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Arduino IDE 1.5: Library specification

Cristian Maglie edited this page Dec 19, 2013 · 40 revisions


This specification is under heavy review on the Arduino Developers mailing list. We suggest to delay its adoption until an 1.5 IDE stable version is released.

If you want to join the conversation subscribe to the Arduino developers list:!forum/developers

This specification is a proposal for a new 3rd party library format to be used in the Arduino IDE 1.5.x series.

  • rev.1 has been implemented starting with version 1.5.3 (now suprseded by rev.2)
  • rev.2 will be implemented starting from version 1.5.6.

This new library format is intended to be used in tandem with an automatic Library Manager, that will be implemented in future versions of the Arduino IDE. The Library Manager will allow users to automatically download and install the libraries needed in their projects, taking care of dependencies between libraries, with an easy to use graphic interface. Eventually, there will be an online centralized repository, provided by Arduino, where contributed libraries will reside.

Arduino 1.5.x supports multiple microcontroller architectures (e.g. AVR, SAM, etc), meaning that libraries may need to work on multiple architectures. The new 1.5.x library format doesn’t contain special support for cross-architecture libraries, but it does provide a pre-processor based mechanism for libraries to target sections of code to specific architectures.

See also

The Arduino library style guide is here :

The style guide for examples is here :

1.5 library format (rev. 2)

Library metadata

The most significant addition to the format is the ability to add information about the library itself through a properties file called

This file will allow the future Library Manager to search and install a library and its dependencies in an easy and automated way. file format

The file is a key=value properties list. Every field in this file is UTF-8 encoded. The available fields are:

name - the name of the library
version - version of the library
author - name/nickname of the authors and their email addresses (not mandatory) separated by comma ","
maintainer - name and email of the maintainer
sentence - a sentence explaining the purpose of the library
paragraph - a longer description of the library. The value of sentence always will be prepended, so you should start by writing the second sentence here
url - the URL of the library project, for a person to visit. Can be a github or similar page as well
architectures - a comma separated list of architectures supported by the library. If the library doesn’t contain architecture specific code use “*” to match all architectures


author=Cristian Maglie <[email protected]>, Pippo Pluto <[email protected]>
maintainer=Cristian Maglie <[email protected]>
sentence=A library that makes coding a Webserver a breeze.
paragraph=Supports HTTP1.1 and you can do GET and POST.

Layout of folders and files

Arduino libraries will be composed of a number of folders. Each folder has a specific purpose (sources, examples, documentation, etc). Folders not covered in this specification may be added as needed to future revisions.

Source code

For 1.5.x-only libraries, the source code resides in the src folder. For example:


The source code found in src folder and all its subfolders is compiled and linked in the user’s sketch. Only the src folder is added to the include search path.

For backward compatibility with Arduino 1.0.x, the library author may opt to not place source code into a folder called src. In this case the 1.0 library format is applied and the source code is searched from the library root folder and the utility folder, for example:


This will allow existing 1.0.x libraries to compile under 1.5.x as well and vice-versa. If a library only needs to run on 1.5.x, we recommend placing all source code in the src/ folder. If a library requires recursive compilation of nested source folders, its code must be in the src/ folder (since 1.0.x doesn’t support recursive compilation, backwards compatibility wouldn’t be possible anyway).

Library Examples

Library examples must be placed in the examples folder. Note that the examples folder must be written exactly like that (with lower case letters).


Sketches contained inside the examples folder will be shown in the Examples menu of the IDE.

Extra documentation

An extras folder can be used by the developer to put documentation or other items to be bundled with the library. Remember that files placed inside this folder will increase the size of the library, so putting a 20MB PDF in a library that weights a few kilobytes may be not a good idea.

The content of the extras folder is totally ignored by the IDE; you are free to put anything inside such as supporting documentation, etc.


The list of highlighted keywords must be placed in a file called keywords.txt. The format of this file is the same as the 1.0 libraries


A complete example

A hypothetical library named "Servo" that adheres to the specification follows:


Working with multiple architectures

In 1.5.x, libraries placed in the user’s sketchbook folder (in the libraries/ sub-folder) will be made available for all boards, which may include multiple different processor architectures. To provide architecture-specific code or optimizations, library authors can use the ARDUINO_ARCH_XXX preprocessor macro (#define), where XXX is the name of the architecture (as determined by the name of the folder containing it), e.g. ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR will be defined when compiling for AVR-based boards. For example,

#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)
  // AVR-specific code
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAM)
  // SAM-specific code
  // generic, non-platform specific code

Alternatively, if a library only works on certain libraries, you can provide an explicit error message (instead of allowing the compilation to fail in an difficult to understand way):

#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)
  // AVR-specific code
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SAM)
  // SAM-specific code
  #error “This library only supports boards with an AVR or SAM processor.”

Old library format (pre-1.5)

In order to support old libraries (from Arduino 1.0.x), the Arduino 1.5.x will also compile libraries missing a metadata file. As a result, these libraries should behave as they did in Arduino 1.0.x, although they will be available for all boards, including non-AVR ones (which wouldn’t have been present in 1.0.x).