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Releases: Workfront/workfront-api


21 Sep 07:12
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  • Api search method has now a forth boolean argument. If the argument is true the search request payload will be sent in HTTP POST method, otherwise it sends in GET. Default is false.


  • When searching certain IDs in an Object, passing id = [id1, id2] now works correctly.

Custom Headers

31 Aug 09:55
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Ability to pass custom headers upon creating a new Api instance.


import {Api} from 'workfront-api'

const api = new Api({
   url: '#YOUR_HOSTNAME#'
   headers: {
      'user-agent': '#YOUR_DESIRED_USER_AGENT_NAME#'

Webpack, Fetch, TypeScript, go!

05 Apr 13:22
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  1. Switched to webpack instead of browserify. Bundle size is now 5.24Kb minified!
  2. Using Fetch API for http calls.
  3. Whole code base in now in TypeScript.

Breaking changes

  1. ApiFactory is no longer exported.
  2. ApiUtil is no longer exported.
  3. ApiConstants is no longer exported. Instead workfront-api-constants should be used.
  4. upload method has been replaced with uploadFromStream - working under Node and uploadFileContent - working under browser.

workfront-api-constants is now a dependency

13 Jun 12:20
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ApiConstants enum has been extracted into a separate package: workfront-api-constants and is now a dependency.

That was done to include TypeScript typings alongside constants definition in JS file which can be useful for projects which rely on Workfront API constants but don't want the whole implementation of workfront-api.

This release is fixing issue #16.

File upload support

20 Oct 07:45
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