retrievedNamedEntities = getNamedEntitiesOfQuestion(myQanaryQuestion,
+ myQanaryQuestion.getInGraph());
String questionStringWithResources = computeQuestionStringWithReplacedResources(questionString,
retrievedNamedEntities, threshold);
QAnswerResult result = requestQAnswerWebService(this.getQanswerEndpoint(), questionStringWithResources, lang, knowledgeBaseId, user);
// STEP 3: add information to Qanary triplestore
- String sparql = getSparqlInsertQuery(myQanaryQuestion, result, knowledgeBaseId);
- myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().update(sparql);
+ URI graph = myQanaryQuestion.getOutGraph();
+ URI questionUri = myQanaryQuestion.getUri();
+ String sparqlImprovedQuestion = getSparqlInsertQueryForImprovedQuestion(graph, questionUri, result);
+ logger.debug("created SPARQL query for improved question: {}", sparqlImprovedQuestion);
+ myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().update(sparqlImprovedQuestion);
+ int index = 0; // only one query expected
+ String sparqlQueryCandidate = getSparqlInsertQueryForQueryCandidate(graph, questionUri, result, index);
+ logger.debug("created SPARQL query for query candidate: {}", sparqlQueryCandidate);
+ myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().update(sparqlQueryCandidate);
+ String sparqlAnswerJson = getSparqlInsertQueryForAnswerJson(graph, questionUri, result);
+ logger.debug("created SPARQL query for answer json: {}", sparqlAnswerJson);
+ myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().update(sparqlAnswerJson);
+ String sparqlAnswerType = getSparqlInsertQueryForAnswerType(graph, questionUri, result);
+ logger.debug("created SPARQL query for answer type: {}", sparqlAnswerType);
+ myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().update(sparqlAnswerType);
+ // TODO: result json and type
+// String sparql = getSparqlInsertQuery(myQanaryQuestion, result, knowledgeBaseId);
+// myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().update(sparql);
return myQanaryMessage;
@@ -210,7 +252,8 @@ protected QAnswerResult requestQAnswerWebService(URI uri, String questionString,"post to endpoint not successful: {}", e);
- return new QAnswerResult(response.getBody(), questionString, uri, lang, knowledgeBaseId, user);
+ return new QAnswerResult(response.getBody(),
+ questionString, uri, lang, knowledgeBaseId, user);
@@ -319,153 +362,124 @@ private String cleanStringForSparqlQuery(String myString) {
- * creates the SPARQL query for inserting the data into Qanary triplestore
- *
- * data can be retrieved via SPARQL 1.1 from the Qanary triplestore using:
- *
- *
+ * creates the SPARQL query for inserting the improved question into Qanary triplestore
- * ?s ?p ?o ;
- * a ?type.
- * VALUES ?t {
- * qa:AnnotationOfAnswerSPARQL qa:SparqlQuery
- * qa:AnnotationOfImprovedQuestion qa:ImprovedQuestion
- * qa:AnnotationAnswer qa:Answer
- * qa:AnnotationOfAnswerType qa:AnswerType
- * }
- * }
- * ORDER BY ?type
- *
- *
- * @param myQanaryQuestion
+ * @param graph
+ * @param questionUri
* @param result
* @return
* @throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions
* @throws URISyntaxException
* @throws SparqlQueryFailed
+ * @throws IOException
- private String getSparqlInsertQuery(QanaryQuestion myQanaryQuestion, QAnswerResult result, String usedKnowledgeGraph)
- throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions, URISyntaxException, SparqlQueryFailed {
+ public String getSparqlInsertQueryForImprovedQuestion(
+ URI graph, URI questionUri, QAnswerResult result) throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions, URISyntaxException, SparqlQueryFailed, IOException {
+ logger.warn("get query for Improved Question");
// the computed answer's SPARQL query needs to be cleaned
- String createdAnswerSparqlQuery = cleanStringForSparqlQuery(result.getSparql());
String improvedQuestion = cleanStringForSparqlQuery(result.getQuestion());
- String answerValuesAsListFormat = "";
- int counter = 1; // starts at 1
- for (String answer : result.getValues()) {
- // only one consistent type for all answers is expected
- if (result.isAnswerOfResourceType()) {
- answerValuesAsListFormat += String.format("; rdf:_%d <%s> ", counter, answer);
- } else {
- answerValuesAsListFormat += String.format("; rdf:_%d \"%s\"^^<%s> ", counter, answer,
- result.getDatatype());
- }
- counter++;
- }
+ // bind: graph, question, service, improvedQuestionText
+ QuerySolutionMap bindings = new QuerySolutionMap();
+ bindings.add("graph", ResourceFactory.createResource(graph.toASCIIString()));
+ bindings.add("question", ResourceFactory.createResource(questionUri.toASCIIString()));
+ bindings.add("application", ResourceFactory.createResource("urn:qanary:" + this.applicationName));
+ bindings.add("improvedQuestionText", ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(improvedQuestion));
+ String sparql = QanaryTripleStoreConnector.insertAnnotationOfImprovedQuestion(bindings);
+ logger.warn("sparql: {}", sparql);
+ return sparql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the SPARQL query for inserting the query candidate into Qanary triplestore
+ *
+ * @param graph
+ * @param questionUri
+ * @param result
+ * @return
+ * @throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions
+ * @throws URISyntaxException
+ * @throws SparqlQueryFailed
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ public String getSparqlInsertQueryForQueryCandidate(
+ URI graph, URI questionUri, QAnswerResult result, int index) throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions, URISyntaxException, SparqlQueryFailed, IOException {
+ QuerySolutionMap bindings = new QuerySolutionMap();
+ // use the variable names defined in method insertAnnotationOfAnswerSPARQL
+ bindings.add("graph", ResourceFactory.createResource(graph.toASCIIString()));
+ bindings.add("targetQuestion", ResourceFactory.createResource(questionUri.toASCIIString()));
+ bindings.add("selectQueryThatShouldComputeTheAnswer", ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(result.getSparql()));
+ bindings.add("confidence", ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(result.getConfidence()));
+ bindings.add("index", ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(index)); // TODO: currently, only one SPARQL is annotated, so index is always 0
+ bindings.add("application", ResourceFactory.createResource("urn:qanary:" + this.applicationName));
+ // get the template of the INSERT query
+ String sparql = QanaryTripleStoreConnector.insertAnnotationOfAnswerSPARQL(bindings);
+"SPARQL insert for adding data to Qanary triplestore: {}", sparql);
+ return sparql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the SPARQL query for inserting the answer json into Qanary triplestore
+ *
+ * @param graph
+ * @param questionUri
+ * @param result
+ * @return
+ * @throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions
+ * @throws URISyntaxException
+ * @throws SparqlQueryFailed
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ public String getSparqlInsertQueryForAnswerJson(
+ URI graph, URI questionUri, QAnswerResult result) throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions, URISyntaxException, SparqlQueryFailed, IOException {
+ QuerySolutionMap bindings = new QuerySolutionMap();
+ // use the variable names defined in method insertAnnotationOfAnswerSPARQL
+ bindings.add("graph", ResourceFactory.createResource(graph.toASCIIString()));
+ bindings.add("targetQuestion", ResourceFactory.createResource(questionUri.toASCIIString()));
+ // TODO: check content of answer json
+ bindings.add("jsonAnswer", ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(result.getAnswerJsonString()));
+ bindings.add("application", ResourceFactory.createResource("urn:qanary:" + this.applicationName));
+ // get the template of the INSERT query
+ String sparql = QanaryTripleStoreConnector.insertAnnotationOfAnswerJson(bindings);
+"SPARQL insert for adding data to Qanary triplestore: {}", sparql);
+ return sparql;
+ }
+ /**
+ * creates the SPARQL query for inserting the answer type into Qanary triplestore
+ *
+ * @param graph
+ * @param questionUri
+ * @param result
+ * @return
+ * @throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions
+ * @throws URISyntaxException
+ * @throws SparqlQueryFailed
+ * @throws IOException
+ */
+ public String getSparqlInsertQueryForAnswerType(
+ URI graph, URI questionUri, QAnswerResult result) throws QanaryExceptionNoOrMultipleQuestions, URISyntaxException, SparqlQueryFailed, IOException {
+ QuerySolutionMap bindings = new QuerySolutionMap();
+ // use the variable names defined in method insertAnnotationOfAnswerSPARQL
+ bindings.add("graph", ResourceFactory.createResource(graph.toASCIIString()));
+ bindings.add("targetQuestion", ResourceFactory.createResource(questionUri.toASCIIString()));
+ bindings.add("answerDataType", ResourceFactory.createResource(result.getDatatype().toString()));
+ bindings.add("application", ResourceFactory.createResource("urn:qanary:" + this.applicationName));
+ // get the template of the INSERT query
+ String sparql = QanaryTripleStoreConnector.insertAnnotationOfAnswerDataType(bindings);
+"SPARQL insert for adding data to Qanary triplestore: {}", sparql);
- QuerySolutionMap bindingsForInsert = new QuerySolutionMap();
- bindingsForInsert.add("service", ResourceFactory.createResource(this.applicationName));
- bindingsForInsert.add("question", ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(myQanaryQuestion.getUri().toASCIIString()));
- bindingsForInsert.add("score", ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(String.valueOf(result.getConfidence()), XSDDatatype.XSDdouble));
- bindingsForInsert.add("improvedQuestionText", ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(improvedQuestion));
- bindingsForInsert.add("sparqlQueryString", ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(createdAnswerSparqlQuery.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"") );
- bindingsForInsert.add("answerDataType", ResourceFactory.createResource(String.valueOf(result.getDatatype())));
- bindingsForInsert.add("knowledgeGraph", ResourceFactory.createResource(String.valueOf(knowledgeGraphEndpoints.get(usedKnowledgeGraph))));
- bindingsForInsert.add("json", ResourceFactory.createStringLiteral(
- result.getJsonString().replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\\\\", "\\\\\\").replace("\\n", "").replace("\\t", "").replace("\\/", "/")
- ));
- // TODO: Move to qanary.commons and use template queries
- String sparql = "" //
- + "PREFIX qa: \n" //
- + "PREFIX oa: \n" //
- + "PREFIX xsd: \n" //
- + "PREFIX rdf: \n" //
- + "INSERT { \n" //
- + "GRAPH <" + myQanaryQuestion.getOutGraph() + "> { \n" //
- // used SPARQL query
- + " ?annotationSPARQL a qa:AnnotationOfAnswerSPARQL ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasTarget ?question ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasBody ?sparql ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedBy ?service ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedAt ?time ; \n" //
- + " qa:score ?score ; \n" //
- + " qa:overKnowledgeGraph ?knowledgeGraph . \n" //
- //
- + " ?sparql a qa:SparqlQuery ; \n" //
- + " rdf:value ?sparqlQueryString . \n" //
- // improved question
- + " ?annotationImprovedQuestion a qa:AnnotationOfImprovedQuestion ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasTarget ?question ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasBody ?improvedQuestion ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedBy ?service ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedAt ?time ; \n" //
- + " qa:score ?score . \n" //
- //
- + " ?improvedQuestion a qa:ImprovedQuestion ; \n " //
- + " rdf:value ?improvedQuestionText . \n " //
- // answer
- + " ?annotationAnswer a qa:AnnotationAnswer ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasTarget ?question ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasBody ?answer ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedBy ?service ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedAt ?time ; \n" //
- + " qa:score ?score . \n" //
- //
- + " ?answer a qa:Answer ; \n" //
- + " rdf:value [ a rdf:Seq " + answerValuesAsListFormat + " ] . \n" //
- // answer type
- + " ?annotationAnswerType a qa:AnnotationOfAnswerType ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasTarget ?question ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasBody ?annotationOfAnswerType ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedBy ?service ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedAt ?time ; \n" //
- + " qa:score ?score . \n" //
- //
- + " ?answerType a qa:AnswerType ; \n" //
- + " rdf:value ?answerDataType . \n" //
- // JSON answer (GERBIL)
- + " ?annotationAnswerJson a qa:AnnotationOfAnswerJson ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasTarget ?question ; \n" //
- + " oa:hasBody ?answerJson ; \n " //
- + " oa:annotatedBy ?service ; \n" //
- + " oa:annotatedAt ?time ; \n" //
- + " qa:score ?score . \n" //
- //
- + " ?answerJson rdf:value ?json . \n " //
- + " }\n" // end: graph
- + "}\n" // end: insert
- + "WHERE { \n" //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?annotationSPARQL) . \n" //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?sparql) . \n" //
- //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?annotationOfAnswerType) . \n" //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?answerType) . \n" //
- //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?annotationAnswer) . \n" //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?answer) . \n" //
- //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?annotationAnswerJson) . \n" //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?answerJson) . \n" //
- //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?annotationImprovedQuestion) . \n" //
- + " BIND (IRI(str(RAND())) AS ?improvedQuestion) . \n" //
- //
- + " BIND (now() AS ?time) . \n" //
- + " BIND (<" + myQanaryQuestion.getUri().toASCIIString() + "> AS ?question) . \n" //
- + " BIND (\"" + result.getConfidence() + "\"^^xsd:double AS ?score) . \n" //
- + " BIND ( AS ?service ) . \n" //
- + " BIND (\"" + createdAnswerSparqlQuery.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\"^^xsd:string AS ?sparqlQueryString ) . \n" //
- + " BIND (\"" + improvedQuestion + "\"^^xsd:string AS ?improvedQuestionText ) . \n" //
- + " BIND ( <" + result.getDatatype() + "> AS ?answerDataType) . \n" //
- + " BIND ( <" + knowledgeGraphEndpoints.get(usedKnowledgeGraph) + "> AS ?knowledgeGraph) . \n" //
- + " BIND (\"" + result.getJsonString().replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\\\\", "\\\\\\").replace("\\n", "").replace("\\t", "").replace("\\/", "/") + "\"^^xsd:string AS ?json ). \n " //
- + "}\n";
-"SPARQL INSERT for adding data to the Qanary triplestore: ", sparql);
return sparql;
diff --git a/qanary-component-QBE-QAnswer/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/component/qanswer/qbe/messages/ b/qanary-component-QBE-QAnswer/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/component/qanswer/qbe/messages/
index 039d4f240..e0fc3d26c 100644
--- a/qanary-component-QBE-QAnswer/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/component/qanswer/qbe/messages/
+++ b/qanary-component-QBE-QAnswer/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/component/qanswer/qbe/messages/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ public class QAnswerResult {
private String question;
private String sparql;
private List values;
+ private String answerJsonString;
private String type;
private URI datatype;
private double confidence;
@@ -98,13 +99,17 @@ private void initData(JsonArray answers) throws URISyntaxException, NoLiteralFie
JsonArray languages = questionData.get("language").getAsJsonArray();
logger.debug("responseQuestion->language: {}", languages.toString());
+ String answerJson = questionData.get("answers").getAsString();
JsonObject language = languages.get(0).getAsJsonObject();
logger.debug("0. language: {}", language.toString());
logger.debug("0. sparql: {}", language.get("SPARQL").getAsString());
+ logger.debug("0. answer json: {}", answerJson);
logger.debug("0. confidence: {}", language.get("confidence").getAsDouble());
this.confidence = language.get("confidence").getAsDouble();
this.sparql = language.get("SPARQL").getAsString();
+ this.answerJsonString = answerJson;
@@ -303,4 +308,8 @@ public String getSparql() {
public String getJsonString() {
return jsonString;
+ public String getAnswerJsonString(){
+ return answerJsonString;
+ }
diff --git a/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/pom.xml b/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/pom.xml
index f78571506..6a170fb7e 100644
--- a/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/pom.xml
+++ b/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/pom.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- 3.2.3
+ 3.3.0
diff --git a/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/sparqlexecuter/ b/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/sparqlexecuter/
index 7ff9e950d..b154fd7b5 100644
--- a/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/sparqlexecuter/
+++ b/qanary-component-QE-SparqlExecuter/src/main/java/eu/wdaqua/qanary/sparqlexecuter/
@@ -125,8 +125,7 @@ public String selectKnowledgeGraphEnpdoint(String sparqlQuery){
public String getResultSparqlQuery(QanaryUtils myQanaryUtils, QanaryQuestion myQanaryQuestion) throws SparqlQueryFailed, IOException{
- // TODO: this was changed (no longer using QanaryMessage.getInGraph())
- ResultSet resultset = myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().select(QanaryTripleStoreConnector.getHighestScoreAnnotationOfAnswerInGraph(myQanaryQuestion.getOutGraph()));
+ ResultSet resultset = myQanaryUtils.getQanaryTripleStoreConnector().select(QanaryTripleStoreConnector.getLowestIndexAnnotationOfAnswerInGraph(myQanaryQuestion.getOutGraph()));
String sparqlQuery = "";
while (resultset.hasNext()) {
sparqlQuery ="selectQueryThatShouldComputeTheAnswer").toString().replace("\\\"", "\"").replace("\\n", "\n");