diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d4b0adf..525ef85 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@ I have build a weather app. In this app you'll be able to find out the live weat
-In this app i have used
-async and await.
-Futures and how to work with them.
-Network with the Dart http package.
-APIs and get data from the internet.
-JSONs and parse them using the Dart convert package.
-Passed data forwards and backwards between screens using the Navigator.
-Handle exceptions in Dart using try/catch/throw.
-Lifecycle of Stateful Widgets.
-Geolocator package to get live location data for both iOS and Android.
-TextField Widget to take user input.
+I have used
+1- async and await.
+2- Futures and how to work with them.
+3- Network with the Dart http package.
+4- APIs and get data from the internet.
+5- JSONs and parse them using the Dart convert package.
+6- Passed data forwards and backwards between screens using the Navigator.
+7- Handle exceptions in Dart using try/catch/throw.
+8- Lifecycle of Stateful Widgets.
+9- Geolocator package to get live location data for both iOS and Android.
+10- TextField Widget to take user input.