This example shows how Earth's interior evolves in a plate tectonics-like mode.
Date | 10/03/18 |
Author | Peter Driscoll |
Modules | RadHeat ThermInt |
Approx. runtime | <1 second |
This example shows the thermal and magnetic evolution of Earth's interior from ThermInt and RadHeat. The model is 1-D and many free parameters have been tuned to reproduce Earth's current properties. Earth is divided in a core, mantle, and crust. The evolution depends only on the temperature of the core and mantle. These figures are similar to Fig. 5 in Driscoll & Bercovici (2014).
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Nominal thermal history of the Earth, mantle and core. Radiogenic heating is from RadHeat. Magnetic moment evolution is estimated from the core energy balance and inner core growth.