Releases: WPDevelopers/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite
Releases · WPDevelopers/essential-addons-for-elementor-lite
= 6.0.4 - 09/09/2024 =
- Improved: Security enhancements in EA Fancy Chart & EA Filterable Gallery widgets
- Improved: EA Woo Product widgets | Added manual product selection option
- Added: Compatibility with Element Caching
- Fixed: Scroll position changing on click Elementor Tab when EA is activated
- Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Link malfunction in interactive items
- Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Randomized Gallery option not randomizing the gallery items due to caching issue
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 6.0.3 - 04/09/2024 =
- Fixed: EA Post Grid | Author related UI issues
- Fixed: EA Login Register Form | T&C Toggle Colour issue
- Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Custom SVG icon's Colour issue
- Fixed: EA Wrapper Link conflicts with Elementor Loop Grid
- Fixed: EA Advanced Accordion empty data issue with ACF field
- Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs | Custom ID offset issue
- Fixed: EA Post Grid | Fallback image display issue
- Fixed: EA Post Duplicator | Page Layout styling issue
- Fixed: EA Advanced Tabs compatibility issue with Ad inserter plugin
- Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Alphanumeric Sorting issue
- Fixed: EA WPForms | Submit button hover colour issue
- Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: When accessing a string offset on a string variable
- Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Mobile landscape visibility issue
- Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Quick view compatibility issue with YITH WooCommerce product filter
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 6.0.2 - 29/08/2024 =
- Fixed: Enabling elements inside Elementor causing blank EA dashboard
- Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | "Load More" button shows on those filters which doesn't have any items and less items
- Fixed: EA Interactive Circle | Add URL support for interactive items
- Fixed: EA Hover Interactions | Hover Interactions does not work on the front-end
- Fixed: EA Dashboard | Update CSS Print Method link
- Fixed: EA Post Grid | After Load More the terms are not displayed with Style 3
- Fixed: EA Flip Box | Add overlay for the background image
- Fixed: EA Woo Product Carousel | Carousel disappears when using Botiga theme
- Fixed: EA Post Grid | Child sections ignores 'Show Meta' parents
- Fixed: EA Scroll To Top | Scroll To Top icon doesn't show
- Fixed: EA WPForms | Submit button hover color stays grey
- Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Updated label to "Notice" on display content notice
- Fixed: EA NFT Gallery | Not working
- Improved: EA Dual Color Heading | Vulnerable to Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Improved: EA Woo Checkout | EA Woo Checkout is missing some styling options
- Improved: EA Wrapper link | Elementor popup doesn't work on wrapper link
- Improved: EA Table of Contents | Width option for mobile device
- Improved: Optimized Control Loading | EA Feature List, EA Sticky Video, EA Pricing Table, EA Progress Bar, EA Woo Product Compare
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 6.0.1 - 19/08/2024 =
- Fixed: Elementor transform example rotate, skew etc features not working inside Elementor Editor
- Fixed: Custom Template shows broken inside Elementor Editor if EA is activated in some cases
- Fixed: Dashboard UI/UX related issues after EA 6.0 update
- Improved: Added async requests to all the actions inside EA Dashboard
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 6.0.0 - 11/08/2024 =
- Revamped: New EA Dashboard for better UI/UX
- Revamped: New EA Quick Setup for better UI/UX
- Added: New Extension- EA Hover Interactions
- Added: New Skin Presets for different Post, WooCommerce & Other widgets
- Improved: Added proper sanitization inside EA Filterable Gallery widget
- Fixed: EA Pricing Table | Button Not Displaying and Getting Undefined index
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.9.27 - 11/07/2024 =
- Updated: Custom Attributes inside EA Event Calendar
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.9.26 - 11/07/2024 =
- Improved: Security Enhancement
- Fixed: EA Login / Reset Form | Password form shows error when hit on "Forgot Password"
- Fixed: Cannot redeclare control with same name "eael_global_warning_text"
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.9.25 - 02/07/2024 =
- Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Active menu not showing for archive pages
- Fixed: Missing translatable strings for EA Woo Product List & EA NFT Gallery
- Fixed: EA Call to action | Margin not being applied uniformly
- Updated: WPML Config file in some widgets
- Improved: EA Event Calendar for Security Enhancement
- Improved: EA Post Grid | Added option to show user's first & last name instead of just username
- Improved: EA Advanced Data Table | CSV Data import/export mechanism
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.9.24 - 09/06/2024 =
- Improved: Disallowing low level users to add/edit custom JS
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements
= 5.9.23 - 05/06/2024 =
- Improved: Security Enhancement
- Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added Score Threshold option for reCAPTCHA & option to remove the branding
- Improved: EA Woo product Grid | Added option to filter by tags
- Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added support for register_form action hook
- Improved: EA Login/Register Form | Added field for honeypot
- Improved: EA Interactive Circle | Added option to rotate the Interactive Circle around the middle and pause on hover
- Improved: EA Feature List | Added Horizontal layout option
- Improved: EA Filterable Gallery | Added support for vertical 9:16 video
- Fixed: EA Simple Menu | Using a hash link (#) on a sub-menu item within a hamburger menu will not open the dropdown item on mobile/tablet view
- Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | Not working properly with WordPress and WooCommerce Filter
- Fixed: EA Filterable Gallery | Image Tag being changed from tag to tag after Version 5.9.15
- Fixed: EA Advanced Data Table | Header text reverting to Black if the Sort option in the advanced Features is turned off
- Fixed: EA Post Grid | Conflict with Ultimate Member plugin
- Fixed: EA Post Grid | On Style 3 Terms on Hover is not showing after clicking on the Load More button
- Fixed: EA WP Forms | EA WP Forms Widget Width Restriction in Latest Update
- Fixed: EA Woo Product Gallery | Error in code — data-template and data-terms attributes
- Fixed: EA Woo Product Grid | "Out of stock" badge showing on top of "Sale" badge
- Fixed: EA Login/Register Form | Spinner is not visible on the front-end
- Few minor bug fixes & improvements