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File metadata and controls

444 lines (324 loc) · 17.3 KB

Tracking Gradle Migration

Overall TODO for each project

  • ide-quick

  • bundle-proxy

  • Tests are disabled globally.

  • Jigsaw support via -Pjigsaw=1

  • Documentation building



This is the first action at restructuring the compiler-java build. All of the sources are still in the java-compiler source area, but the ANT plugin is now build separately with artifacts ending up in it’s own build directory without polluting the compiler-java area. This has simplified the compiler-java build as well.


This is the second action at restructuring the compiler-java build. All of the sources are still in the java-compiler source area, but the bootrstao JAR is now build separately with artifacts ending up in it’s own build directory without polluting the compiler-java area. This has simplified the compiler-java build as well.


  • Should consider looking at application plugins to do a better job of bundling scripts. One task is specifically called startScripts to mimic a similar fucntionaing task in application plugin. This was done to deliberately break the build when the refactoring for application happens.


  • 17 tests are currently (disabled test task for moment)


Standard Ceylon Java project.


Standard Ceylon Java project.


From common/build.xml
<target name="publish"
    depends="clean.repo,init.repo,dist,publish-internal" <!-- 1 --> <!-- 2 --> <!-- 3 -- >
    description="Publish both type checker and ceylon.language template module">
  1. clean.repo handled by cleanRepo which is a dependency of clean.

  2. init.repo, publish-internal handled by publishInternal.

  3. dist handled by Gradle dependency chain and included assemble, sourceZip, sha1 and jar


There is an unfortunate interdependency with language.

Utf8properties: Unlike the Ant compiler.classes the main source set will include *.utf8properties. The reason for this is that the Gradle task can take care of this in the processResources task via a filter, whereas in Ant this hand to be handled via an extra build step.

  • Do we need to -XDignore.symbol.file when compiling?

  • Mismatch in compiler-*.jar artifacts between ANT (1789 files) and Gradle (1777 files).

  • Mismatch in ceylon-ant.jar artifacts between ANT (154 files) and Gradle (155 files).

  • For bootstrap-ant.jar need to check MANIFEST.MF


The directory layout seems to be nearer to a Gradle/Maven convention, but the resources are still under src/main/java. For this reason there is a sourceSets block in the build to find the correct files. If those files could simply be moved to the src/main/resources folder the whole block can be eliminated.

  • Do we need to include test classs fo the ceylon.language.js?

  • Not sure about the runtime directory. Should we send those artifacts to build/libs or build/runtime under Gradle?

  • jdk5Stubs seems to refer to an empty collection. We could get rid of it and simplify the build script.


From dist/build.xml
<target name="install-all"
    depends="setup-repo, install-compiler, install-js, <!-- 1 --> <!-- 2 -->
             copy-compiler-binaries, <!-- 3 -->
             copy-samples, copy-templates, copy-contrib, copy-licenses, <!-- 4 -->
             copy-jvm-compiler-libraries, <!-- 5 -->
              install-runtime, <!-- 6 -->
             add-module-descriptors, <!-- 7 -->
    description="Generates all binaries and copies them to the distribution folder">
  1. setup-repo handled :runtime:setupRepo

  2. install-compiler handled by publishInternal task in common, cli, langtools-classfile, model, cmr …​

  3. copy-compiler-binaries handled by :cli:startScripts & :dist:copyCompilerBinaries

  4. copy-licenses, copy-samples, copy-templates & copy-contrib handled by :dist:copySupportFiles

  5. copy-jvm-compiler-libraries handled by :compiler-java:publishInternal.

  6. install-runtime handled by :distinstallRuntime.

  7. add-module-descriptors is not handle in two ways. For Ceylon-specific artifacts this is part of the build in each subproject. For external artifacts this is indirectly covered by :runtime:setupRepo.

  • ceylon-completion.bash is copied twice - once in copyContrib and once in copyCompilerBinaries


  • Does not wrtie anything back to source.

    • Distribution files are written to ${buildPrefix}/osgi-distribution folder

    • Embedded Repository is in `${buildPrefix}/dist_osgi/embeddRepository

  • Running dist task from root project will also cause the full OSGI distribution to be built.

  • addModule 'org.eclipse.ceylon.dist.repo', "${project.version}${versionQualifier}" is current disabled. Not sure if it is needed as the Ant build produces the same warning.


  • Do we need to set the compiler flag -XDignore.symbol.file ?


This has been straight-forward to do. There are no *.utf8properties files in this project, but it has alerted to the native2ascii Ant task that was used. The solution (which hopefully will work) is to hook into the lifecycle processResources task, and fix the encodings on the fly using the Ant EscapeUnicode filter instead.

We also set ceylonPublishModuleName as this one uses two distinctly named property names from

  • Do we need to set -XDignore.symbol.file for JavaCompile options?


We still use the imported Ant build to get stuff done. build.dir is set as a property on the imported build and that seems to be forcing Ant to build into Gradle’s buildDir.

There is an unfortunate interdependency with compiler-java.

  • Fix it from going through the Ant build to building everything as part of Gradle direct.

  • Start using generate-source.gradle to generate source.

  • Set generateModuleInfo according to jigsaw.

  • Some copy operations in the Ant build task need to be investigated.


Standard Ceylon Java project.


It needed a special configuration to pick up the car file from language.


Needed a special sourceSet layout.

As all of the four Ant javac tasks ended up in a single JAR and used the same compilation options, I think putting them into a single compilation task was the way to go.

  • What about those pom.xml files that are dotted over the place?


This a restructuring from runtime which looks after the external runtime dependencies. This just allows for a cleaner build.

  • Should look to see if we cannot handle the JARs via Gradle’s dependency mechanism.


Newly added subproject to wrap around SDK building. It used the top-level build.gradle to setup a correct environment for the Ant Build and uses a Git plugin for Gradle to handle updates etc. A second level build (ant.gradle) loads the Ant Build and executed it once the appropriate properties for Ant as been setup.

  • The current Git plugin that is being used does a git pull instead of git pull --rebase. Waiting on seu-as-code.plugins #26 to be fixed.

  • Still uses org.osgi.imple.bundle.bindex-2.2.0 from the lib folder. Need to know whether it is to be found in an internet repo.


It needed a special configuration to pick up the car file from language.

There is a sourceSets block in the build to find the correct resources files. If those files could simply be moved to the src/main/resources folder the whole block can be eliminated.

Note that unlike the Ant build, the *.utf8properties are included in the block as the processResources task knows how to take care of them.

  • Do we need to set the compiler flag -XDignore.symbol.file ?


Usage of Gradle’s builtin antlr plugin did not work due to a showstopper bug. Sticking wil the old build.xml is not ideal as automatic management of artifacts for project dependencies will be lost. Created CeylonAntlr plugin to solve the problem.

The equivalent of the Ant treegen task has been solved by creating a sourceset called treegen. This automatically creates a compileTreegenJava tasks which is then made dependent on generateGrammarSource.

The tree used a class called Generate to create further Java files for later compilation. It was discovered that the Generate class has a hardcoded path that starts with gensrc. For this reason the generated source directory is configured in the subproject to be gensrc, but located under the build directory. The Gradle tree task used the build directory has working directory and references back to the project directory to find the Ceylon.nodes file. it also manually sets an output directory property so that Gradle can have an idea when it is up to date.

Finally compileJava has to depend on tree, whereafter all of the tasks supplied via java-for-modules.gradle, starts to work.

  • The Ant antlr.tree deleted tokens at the end. Should we still do that?

Custom build code in buildSrc

A buildSrc folder has been added to help with some of the delicate and less common feastures of this build.


A checksum task type has been added as buildSrc/src/main.groovy/CheckSum.groovy. This task can be used in conjuction with any archiver tasks such as Zip & Jar to create checksums. By default a sha1 task is added to each Java project. This replaces the use of the sha1sum tasks in the Ant build.


A helper class has been added as buildSrc/src/main.groovy/TimeStamp.groovy. It sets a singular timestamp value at the beginning of the build which can then be used in all builds via TimeStamp.BUILD. This replaces the use of the TStamp ant task.


This is a plugin that is applied which loads up the properties from and places it on the projet extension as a field called cbp.

It also provides a requiresCBP method that will fail the build if a specific property has not been found in


A local plugin that mimics a number of conventions of the builtin Gradle antlr plugin, but is stripped down in functionality and covers just enough to work within the Ceylon build environment.


Activates OSGI support.

  • Adds a ceylon extension to the jar task.

  • Adds a method setAsOsgiArchive() to every Jar task, which can be called to invoke OSGI support on the task, This means that the ceylon extension will become available to be used in th task configuration and that the manifest will be converted an OSGI manifest.

  • OSGI-enabled Jar tasks will automatically configure the OSGI metadata based upon information configured in the ceylon block.

  • Also adds a moduleXml task which is of type CeylonBuildModuleXml.


It’s primary purpose is to copy a module.xml file into the build directory and perform substitutionts. Such a file can then be added to a JAR and/or be copied to the distribution area.


Adds a number of configurations which can be used to configure the necessary OSGI metadata in way that is very specific to the Ceylon build. The file has been well documented and can be used as reference.


Provides capability to read commit info from Git repository or via a project property or via a system property,


A task for generating build identifier from Git

Custom build in gradle folder

A number of common functionality not suitable for buildSrc have been added as buildscript in the gradle folder


Adds common jar and publishInternal configuration. It requires ceylonModuleName to be set before including it. If ceylonSourceLayout is set to false before inclusion it will not set up sourceSets to use the Ant layout.

It assumes that ceylonModuleName is used in a consistent manner throughout a specific manner. This usually works, but there some exceptions i.e. classfile and 'langtools.classfile`. For this case a subproject can manually set ceylonPublishModuleName to the ceylon.XXXX.dir part.

  • Tests are disabled. Need to fix this


For subprojects that have to rely on using the Ant build, applying this will set the appropriate properties and link Gradle lifecycle tasks to appropriate ones in the Ant build.

  • Tests are disabled. Need to fix this

Test status


No tests


No tests


No tests




No tests




Disabled (2 failing tests - 6 more is run by JDK8).




Disabled (compilation failures). Similar issue with ant test.


Disabled (Most tests fail with LanguageModuleNotFoundException).


No tests


Disabled (requires updates to Gradle script)


Disabled (imported Ant tasks)


Disabled (requires updates to Gradle script)


Disabled (requires updates to Gradle script)

Generating OSGI headers

In order to deal with OSGI headers, the GRradle osgi plugin is applied and a custom task extension is added to the 'jar` task. This is activated by applying the CeylonBuildOsgiPlugin. Other Jar tasks can have this fucntionality actived by adding setAsOsgiExternalArchive() (for external artifcats) or setAsOsgiArchive() (for Ceylon-specific artifacts) to the configuration block. Both cases enable a new extension block called ceylon but the configuration options are slightly different:








Set the symbolic name for this bundle. Affects Bundle-SymbolicName.




Sets an OSGI bundle version. If not set will use the value from exportedBundleVersion. Affects Bundle-Version.




Provide one or more modules that will be be dynamically imported. This is done in key-value format i.e. PackagePattern : BundleVersion.




Provide one or more modules than are excluded above and beyond the standard list. Using this with the assignment operator will ovveride all existing excluded modules.




Sets the exported bundle version. Affects Export-Package.




A postfix to identify external dependencies which make up parts of the Ceylon distribution. Defaults to 'CEYLON-DEPENDENCIES-v0'.




If set to true, a new OSGI manifest will be created irrespective of whether the JAR contains a valid OSGI manifest. Defaults to `false.




Provide one or more module names for which resolution:=optional will be added to Require-Bundle attribute irrespective of whther the module is marked optional or not




Set to true if `javax.lang.model.* needs to be imported. Defaults to false.




Sets the location of the module.xml file in a lazy-evaluatable manner as long as Gradle’s project.file method can resolve it.




Path to a JAR where to read the original manifest from.