Scripting Markup Language is a custom easy to use markup language with HTML-like syntax with extra features that transpile to Javascript and HTML.
The idea of SCML was to give simple markup extra features, that anyone can easily get started with and get a web page running with little knowledge of JS. It allows you to write less and get more! It is written entirely in the Rust programming language.
To download the binary for the cli click
For Linux users: Place the binary in your /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin directory to make the CLI command globally accessible
You might need to run the chmod command first chmod +x scml
For Windows users:
Open start menu,
Type Edit environment variables Open the option Edit the system environment variables Click Environment variables... button There you see two boxes, in System Variables box find path variable Click Edit a window pops up, click New Type the Directory path of your .exe file Click Ok on all open windows and restart the command prompt.
- To use the CLI: Assuming I have created an SCML file called file.scml and I wish it to be transpiled to a new JS and HTML file called home.js and home.html, open your terminal and run the command
scml file.scml home
Easy!!! 😃
SCML gives features that allow you reuse HTML segments, import SCML files, and reuse segments from other SCML files.
SCML html segments are enclosed in square braces as such:
<p>hello world</p>
This is a simple anonymous HTML segment that can't be reused. To create a named segment that can be reused, the syntax is as thus:
[html segment_1]
<p>hello segment 1</p>
<p>are you ready to go</p>
where segment_1
is the name.
Note: Segment naming follows the same protocol as variable naming.
To reuse a segment, simply use the syntax in[segment_name]. Let's take the example above: Presuming I have an anonymous segment and I wish to reuse segment_1 in it
<p>hello world</p>
Since the content of segment_1 is:
<p>hello segmnent 1</p>
<p>are you ready to go</p>
The transpiled HTML content would be
<p>hello world</p>
<p>hello segment 1</p>
<p>are you ready to go</p>
Go ahead and try it on your own.
With SCML, you can also nest import. Take the following example:
[html seg_1]
[html seg_2]
<p>hi dear</p>
Notice that seg_2 imports seg_1 but the final segment does not directly call seg_1. But because the anonymous segment calls seg_2 which calls seg_1, it would import seg_1 along with it. And this can go on 20 layers deep 😱
Note: Avoid importing segments in itself.
SCML also allows you reuse other SCML files. Instead of rewriting headers and footers for every HTML files, you can easily create an SCML header and footer file, then import it to be used in your current file using the syntax inFile[path_to_scml]. Sweet right? 😁
Let's look at an example. Create a file called header.scml and add the following content to it
<h1>Header section</h1>
Now create a footer file called footer.scml and add the following content
Now finally create create a file called file.scml and add the following content
<p>This is the body</p>
This would replace the inFile with the content of the file when you run the command
scml file.scml app
Assuming the files you import have segments eg header.scml has a segment called one as thus:
[html one]
<p>one here</p>
When this file is imported to another scml file, the segments can also be reused eg:
<p>body here</p>
Note that this segment one isn't in the current scml file but in the header.scml file. But since the file has been imported, the segments are available in the current file.
Another great feature is that you can also nest importing files eg:
<p>this is file one</p>
<p>this is file 2</p>
<p>this is file 3</p>
Notice that file 1 is imported in file 2 while file 2 is imported in file 3. When File 3 is transpiled, it would contain the contents of file 1 and file 2 because it is dependent on file 2 which is dependent on file 1. And of course you can reuse segments in either file 2 or file 1 from file 3.
Adding comments is pretty simple. To add a comment to your SCML code, just start the line with "####" to comment out a particular line
[html ind1]
####this is a comment
Commented sections would not be included in the transpiled HTML
Note: Avoid using extra spaces when importing files eg: inFile[ file.scml], inFile [file.scml] would be ignored.
SCML also supports generic segments. This allows you to create a segment template and call it with the parameter values eg:
[html seg_1]
<p>My name is {{name}}</p>
<p>I am {{age}} years old</p>
in[seg_1:[name="valentine" age="50"]]
This would replace where you called the segment with the following value
<p>My name is valentine</p>
<p>I am 50 years old</p>
Note that after compiling, the generic segment template is deleted
SCML also has some helper functions that transpile to your regular javascript. But don't be afraid, this syntax helpers also feel like regular HTML 😁
Please note that when using JS helper functions the following syntax structure is to be followed
<tag id="id_here" helper_func>
Every tag that uses JS helper function must have an ID and the helper function should come right after the ID. eg
<p id="tag1" append="Let's go there!!!"></p>
If you wish to assign class or extra attribues to the tag, it should be added after the helper func eg
<p id="tag1" append="Let's go there!!!" class="class_one"></p>
and be sure to use the protocol for naming variables when naming ID because in some cases, some ID would be used as variable names. Improperly formatted syntax would be ignored. Also note that not more than one helper js function should be used per tag else, only the first helper function would be used and the rest ignored.
And finally, avoid reusing segments that contain helper functions since reusing replicates the ID again and ID has to be unique to a tag in HTML
To limit text in a tag, use the following syntax:
<p id="id" limit=10>This text would be limited to the first 10 char</p>
This would limit the text in the tag to the first 10 char
This allows you to get the content of a tag:
<tag id="id" innerHTML=var1>get this content</tag>
This would get the content of the tag and assign them to the variable name var1 we decleard above.
To append text to a particular html tag, use the following syntax:
#to dynamically add static string
<p id="tag1" append="Let's go there!!!" end></p>
#to grab text from a string and add it dynamically to another tag using the append helper function
<p id="id2" innerHTML=var2>get this text</p>
<p id="id3" append=var2 end></p>
This helps you dynamically append the text "Let's go there!!!" to the tag using JS. The end helps specify the end of the sentence or variable. Notice in the second example how i dynamically extracted text from the first tag using innerHTML and used the append to append it into another tag
To get the imput from a form:
<input id="id" getValue=var2 type="text">
This would get the value of the form input and asign them to the variable name var2
To disable form input or button
<input id="id" disable=true>
This would disable this form input. It could also be used for button, textarea, etc.
You can also write you JS expresion that would be run with an event listener inside your SCML script
<button id="id"
click={ console.log("hi");
let c=500;
This would run the js expression with the cick event listener. Other supported event listerners include: click, abort, change, animationstart, canplay, copy, dbclick, drag, drop, fullscreenchange, hashchange, input, keydown, keypress, keyup, message, mousedown, mousemove, offline, online, pagehide, paste, pause, play, playing, scroll, search, seeking, seeked, select, volumechange
To format a interger number or a float number:
<p id="id" formatInt>100000</p>
<p id="id" formatFloat>100000.978</p>
Modify visibility of a tag:
<p id="id" visibility=hidden>Hide this text</p>
Other options other than hidden include: collapse, visible, initial, inherit
To format a date in-between a tag to dd/mm/yyyy format
<p id="id" formatDate=dd/mm/yyyy>2020-06-10T17:47:29.156Z</p>
Other date format that could be used include: mm/dd/yyyy and yyyy/mm/dd
To format date to reflect time ago eg 3 days ago, 10 years ago, etc
<p id="id" formatTimeAgo>2020-06-10T17:47:29.156Z</p>
To format currency to dollars:
<p id="id" formatCurrency="dollar">12000</p>
Other currency options include: dollar, pounds, naira, yen, euro, and franc
To reverse the string in a html tag:
<p id="id" reverseString>reverse this string</p>
To shorten numbers from 1000 to 1K or 1000000 to 1M:
<p id="id" shortenNum>10000</p>
To dynbamically update a tag with a form input:
<p id="write_here"></p>
<input id="id" onChange=write_here>
As the content of the form input changes, the tag with id write_here is dynamically updated
To submit a form input to an endpoint:
<form id="myForm">
<input name="email" type="text"/>
<button id="mybut" submitForm[]=myForm>click</button>
notice in the button tag, we did id="mybut" submitForm[]=myForm. We pass an id to the button, followed by submitForm[] which contains the submit url, followed by the id of the form we want to submit.
To create a share link to social media (this is only used with the a tag): This is to share the default page url
<a id="id" shareDefault="facebook">facebook<a>
While to share with a custom page url
<a id="id" shareCustome[custom_url]="facebook">facebook</a>
Other social media that can be used apart from facebook include: twitter, linkedin, whatsapp, telegram and reddit
To create a click to copy button:
<p id="copy_me">i want to copy this</p>
<button id="id" copyArea=copy_me>click</button>
Pass in the id of the area you wish to copy to the button. And it would convert it to a click to copy button.
Oragbakosi Valentine