This is a simple app made for generating, viewing and exploring various fractals. Currently base classes are implemented for escape-time fractals and newton fractals with a few predefined fractals:
- Burning ship fractal
- Mandelbrot set
- Tricorn fractal
- Three Julia sets
- Five Newton fractals
- One miscellaneous
To compile this program you need OpenGL Mesa libraries, especially:
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev mesa-common-dev
as well as Qt5 (I've tested this on version 5.12.8). Here's a comprehensive installation guide:
You can change currently displayed fractal as well as the color palette with the drop-down lists on the left. Fractal exploration is mainly done using mouse:
- Zoom-in/Zoom-out with the scroll wheel or with LB/RB
- Center the fractal on the mouse with middle button
Some additional controls are:
- Increase/decrease maximum iterations during computations with '+' and '-'
- Increase/decrease minimum iterations during computations with '[' and ']'
- Change the calulation domain with arrows: pressing an arrow expands domain in that direction. Pressing an arrow with Control key down does the reverse.
Adding new fractals with already implemented base class (currently these are escape-time and Newton fractals) is very simple. You just need to add a new entry in the fractal map in the fractalsSupplier.h file.
This fractal is created using base class EscapeTimeFractal
"Your escape-time fractal name",
new EscapeTimeFractal([](complex<double> zn, double x, double y) {
return yourFunction(zn, x, y); // Should return z_{n+1}
This fractal is created using base class NewtonFractal
"Your Newton fractal name",
new NewtonFractal([](complex<double> z) { return someComplexFunction(z); },
[](complex<double> z) { return derivativeOfSomeComplexFunction(z); })
Currently this program is set to use 20 threads for calculations. If you find that to be too much or too little it can be changed in the constants.h file.