Name | Type | Description | Notes |
backupUrl | String | Only for Wowza stream targets whose provider is not akamai_cupertino. The backup RTMP ingest URL of the Wowza Stream Target. | [optional] |
connectionCode | String | A six-character, alphanumeric string that allows Wowza Streaming Engine to send a transcoded stream to a Wowza stream target. The code can be used once and expires 24 hours after it's created. | [optional] |
connectionCodeExpiresAt | OffsetDateTime | The date and time that the connection_code expires. | [optional] |
createdAt | OffsetDateTime | The date and time that the stream target was created. | [optional] |
hdsPlaybackUrl | String | The web address that the target uses to play Adobe HDS streams. | [optional] |
hlsPlaybackUrl | String | Only for targets whose provider is akamai_cupertino. The web address that the target uses to play Apple HLS streams. | [optional] |
id | String | The unique alphanumeric string that identifies the stream target. | [optional] |
location | LocationEnum | Only for Wowza stream targets whose provider is not akamai_cupertino. Choose a location as close as possible to your video source. | [optional] |
name | String | A descriptive name for the stream target. Maximum 255 characters. | [optional] |
primaryUrl | String | The primary ingest URL of the target. | [optional] |
provider | String | The CDN for the target. | [optional] |
secureIngestQueryParam | String | Only for targets whose use_secure_ingest is true. The query parameter needed for secure stream delivery between the transcoder and the target. | [optional] |
streamName | String | The name of the stream being ingested into the target. | [optional] |
updatedAt | OffsetDateTime | The date and time that the stream target was updated. | [optional] |
useCors | Boolean | Only for Wowza stream targets whose provider is akamai_cupertino. CORS, or cross-origin resource sharing, allows streams to be safely delivered across domains. | [optional] |
useSecureIngest | Boolean | Only for Wowza stream targets whose provider is akamai_cupertino. If true, generates a secure_ingest_query_param to securely deliver the stream from the transcoder to the provider. | [optional] |
Name | Value |
ASIA_PACIFIC_AUSTRALIA | "asia_pacific_australia" |
ASIA_PACIFIC_JAPAN | "asia_pacific_japan" |
ASIA_PACIFIC_SINGAPORE | "asia_pacific_singapore" |
ASIA_PACIFIC_TAIWAN | "asia_pacific_taiwan" |
EU_BELGIUM | "eu_belgium" |
EU_GERMANY | "eu_germany" |
EU_IRELAND | "eu_ireland" |
SOUTH_AMERICA_BRAZIL | "south_america_brazil" |
US_CENTRAL_IOWA | "us_central_iowa" |
US_EAST_VIRGINIA | "us_east_virginia" |
US_WEST_CALIFORNIA | "us_west_california" |
US_WEST_OREGON | "us_west_oregon" |