This app supports iPhones and iPads running iOS 10 and above.
Built with Xcode Version 9.4. Written in Swift 4.1.2
This sample project initially displays a list of the most popular New York Times articles from the last 7 days.
I implemented MVC pattern for this project.
One of the main motivation points behind the featured(popular) articles list was that they all contained thumbnail images which made the app look really nice on startup.
I look forward to your feedback!
- Base URL: http://api.nytimes.com/svc/mostpopular/v2/mostviewed/all-sections/7.json?api-key=sample-key
- Example URL: http://api.nytimes.com/svc/mostpopular/v2/mostviewed/all-sections/7.json?api-key=60aeaeae7fff4477958cfe2a8a6a76f5
- API Documentation: http://developer.nytimes.com/docs/read/article_search_api_v2#h2-requests
- Created a new project in Xcode.
- The app open to a view controller with a table view embedded in a navigation controller.
- For each article returned from the response, the table view cell should have the article headline and a thumbnail image from that article.
- Imlemented Pull to refresh functionality on tableview to fetch latest articles.
- Showing articles in decending order by date.
- Implemented unit test case by using XCTest, to achieve good code coverage
- When a user taps on an article, it will push a detail view controller onto the navigation stack and present some details about that article.
- Select NYTimesAssignmentTests file and in this file there is diamond symbol icon. Tap on this icon to run the test cases.
- Its work on Red Green Refactor. Icon will be green once your test cases will pass otherwise it will be red.