Wapuu material, by WordCamp Kansai 2014 team to put on top of faces or other objects.
Wapuu is a official mascot character of ja.wordpress.org.
We release two different shapes in SVG & transparent PNG so that you can decorate human faces or any other things with this cute wapuu.
See some examples here: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=%E3%82%8F%E3%81%B7%E3%83%BC , http://jawordpressorg.github.io/wapuu/
Download original Wapuu here: https://github.com/jawordpressorg/wapuu
"わぷー(Wapuu)" has been created by Kazuko Kaneuchi. "わぷー(Wapuu)" is released under GPL v2 license or any later version.
WordCamp Kansai 2014 被りやすいわぷーアイコン素材
オリジナルのわぷーレポジトリ: here: https://github.com/jawordpressorg/wapuu
ライセンスは WordPress ソフトウェアと同じく GPL バージョン 2 またはそれ以降の互換ライセンスとなり、プラグインやテーマ内での使用も可能です。