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WISE v4.10 Release Notes

hirokiterashima edited this page Oct 15, 2014 · 22 revisions

Table of Contents

Release Schedule

Release dates:
ETA: first half of 2015


This release requires Tomcat 8.0.x and and java 7+ to work with WebSockets. WISE@Berkeley is using Tomcat 8.0.9 with java 1.7.0_65 (as of Aug. 2014)


  1. New Portfolio tool
  2. Adopt MVC framework for client-side views: student, author, teacher?
  3. Browser support: IE 11+, Safari
  4. graphing step v2 (combines graphing+table), also work in global context
  5. document API for WebApp step
  6. More tools that use real-time technology
    1. authoring tool co-authoring notification
    2. new teacher feedback
    3. collaborative annotator
  7. Classroom Monitor v1.0 "name_goes_here" replaces Grading Tool
    1. premade comments v2
    2. remove old grading tool
    3. move workgroup management and run setting into classroom monitor tool
  8. remove need to clear cache when there's change in code
  9. Authoring Tool v2
    1. Versioning projects
  10. Portal redesign: homepage, teacher pages, library page, etc
  11. Community: teacher profiles, discourse integration, public notes, run surveys
  12. Ambient displays in the student view?
  13. Reorganize VLE file structures


  1. See here:

Major additions/changes

  1. New Portfolio Tool for collection of student-selected work from the "My Work", which students can organize, annotate, and share with class
  2. Standardized how we store autograded annotations using the "autograded" type
  3. CRater: implemented multiple-score sequence feedback. Students get different feedback based on how they did in the current round and in the previous round.

Minor additions/changes

  1. Auto-graded scores are automatically populated in teacher grading tool
  2. CRater feedback items can greet users with
  3. Newly created projects start with a default activity
  4. Grapher step now saves intermediary states so we can see a history of student work
  5. WebappNode: added the ability for webapps to specify when a student has completed the step
  6. Admin Tool: improved search functionality for projects
  7. Refactoring and code cleanup

Updating instructions (for people upgrading from v4.9)

1. Update db schema (for people using mysql)

CREATE TABLE `portfolio` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `workgroupId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `runId` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `metadata` mediumtext,
  `items` mediumtext,
  `deletedItems` mediumtext,
  `isPublic` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `isSubmitted` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  `tags` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `postTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

2. Add new key/value pairs to (see for example)

# set this to true iff you want privileged users (admins,researchers) to batch create user accounts
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