db-errors plugin for objection
This plugin maps database errors using the db-errors library. By default objection throws whatever the database client throws. The default errors are usually difficult to reason with. This plugin along with the db-errors library try to provide more manageable errors.
Every error class found in require('db-errors')
can also be found in require('objection-db-errors')
. See
db-errors for detailed documentation.
Error handling is something that should not need a plugin. The goal is to eventually merge this into objection core if people find this plugin useful.
const { Model } = require('objection');
const { DBErrors } = require('objection-db-errors');
// Usually you want to map each model class's errors. Easiest way to do this
// is to create a common superclass for all your models.
class BaseModel extends DBErrors(Model) {
module.exports = {
const { BaseModel } = require('./BaseModel')
class Person extends BaseModel {
static get tableName() {
return 'Person';
module.exports = {
const { UniqueViolationError } = require('objection-db-errors');
async function something() {
await Person.query().insert({ id: 1 });
try {
// Try to insert a model with an existing primary key.
await Person.query().insert({ id: 1 });
} catch (err) {
console.log(err instanceof UniqueViolationError); // true