capture("scheduled_producer", scheduled_producer);
return block_production_condition::not_my_turn;
auto scheduled_time = chain.get_slot_time( slot );
eosio::chain::public_key_type scheduled_key = chain.get_producer(scheduled_producer).signing_key;
auto private_key_itr = \_private_keys.find( scheduled_key );
auto block = chain.generate_block(
capture("n", block.block_num())("t", block.timestamp)("c", now)("count",block.input_transactions.size())("id",string(block.id()).substr(8,8));
return block_production_condition::produced;
signed_block chain_controller::generate_block(
block_timestamp_type when,
account_name producer,
const private_key_type& block_signing_private_key,
uint32_t skip /* = 0 */
{ try {
return with_skip_flags( skip | created_block, [&](){
return \_db.with_write_lock( [&](){
return _generate_block( when, producer, block_signing_private_key );
signed_block chain_controller::_generate_block( block_timestamp_type when,
account_name producer,
const private_key_type& block_signing_key )
{ try {
try {
FC_ASSERT( head_block_time() < (fc::time_point)when, "block must be generated at a timestamp after the head block time" );
uint32_t skip = \_skip_flags;
uint32_t slot_num = get_slot_at_time( when );//获取当前生产者的位置
FC_ASSERT( slot_num > 0 );
account_name scheduled_producer = get_scheduled_producer( slot_num );//获得当前区块的生产者
FC_ASSERT( scheduled_producer == producer );
const auto& producer_obj = get_producer(scheduled_producer);
if( !\_pending_block ) {
if( !(skip & skip_producer_signature) )
FC_ASSERT( producer_obj.signing_key == block_signing_key.get_public_key(),
"producer key ${pk}, block key ${bk}", ("pk", producer_obj.signing_key)("bk", block_signing_key.get_public_key()) );
\_pending_block->timestamp = when;
\_pending_block->producer = producer_obj.owner;
\_pending_block->previous = head_block_id();
\_pending_block->block_mroot = get_dynamic_global_properties().block_merkle_root.get_root();
\_pending_block->transaction_mroot = \_pending_block_trace->calculate_transaction_merkle_root();
\_pending_block->action_mroot = \_pending_block_trace->calculate_action_merkle_root();
if( is_start_of_round( \_pending_block->block_num() ) ) {
auto latest_producer_schedule = _calculate_producer_schedule();
if( latest_producer_schedule != _head_producer_schedule() )
\_pending_block->new_producers = latest_producer_schedule;
\_pending_block->schedule_version = get_global_properties().active_producers.version;
if( !(skip & skip_producer_signature) )
\_pending_block->sign( block_signing_key );
_finalize_block( *\_pending_block_trace, producer_obj );
auto result = move( *\_pending_block );
if (!(skip&skip_fork_db)) {
return result;
} catch ( ... ) {
elog( "error while producing block" );
} FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (producer) ) }