- How to ensure IntelliJ is not creating empty lines in approved files?
- How to commit properly approved files in Git?
- How to use Approvals-Java with another JVM language?
Since v0.9.0
a configuration file is generated on first test in ~/.approvals-java
It contains all detected supported tools, you can select your favorite one by uncommenting it.
Alternatively, you can provide your own tool using this syntax:
# complete path /// arguments using reserved keywords %received% %approved%
C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2019.1.1\bin\idea64.exe //// diff %received% %approved%
/usr/local/bin/idea.sh //// diff %received% %approved%
If you are doing JRuby developpement with Rubymine, you can use RubyMine integrated diff tool to approve the differences.
Create the diff script with https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/working-with-the-ide-features-from-command-line.html#launchers-macos-linux
similar to IntelliJ :/usr/local/bin/mine //// diff %received% %approved%
Problem: When using the default Windows.IDEA
Reporter, an empty line is added at the end of the approved file and the tests never pass.
Solution: Add this block to your .editorconfig
insert_final_newline = false
Or, if you don't use editorconfig, check your IDE's formatter settings.
Fact: The *.approved
files must be checked into source your source control since they are part of your tests.
Problem: You could encounter issues with Git messing with line endings so the file always looks like being modified while running the tests.
Solution: Add this block to your .gitattributes
*.approved.* binary
*.approved binary
Git will then treat the approved files as binary instead of text and will respect their line endings.
Make sure the received file (produced by your software) has the same line-endings that the approved file
generated by your merge tool. Especially when you commit these files, beware of git configurations like autocrlf
See this post
for details.
Since v0.8.0 you can
set the system property "AUTO_APPROVE". This will make the approbation library trust all
content passed to verify
You might want to clean your previous approved files before with something like
find . -name "*.approved" | xargs rm -rf
Fact: Approvals tries to name your approved files by looking at the stack
which called Approvals.verify()
to detect the calling class and method name.
Problem: When you use it from a Kotlin or Scala unit test framework, you could have issues with the naming.
When you use Approvals.verify()
from a spec, you need to specify the filename for approved and received files because it is not inferred from the stack like in JUnit tests (the classes and methods are not expressive in this context).
"Parser" should "parse example" in {
val problem = myParser.parse(data)
approvals.verify(problem, "parsedExample")
You can define a trait Approbation
like this:
import com.github.writethemfirst.approvals.Approvals
trait Approbation {
val approvals = new Approvals()