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gmarik edited this page Jul 23, 2011 · 33 revisions

Vundle Wiki


  • Q Why am I asked for username/pass?

    A This is the case of invalid name used with Bundle, which leads to attempt to clone nonexistent repo:

    git clone
    Cloning into non_existin_repo...
    fatal: Authentication failed
  • Q My configuration is bundle dependant, so when I try to install plugins for the first time I get errors. How do I fix that?

    A Fix your Chicken or Egg dilemma

  • Q how do i disable indentation set by plugins?

    A make sure you use filetype plugin on instead filetype plugin indent on

Vundle On OSX

  • Q Why does vim exit with an error?

    A using filetype off with stock OSX vim (/usr/bin/vim) causes vim to exit with non zero error code in completely valid cases. The workaround is to enable filetype before disabling it, like this:

    filetype on
    filetype off
    "... your configuration goes here
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