👉 This document extends the Main Roadmap.
- Implement any breaking changes for Charts CSS v1.0.0, when released
- Add automated weekly dependency updates
- Add automated tests (potentially jest) for wrapper and build deploy pipeline to NPM
Main note: waiting for up-stream framework to reach v1.0.0, to validate this Vue wrapper has further merit for development.
The up-stream framework has not seen much public activity for the last 6 months and there's currently no additional functionality to add to the wrapper. Beyond dependency updates, this wrapper won't see more development until the up-stream framework releases an update.
No! 🔥
However, maintaining open source projects for free is a big and admirable burden for developers. The Charts CSS creator has claimed the framework is not dead and will be implementing a release when time allows, with new features following this roadmap.
Vue Charts CSS will promptly kickstart this roadmap once the up-stream framework sees public activity.
Are you confident with CSS and are curious about supporting the Charts CSS ecosystem? Drop a note introducing yourself on Chart CSS's Discussion board.