Object-oriented Lua bindings for ImGui
This has been attempted naively, so you may encounter my strange code structuring. Feel free to contribute better solutions!
#include "Lua-ImGui/lib.hpp"
std::vector<lib::window> windows;
lua_State *l_G = luaL_newstate();
#include "Lua-ImGui/helper.hpp"
#include "Lua-ImGui/bind.hpp"
int main() {
lua_bind::init(); // Initializes the "ImGui" global
-- Lua state is not closed, since element callback functions are stored in the registry
-- If you have a better solution, feel free to make a pull request!
-- Main window
local Window = ImGui.new("Window", "example title")
-- Inner elements
local Label = ImGui.new("Label", Window)
local TabSelector = ImGui.new("TabSelector", Window)
local Tab1 = TabSelector:AddTab("Tab1")
local Tab2 = TabSelector:AddTab("Tab2")
local Button = ImGui.new("Button", Tab1)
local Slider = ImGui.new("Slider", Tab1, true) -- (boolean: 3) aligns it side-by-side !
local ColorPicker = ImGui.new("ColorPicker", Tab2)
Label.Text = "Lua-ImGui Example"
Slider.Text = "Slider Example"
Button.Text = "Button Example"
ColorPicker.Text = "Color Picker Example"
Slider.Min = -10
Slider.Max = 10
Button.Callback = function()
ImGui.new("Label", Tab1).Text = "Hello world"