Simulation of the magma ocean and atmospheric evolution of Earth assuming it initially possessed 5 times as much water in the oceans as it does today. This result approximately reproduces Fig. 1 in Hamano et al. (2013).
Date | 08/21/20 |
Author | Patrick Barth |
Planet name | Earth |
Initial water content | 5 TO |
Modules | AtmEsc, MagmOc, STELLAR |
Approx. runtime | 1 minute |
Evolution of atmospheric pressure (top), mantle temperature (middle: white line), cumulate and melt fraction (middle: black and grey areas), and water content in the different reservoirs (bottom: atmospere - red, magma ocean - green, solid - blue) for Earth with an initial water reservoir of 5 terrestrial oceans. The red arrows indicate the catastrophic outgassing of water into the atmosphere when the melt fraction of the mantle decreases rapidly.